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GloPro's avatar

Why should we choose you?

Asked by GloPro (8404points) May 26th, 2014
44 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

There is a huge meteor headed for Earth, and it is certain the world will be destroyed. We have room for a limited number of humans in our emergency bunker. You will be chosen based on what you will bring to the new world. It doesn’t have to be a skill or trade. Maybe you just make us laugh. Maybe your family has never seen disease.

Why should we choose you?

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talljasperman's avatar

I have extensive memory for Earths culture and history, from 33 years of television and book learning. Like the human books at the end of Fahrenheit 451. Female relatives live to 92.

Coloma's avatar

Humor, brains and a lot of knowledge about nature, animals, raising livestock, gardening and I can design a pretty cool dwelling too. I would be a great asset to a new colony of humans, but make sure someone else can do the heavy lifting to build the shelters and we need a wine maker and brewer too. I can plan the vineyard layout someone else needs to build the barrels. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

If you don’t I’ll shit down your ventilator. You really want that?

ragingloli's avatar

Because if you do not, I will infect myself with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, raise an army of Super Mutants, storm your pathetic bunker, and force the adults to watch as I turn all the children into more Super Mutants.
Only once all your children are obedient Super Mutants and your bunker lies in ruins and ashes, you have my permission to die.

dxs's avatar

Because I’m an aspiring math teacher.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Coloma's avatar

@ragingloli Meh…I think you should sacrifice yourslef for the greater good, we will plant you in the garden so our pumpkins will grow extra big. lol
@dxs Yay! You can calculate how many feet of lumber we’d need to build a giant tree house.

Berserker's avatar

You shouldn’t chose me. Lawl.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Sorry, sarcastic as usual. I can grow just about anything, I’m good with livestock of all kinds, I know native plants, I’m a deadly shot and I have firearms, and I love to laugh. That last one might come in handiest.

El_Cadejo's avatar

You probably shouldn’t chose me. While I think I’m very talented in a wide variety of things, if looking at a sample of the entire human race, I am no where near the top in any of them. There would thus be far better candidates than me.

That’s ok though, I’ll enjoy watching the large meteor hurtle toward earth before the final oblivion.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline Why not. You can entertain us if things get black.

Berserker's avatar

If zombies show up, you’ll have a use for me. ;)

ucme's avatar

This penis must be used for breeding, would be criminal to waste such a glorious organ

jaytkay's avatar

I can make alcohol from raisins and bread.

Seek's avatar

You wouldn’t, if I’m honest.

I’ll be a great asset to the zombie apocalypse – I can build a fire that will last all night and know how to cook primitive-style and am not squeamish about gutting and skinning my kill. In fact, give me a cast-iron stockpot and I’ll make a gravy out of the sweetbreads. I’m learning now how to spin thread and weave it into cloth. In the next year I plan on growing my own flax, and turning it into a garment from plant to gown.

But I don’t have the genetic chops to make it as part of a “new world” project. Bad teeth, pregnancy and birth complications, poor vision, and gallbladder disease.

So y’all strong, pretty-toothed, well-sighted breeders with functioning digestive systems have fun, I’ll hold down the fort here on Earth-AH (after Humanity)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Don’t choose me. If the world as we know it is going to be blown up, let me die with it.

Coloma's avatar

@Symbeline The frack you say! YOU shall be the zombie bartender in charge of the never ending kegs of home brew in the new world. lol

hearkat's avatar

No reason. I’m a middle-aged, overweight, chronically-in-pain, no-longer-fertile lump of flesh just passing time. My vocation will not have high priority in a ‘survival of the species’ scenario.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@hearkat Hey come on. You’re witty and sharp, you’d be a definite asset.

Coloma's avatar

@hearkat Hear hear…so what…you can be the camp cook and wise old crone. lol

ibstubro's avatar

You shouldn’t choose me for the bunker, but call on me to be on the enrollment committee. I don’t have a burning need to live, but I’d like to try and make the surviving race better.

turtlesandbox's avatar

I’m nurturing, yet strong when I need to be. kind of like Carol from the tv version of The Walking Dead.

“Just look at the flowers Lizzie!”

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t choose me. Having to compete for a place means having to show off all my talents to you, and that will make me an arrogant person. I don’t want that.

And I’m curious to see what happens to me after I die too :p

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Because I’m a telephone sanitizer.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@SecondHandStoke You part of the B-Ark?

Haleth's avatar

Yeahhhh, I don’t think they’ll need wine know-how in the brave new post-apocalyptic world. Like, “Oh, the 2003 chateauneuf-du-pape is drinking quite nicely right now. The 2005 is still young.”

You can ferment basically anything into booze, as long as the beginning ingredients have enough starch or sugar in it. I might be able to Mcgyver up a still of some sort, to make really terrible moonshine.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I’m with @ibstubro. I don’t feel a need to be saved, but I could pick “em. I do try to raise my daughter though, to be someone the community can’t do well without.

GloPro's avatar

@ibstubro I think it’s great that you realize you don’t have what it takes and wouldn’t compete, but would gladly interview. You’re hired!

@Seek Not squeamish is great. I wouldn’t sell myself short if I were you. And you’re quite the walking historian.

@Haleth Well, if you can make booze you’re in. Bring @jaytkay with you.

@talljasperman If your female family tree could BREED until the 90’s you’d be a sure thing.

What do I have? Birthing hips and a strong back. Someone else has to take the kids, though.

Berserker's avatar

@Coloma Heh I can live with that.

GloPro's avatar

@Symbeline Work it out with @Haleth and @jaytkay and you three can run the New World bar. It’s pretty much a necessity.

JLeslie's avatar

I will likely not make it into the bunker. I don’t have a skill that is particularly rare, I am almost past fertility age (forget that I had fertility problems to begin with) and I need thyroid medication every day.

What I can contribute if I make the cut is I have a better than basic knowledge about medical things, although not close to what a doctor can offer. I will cook and help care for people and have a few entertaining stories. I could teach school I think to help educate the next generation. I am very patient when I train/teach. I could also teach some dance and swimming if we ever get out and see the blue waters again.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I’ve hoarded ALL the booze.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You shouldn’t want me. But you will. Because people always want what they shouldn’t have, and do what they shouldn’t do.

gailcalled's avatar

You shouldn’t.

talljasperman's avatar

I’m a great story teller. When I’m in the mood.

Coloma's avatar

@gailcalled Why not? You can be the tea brewer and oatmeal maker and Milo can be head mouser. A fine team methinks!

gailcalled's avatar

Too old and too cranky. Milo is no longer a spring chicken either.

GloPro's avatar

We need old, cranky people to keep the kids in line. Parents these days are pushovers.
Not that I believe you to be old or cranky.

Coloma's avatar

@GloPro But not too old, I am sandwiched between two old ladies in this neighborhood and they drive me fucking nuts! No 90 something yr. old gossipy, snipey, nosy, complaining oldsters. Just freaking shoot me if I get there, I beg of you. lol

ibstubro's avatar

For the record, I did not say that I didn’t have what it takes to compete, but rather that I have a fairly weak survival instinct so I cede my potential seat to someone else. I’d rather be a founding father of the new race than a charter member.

Coloma's avatar

@ibstubro But…you could decorate with antiques and find hair removal lotion on sale. lol

ibstubro's avatar

Not to mention hoarding a lifetime supply of clothes for every living member, @Coloma. I’m good with food, too. If I gave enough of a rat’s rumps to struggle through, I’d be the ideal Supply Sargent!

Coloma's avatar

@ibstubro You can gaurd the food locker, do not let anyone steal my Avocados!

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