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jca's avatar

How is the weather in your neck of the woods today?

Asked by jca (36062points) December 14th, 2013
53 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Today, Saturday 12/14/13 in the Northeast, we are getting snow from the storm named Electra. Right now there are only about two inches of snow outside, but it’s supposed to snow all day and we can get up to 10 inches in my area.

I was going to take myself to a mall to look at some holiday décor. I was going to go out early and just stay out for a few hours. I have not had a chance to go to any stores yet this holiday season, and I wanted to do a little today but when I woke up at 7 am, it was already snowing with freezing temps, so no going out for me.

How is the weather in your neck of the woods today?

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anniereborn's avatar

It’s a beautiful winter wonderland out here in Chicagoland. Temps in the low 30s with light snow. In my neck of the woods we’ve gotten about 3 to 4 inches so far. A bit more is expected.

livelaughlove21's avatar

100% chance of rain and about 55 degrees in South Carolina. Blah…

Coloma's avatar

The Sieera Nevada foothills are gorgeous this last few days. We had a big snowstorm last Friday/Sat. and there is still a good amount of snow lingering but, ramped up to the mid-50’s to low 60’s the last few days. The snow is slowly melting but it is warm enough to go without a jacket and sit outside in the sun. :-)

livelaughlove21's avatar

@anniereborn I grew up in Chicago. Here in South Carolina, 3–4 inches of snow is considered heavy snow, and it’s enough to close all schools, government buildings, and most businesses. People forget how to drive and they use sand on the slick roads instead of salt. Different worlds…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We’ve got 10 degrees F, snow since last night, 8 to 10 inches of snow by tonight. We’ll be going shopping, but I’m staying off the hills.

jca's avatar

I’m feeling ecstatic because my daughter is at my parents’ for the weekend, so it’s really nice to have the house to myself and to be able to watch what I want on TV. I’m planning on doing some reading for my book group, maybe watching a series “marathon” on Netflix, and maybe later I’ll take a nap.

I am thinking about people who work in jobs where they don’t get paid if they don’t work and they can’t leave if they’re at work (for example jobs in retail or a coffee shop or something). I am feeling grateful I never had a job like that. Also, I am thinking of the retail industry in general, how a big storm like this keeps people out of the stores on a weekend so close to Christmas.

I took a walk outside to get something out of my car and even though there’s not a lot of snow yet, it’s very icy underneath the snow.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
janbb's avatar

About 32 and light snow here so far. Supposed to get about 1 – 3 inches. Having a party tonight but I think I’ll be o.k.

Pachy's avatar

48, cloudy, damp. (yawn)—think I’ll go back to bed.

Smitha's avatar

Here it’s just clear skies. Low around 70F. It’s always hot and sunny here, I’ve never seen snow ever ! :( In India I would have to go to the Himalayas (North India) to see snow.

Pachy's avatar

Several business associates just returned from a week-long business trip to India—Delhi, I think—and told me they enjoyed it. I’d love to go too one of these days.

Have a happy day, @Smita.

Coloma's avatar

I wanna go to India too! I want to feed the rats in the temples and see tigers and Cobras and, and,....

zenvelo's avatar

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we’ve awakened to freezing temperatures for two full weeks now, something we are not really prepared for. I am getting tired of it.

Wednesday afternoon I ran in Oakland, beautiful warm afternoon, wearing shorts and a t shirt while I ran. So comfy! And then BOOM! Three hours later the sun is down and I am freezing again.

I need a beach and warm water.

gailcalled's avatar

An hour or so north of @jca, I am preparing for 8”-9” by tomorrow morning. I am about to fill up several stockpots with water, have a shower, do the laundry and thaw some soup for easy heating on my gas stove top. (Thank you, deity of choice, for my gas stove).

I have a corded phone, a new novel and season three of The Sopranos, my headlamp and family down the road with a good generator in a crisis.

Three dark-eyed juncos hanging around on my deck. Milo inside staring at them with great interest…he may see an invisible sign that says “Specialité de la mason.”)

janbb's avatar

@Milo – Frodo says hi! We are having a party tonight – wanna come?

ragingloli's avatar

Cold, dark, cold.

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glacial's avatar

C-c-c-cold. And expecting tonnes of snow tonight.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: Milo here; The only way out of here later will be by huskies and sled. Does Frodo have them on speed-dial? (Thanks for thinking of me, but I will probably spend the next 24 hours attached to Gail since, if nothing else, she does provide heat.)

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

The little dab of snow we got last weekend is holding. We haven’t been above freezing for over a week, but nothing violent has happened yet. No sun. The sky is a blanket of white more consistent than that on the ground. The cold is driving woodland critters up into our yard seeking food and water. My daughter is feeling pretty lazy today (like mom), but I’ll send her out in a bit to leave a tub of drinking water for them. They came in waves yesterday. Squirrels scratched around for a couple of hours. Birds came through next, little hoppy ones. Suddenly I noticed dark forms as I crossed the room, and there were the turkeys. Only minutes after they left, deer began a few tentative steps this direction. There were four this time, and when they finally all got to the yard, they found little remaining to pick through. They were disappointed, but when I called softly to them from the window, they listened, and seemed reassured to hear my familiar voice. I haven’t bought corn for anybody yet. I sure wish I had some hay. It’s kind of expensive, and I don’t have a source.

jonsblond's avatar

We received 8” of snow since yesterday afternoon and it’s still snowing a little bit. My daughter and I had a great time playing in the snow last night. I’ve spent a lazy morning watching television and looking out of the window at the beautiful scenery, but now it’s time for me to get outside and see if we can make it out of our driveway. Our driveway is 500 ft long and we only have 2 shovels (no plow or snowblower). This will be fun!

ucme's avatar

Mild still, considering the time of year.

