Meta Question

UnholyThirst's avatar

Have you ever been discriminated against?

Asked by UnholyThirst (1508points) July 25th, 2014
58 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

What was the last incident like?

I’ll share mine:

UnholyThirst I’ll be leaving a nice little comment about discrimination on your website, hearkat.
7 a.m.
hearkat We don’t discriminate
7 a.m.
UnholyThirst BS

hearkat We have quality standards that we ask all members to adhere to
7:01 a.m.
hearkat Friday
6:59 a.m.
UnholyThirst You can say that all you want but that’s what is happening. We don’t answer lame mommy questions or relationship questions because we don’t care. When we do see something of interest we’ll answer it.

hearkat How are we discriminating if we simply ask you to adhere to the guidelines and terms & conditions of the site?
7:02 a.m.
UnholyThirst People want an online forum to meet new people and discuss different topics, not be lead around by “moderator’s” that turn this into a police state

hearkat to which you agreed upon joining?
7:01 a.m.
PhiNotPi Fluther does not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, or religion.
7:02 a.m.
hearkat and you are welcome to do that here
7:03 a.m.
Seaofclouds Fluther is not an online forum. It is a question and answer site.
7:03 a.m.
hearkat discuss DIFFERENT topics
7:03 a.m.
UnholyThirst We do adhere to the guidelines. We are refraining from “conversing” inside questions. Why don’t you police all the others?

UnholyThirst We also don’t start trouble but your other members do that quite a bit

hearkat We won’t deny that, and we do trt to stay on top of it all
7:02 a.m.
UnholyThirst I have a Vampire question, your “jellies” answer it. That’s adhering!

hearkat You are Jellies, too
7:03 a.m.
hearkat That is what we call ALL members of the site
7:04 a.m.
thorninmud entered the room. 7:03 a.m.
UnholyThirst You act like the police. You Google’d all of us and found we used to be on Yahoo Answers! WTF? Who does that? Who as a website like yours would do that and for what reason other than to pry?

UnholyThirst I like this site but, this is getting really F’ing ridiculous

UnholyThirst Going to kick me off?

Seaofclouds We do that to protect the site. We’ve had spam attacks and trolls in the past. So if we have concerns, we investigate them.
7:06 a.m.
hearkat Only if you don’t follow the guidelines
7:04 a.m.
UnholyThirst From what I see, your jellies like us for the most part

UnholyThirst I do follow your hitler guidelines.

hearkat THat’s what you see – there is much that you don’t see
7:06 a.m.
UnholyThirst Show me

hearkat Then you’re welcome to stay
7:05 a.m.
UnholyThirst If you turn us away, you’re site is dying. You need to grow.

hearkat We don’t post the comments and flags that are sent to the team privately’
7:05 a.m.
UnholyThirst Uh huh.

hearkat If we had a dollar for every time someone told us that!
7:07 a.m.
hearkat Ha!
7:06 a.m.
Seaofclouds Our site has been around for almost 10 years now.
7:08 a.m.
UnholyThirst Jokes about discrimination. Very nice

UnholyThirst And Fluther is by far from popular

Seaofclouds These guidelines have been in place for most of that time and all users have to follow the guidelines or risk suspension/banning.
7:06 a.m.
UnholyThirst I really don’t care. I’ll tell you what, I’ll grasp what others think and then if they want us to go, we’ll go.

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UnholyThirst's avatar

I have met some very nice people here…GloPro, Adiron, Stoke…to name a few. You all have been very welcoming. The almighty “mods” will probably remove this question for various reasons only they know but, they’re running us off.

Mastema's avatar

Once you built, now you run away, the world is coming down. Leave your mark upon the graves of your stillborn, just wrap it up in plastic. Isn’t killing things fantastic? Come on and put on your war paint!

All hail the MODS!

I’ve been discriminated against, mostly everyday of my life. Why stop now?

hearkat's avatar

We have many individuals and characters on this site, and all we ask is that each member follow the guidelines. We simply let you and your friends know that we will be asking you to follow those, as everyone else does.

UnholyThirst's avatar

@hearkat The ONLY example of anything you’ve said that we’re NOT doing is answering MOMMY questions. Why would we have to? Your view isn’t like ours. Instead of being disrespectful, we choose not to answer. Nothing nice to say, don’t say anything…unless provoked.

bluish's avatar

Oh come on guys, if you don’t like this site just go find something else. There’s no reason for this.

hearkat's avatar

@UnholyThirst – We mentioned parenting questions as an example, we are not saying that you should ONLY discuss those things.

We also informed you that Fluther is not for social networking – there are many other sites that are better-suited for the type of interactions you are looking for.

Response moderated
jonsblond's avatar

<——this lame mommy does not only talk about lame mommy stuff. that would be so annoying if I did

GloPro's avatar

Oops, my opinion was not allowed.

hearkat's avatar

No, @GloPro – naming names of someone not active in the thread – especially with negative connotations – is not allowed.