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s the typical pea-soup weather here in Tacoma, WA. 43ºF, cloudy with a light drizzle. I call it “free air conditioning”.

hearkat's avatar

We’re a bit north and west of @janbb, so we’re further from the coastline; this puts us in the 3–6” snowfall range, before it changes over to sleet and ice later. There’s only about an inch that has fallen so far… enough that the kitten was annoyed and came back in after 5 minutes. @thatturtle has a lamb shoulder (part of the half-lamb we bought from our local farm a couple weeks ago) with potatoes, turnips, onions and carrots (all bought yesterday from the organic farmer at the next-to-last market of the season sob) roasting in the oven. I just woke up from a nap about a half-hour ago. A lovely Saturday.

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Kardamom's avatar

I’m almost embarrassed to say that it’s sunny, clear and warm, about 68 degrees.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom Up yours lady. :)

Kardamom's avatar

But Addy, I don’t get to make any snowmen, or eat icicles or sled down a hill : (

But on the other hand I don’t have to shovel snow out of my driveway, take my neighbor’s dog out for a pee break in the freezing cold, or slip and fall on the ice. Actually my neighbor slipped and fell in the rain that we had last week and broke her arm. That’s why I’m walking her dog.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom Snow does make everything pretty and the birds love my feeders in the cold. Plus the cold culls out some of the idiots, so I guess it isn’t all bad.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Right now it is raining heavily. I have a day out in London tomorrow so hoping it will clear up!

cookieman's avatar

7–15°F, cloudy all day. It started to snow at 5PM EST. Supposed to go all night.

My wife and I had our annual marathon Christmas shopping today – 8AM to 6PM. Got about 75% done.

flutherother's avatar

Mild but windy, rain heavy and horizontal.

Adagio's avatar

Auckland, NZ, glorious day, clear blue sky, sunshine, humid 25° C

trailsillustrated's avatar

Sunny, warm, (25c) no wind, should be a perfect beach day. South australia

glacial's avatar

Now -30C (-22F) with the windchill, and starting to snow. I walked to the store earlier to pick up a few things so that I could work at home for a few days, and couldn’t use my keys when I got home, because my fingers were numb. :/

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It was pretty damned cold in Winnipeg today (as usual). (-19 C / -2 F) with a sharp breeze!

Cupcake's avatar

Snowed nonstop yesterday and today. It’s very pretty out, unless your view is from the car getting stuck in the end of our driveway. We had to dig out the car and bundle up to go see friends down the street for dinner. Then we had to brush off the car after dinner to go back home. The toddler has learned to lean his head back and open his mouth to welcome the falling snowflakes as he gets carried inside so that his boots don’t fall off in the driveway snow.

ETpro's avatar

North Shore above Boston. We’ve got maybe 5 or 6 inches on the ground now and it’s coming down 2 inches an hour with 50 MPH winds.

Smitha's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Wish you too a great day!
India is an awesome country and you should definitely go! Due to several highly publicized sexual attacks, women travelers nowadays are canceling or avoiding trips to New Delhi.

Coloma's avatar

Amazing day in these hills, pushing about 65–66 degrees, still some snow but going fast. From 18 degrees last weekend and about 8 inches of snow here to springlike weather. Only in California. haha
I am wearing sandels and a summer skirt and a lightweight long sleeve top. Off to run around now on this magnificent afternoon.

glacial's avatar

Having just come in from three hours of shovelling, I’m happy for you, @Coloma!

longgone's avatar

Wet and foggy.

Coloma's avatar

Interesting observation here today. Cruising down the sunny road into town my car registered 66 degrees, but, once I hit the Main St., all shady, in a hollow of our little Goldrush town, with the plowed piles pf snow and other lingering snow, the temp. dropped to 58!
Interesting little observation. :-)

zenvelo's avatar

@Coloma is in the foothills, but down here in the Bay Area we have and freezing weather every morning for over two weeks. It’s been getting into the fifties during the day, but an hour after sundown it’s cold again. I am getting tired of it, it is not supposed to be like this in California.

jca's avatar

@Coloma: I have to give you credit for wearing “sandals and a summer skirt and a lightweight long sleeved top” in 60 degree weather. I think I would be a bit chilly dressed like that in 60 degree weather.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
zenvelo's avatar

Finally, a morning where it is only down to 36! No more frost!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t remember above 32 degrees. Between 15 and 16 inches of snow at my house.

gailcalled's avatar

17˚ F and going up to 20˚ today, southeast of @Adirondackwannabe and north of @jca. and 3400 miles east of @zenvelo.

jca's avatar

Yeah Sunday was not bad but today, Monday, is supposed to be colder and windy.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
gailcalled's avatar

^^ Thanks for sharing. i am about to head out.

Kardamom's avatar

Yesterday, it was sunny and 80 degrees at 9 a.m.

jca's avatar

@gailcalled: I bet you’re in today! (Tuesday).

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
gailcalled's avatar

@jca: Unless that’s popcorn falling from the sky, I am, thankfully. How was your shopping orgy?

jca's avatar

@gailcalled: I had a great, busy day yesterday, and just made it back in time to put some stuff in the house and pick up my daughter by the 6:30 after school program deadline. Today we’re stuck in the house. It’s not restful being stuck in with a 6 year old. We may go sleigh riding later, if the roads are ok.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)

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