We were engaged with the chat that the OP copied and pasted here when you made your flags, so we have not had the time to look into those just yet.

We have MANY different personalities on Fluther.

Seaofclouds's avatar

[Mod says] Posts naming names have been removed. Please remember that we do not allow naming specific jellies. Continued posts naming names will also be removed.

hearkat's avatar

The fact of the matter is that we have allowed most of your content, with the exception of off-topic banter.

We simply sent each of you a reminder that now that we’ve given some leeway as new users, but now that you’ve been on the site for a while, we will be expecting better adherence to the guidelines from this point. We then suggested that you look for a more socially-oriented site that is better suited for your role-play, because a discussion-based Q&A site doesn’t seem to be the right fit for your group.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Wait, what are the newcomers supposed to have done wrong? I don’t get it. Commenting on only one kind of topic is not unusual.

dxs's avatar

I might be missing something in this story, but in all fairness, the original idea of Fluther was that everyone is an expert at something, and when we all come together, each other’s questions can be answered. However, I do question the accuracy of some of your posts, @UnholyThirst. I’m not sure if it’s just your personality or style, but regarding factuality, vampires have never been proven to be real to me, and I’m not ready to get into a Celestial Teapot argument.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (8points)
hearkat's avatar

@dappled_leaves – It is also taking the role-play into other conversations that aren’t about the vampire experience, on every interaction. We simply asked them to ease-up on the role play.

Pachy's avatar

Hahahaha, @UnholyThirst. You think gently being called out by a benevolent Fluther mod for not following simple house rules is discrimination??? You should try living as a woman in Iraq, or a Jew in Iran, or a child in Gaza or Africa, or the first black U.S. president.

Response moderated
janbb's avatar

A clique (cabal?) that arrives with seemingly only one perspective and agenda damages the quality of the site.

Mimishu1995's avatar

So the vamps receives warning because they are being vampires all the time?

Seaofclouds's avatar

@dappled_leaves The ghost only responds to posts about ghosts. The alien discusses other things in addition to his tentacles. We are simply asking them to tone it down and not bring the vampire role playing into every discussion on Fluther they participate in.

canidmajor's avatar

OK, I’m confused. A member of a bunch of new users that are part of their own fantasy role-playing group is upset because s/he was modded for the same reasons that all of us get modded, refers to ”...hitler guidelines…” (Hitler? Really? You might want to do a little historical research) and copies/pastes a conversation from chat to prove this point?
How does this involve discrimination beyond the regular policing of the site content?

@UnholyThirst, I honestly don’t understand where the “discrimination” is. I get that you may be a bit upset, and I understand why, I hate to have my priceless posts taken away, as well, but “discrimination”?

ucme's avatar

When I was a little kid I got a pink skateboard, a birthday present from a confused aunt.
As a defiant challenge I chose to play out on it, intended as a one off, self mocking gesture.
Some bigger boys came &...well, let’s just say they made me weep, I recovered.

dappled_leaves's avatar

My response was modded because I mentioned a specific username, so I will leave this post to say that I was referring to “the ghost” and “the lolly” as only a couple of examples (I could leave more) of other users who create utterly fictional personas and are not troubled by moderation. It’s a double standard, whether the mods want to admit it or not.

UnholyThirst's avatar

@canidmajor I couldn’t agree with you more. I was completely wrong in my actions. Someone quick, please reprimand me.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@dappled_leaves Just because you don’t know they are “troubled by moderation” doesn’t mean that is not the case. People have been talked to in the past about things like this, it just stays private. This would’ve stayed private as well if the OP hadn’t decided to bring it out in the public. We try to respect our users privacy when it comes to moderation.

canidmajor's avatar

@UnholyThirst : my question to you was honest. I don’t see how it involved discrimination. I’m not sure exactly what you’re agreeing with.

Unless, of course, your response to me was simply verbal eye-rolling because I am too…what?... Dense? Unenlightened? to understand?

Still don’t get it. I ask again: how is this discrimination and not simply over zealous modding in your opinion?

And to answer the main question, yes, I have indeed been discriminated against, and it bore no resemblance to what you claim you are experiencing here.

janbb's avatar

A former Jelly and I were told years ago that we were bantering too much on threads and to reduce it. It hurt and I was bothered for a time but Auggie and the mods were right to request it. It was privately done so no-one else would be aware of it.

I occasionally make responses in Penguin but only rarely do I assume that birdona. Generally I answer from my own reality.

UnholyThirst's avatar

@canidmajor I’m unfamiliar with you meaning, I’ve not had any conversation with you. I don’t think you realize what the entire story is nor will I repeat it here. Let’s just stick with the general discussion, as you’ve already answered entirely. Thank you for the well thought response.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think people are losing patience with the vamp claims, nothing more. Maybe we need to lighten up and just let them play for awhile, they’ll get bored as soon as you don’t give them attention. They’re still people who can participate with us, who may need help, who may just want companionship.

It’s only discrimination if they are held to different rules than the rest of us. If they post a question and/ or a legitimate answer, what else is required? I’m not gonna lie, if mods researched me and told me, I’d think it was a little overboard as well.

Personally, I think it’s fun, and they certainly are more refreshing than trolls (see what I did there? lol)

UnholyHunger's avatar

^^ Yes. Trolls are the worst.

Vampires are much better. Vampire-Cookies are, of course, the best.

dappled_leaves's avatar

^ Case in point.

syz's avatar

Oh, good grief! What’s with the drama? Must we go through this every time someone gets their panties in a twist?

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (8points)
GloPro's avatar

But whose panties were in a twist first?

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
GloPro's avatar

Well, apparently the offended tried to keep it private and the mods tried to control personalities privately. I don’t believe being picked on or given different limitations should be kept private.

jonsblond's avatar

I know two people who were told that their Finnish affair had to move to pm’s and could not be shared publicly on threads. No panties were twisted and no meta questions were asked. just sayin’

cookieman's avatar

now we’re twisting panties.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I still don’t understand why people who ask questions about moderation have to be belittled as “creating drama” or “getting their panties in a bunch”. It’s not helpful to anyone.

GloPro's avatar

@syz I agree that no one is forcing anyone to participate. So those jellies that do not like the influx of new members or their personalities also have a right to leave, no? The choices are to leave, to stay. To get along, to avoid.

Or to control how and when someone responds.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
GloPro's avatar

I mentioned earlier in chat that the new members are asking and answering their own questions, and occasionally questions asked of those who have accepted them. Why should they not be allowed to participate in their own questions as they wish to?

They are not invading every question asked, hardly so.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@syz I did not say that they were. I don’t think they are, no. But if that is your complaint, why not address it straight on, instead of escalating any unpleasantness?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh brother. The Mods do a good job. They’re the only reason this site is still up and running and available.

I’ve been moderated a few times that I thought was unfair, but as an adult I just shrug it off and move on.

Seaofclouds's avatar

[Mod says] Flames off folks. There is no reason to get personal or belittle anyone. We understand users sometimes feel the need to ask questions like this. These questions can only harm the site if we allow it to do so. Flaming each other does just that. Please discuss things calmly and disagree without being disagreeable. This is in meta, but attacks and flame bait will still be removed.

GloPro's avatar

@Dutchess_III You were asked to change your personality?

Dutchess_III's avatar


Lost you @GloPro. Don’t know what you’re talking about.

GloPro's avatar

That is essentially what the new jellies are being told to do. Diversify the questions they answer to the more mundane ones they have no interest in, and stop being so dark. And knock of any inference of vampires.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@GloPro That is not the case at all. As we have said before, we are simply asking them to keep the vampire role playing to related questions and not carry it to unrelated questions. They were not told they could not ask questions, just that the questions must meet our guidelines.

UnholyThirst's avatar

To my knowledge, our questions do meet the guidelines.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been asked to modify my behavior, but not change my personality.

Responding to Unholy Thirst’s last comment, “If they want us to go, we’ll go.” I don’t care if you go or stay, but I’m not particularly interested in the things you talk about or the things you’re interested in. I don’t bitch and complain about them, I just ignore them.

This question doesn’t meet Fluther standards. You didn’t ask this question to get answers. You asked it so you could have a soapbox to stand on and present your personal agenda. The fact that they allowed it to stay, and are even participating should tell you something.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@UnholyThirst Which is why they are still up. I was merely saying you can continue to ask what ever questions you want, as long as they meet the guidelines, just like every other member of Fluther.

Response moderated
dappled_leaves's avatar

“You didn’t ask this question to get answers. You asked it so you could have a soapbox to stand on and present your personal agenda.”

Seriously, @Dutchess_III? 90% of the questions you ask exist only so that you can chat with people about things that are going on in your life.

@KNOWITALL Exactly. When people find it cute, it’s not a problem. When people don’t, it’s suddenly a problem.

Blondesjon's avatar


Coloma's avatar

@UnholyThirst This is not discrimination, this is you refusing to adhere to the site guidelines. Look, pretty simple, if you think you can breeze into Fluther town here and appoint yourself Sheriff, deputy and mayor and expect your lone presence is magnificent enough to change an entire community guideline, well, no offense, but maybe it’s time you mount up and ride off into the sunset.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Coloma I thought you’d be all about individual rights to expression?

They must really annoy some of

hearkat's avatar

[Mod says] The issue has been discussed further with the OP, and has been settled at this point. Therefore, we are closing the post but leaving it visible to allow the community to know what transpired.

Any additional concerns can be addressed by contacting the Mod Team via the link at the top of the page, also accessed here: (for those who may be on mobile).

This discussion has been closed.

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