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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do you believe in the existence of signs and premonitions, and why or why not?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) September 9th, 2014
14 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Two weeks ago I asked a question about an unusual V of waterfowl headed South. Wicked Vamp suggested it was marking a change of seasons for me. Then I get a series of events, weddings, bats, etc topped by the rabies crap. You have someone hand you a healthcare proxy and get told “you won’t be able to make any decisions” and tell me that’s not going to rattle your cage, at least a bit. Think any of it is connected. I’m curious to hear other thoughts. Have fun with it. I’m not sure of my thoughts on it.

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dappled_leaves's avatar

No, it’s all just the random crap that constitutes our lives. Humans like to find patterns in things. It’s what we do. You’re looking for a grand, unifying message, when in fact there is just life.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
– Hamlet

Yes, I believe the natural reality is one much hidden to humans, and within this existence, vastly fantastical beyond any concept we are capable of understanding.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Geese fly in a V formation.

It’s all coincidence. I would LIKE to believe in signs an premonitions!

When my Dad died we went to Fla. for his funeral. He lived on Amelia Island. One day, while we were there, Rick and I didn’t some sight seeing. Went to the harbor….and there was a boat there called the Miss Val.

My son, who is really into herpetology, got to see a sea turtle laying eggs, which is a very rare sight.

My daughter found a shell that had a ♥ shape worn in the middle of it.

ragingloli's avatar

You mean like bad luck when a black cat crosses the road in front of you?
Or walking under a ladder?
Breaking a mirror?
Friday the 13th?
rabbit paws?

Of course not, that would be stupid.

syz's avatar

Of course not. That’s just silly.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (4points)
snowberry's avatar

Yes, but not in the context you describe. It’s not about me.

ucme's avatar

I see signs all the time when i’m driving, including my own “fuck you” finger salute aimed at shit drivers.
I think it’s a siiiiiiiiiiiiiiign…....hit me baby one more time!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Why is it necessary for some to attribute silliness or stupidity to perceived premonitions?

Is not enough to claim that one doesn’t believe in such things? Must a judgment accompany the claim? Would anyone like if others claim that insensitivity to such perceptions are silly or stupid? Really now, billions of people throughout history claim experience of premonitions. Is it logical, or fair, to wave them all away with soundbite insults?

I’m not saying there is anything spiritual involved at all. But myth and folklore often arise out of observation of fundamental truths.

Consider the perceived bad luck someone might have by “walking under a ladder”. I personally don’t believe there are demons ready to plague those who might. But I do see a deeper notion where those who are careless enough to do it are probably more reckless and thoughtless than those who don’t. If so, then probability math may confirm them to be more accident prone, or as some might say, unlucky.

Point being, if you ever catch yourself walking under a ladder, then consider the rest of your life actions may also be reckless and thoughtless. You may have some trouble up ahead if you don’t pay attention when committing such errors. Perception, and premonition of these mishaps have allowed the human race to survive unto this day. I see no reason to toss them aside as meaningless. They may actually be part of our evolutionary strategy for survival.

WickedVamp's avatar

“All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.” Bruce Lee
Synchronicity has a way of leading you to another place, another season, another world outside the world you’ve known.

Dutchess_III's avatar


ibstubro's avatar

Tonight I walked out of the garage, and a massive owl flew from it’s branch into the woods.

Should I kiss my arse goodbye?

rojo's avatar

I think that hindsight is a wonderful thing and that it is fairly easy to go back and find the harbinger of doom for any event. If you so desire.

I have found that fortune cookies are also 100% accurate if you try hard enough.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@rojo… in bed.

rojo's avatar

In bed, on the floor, behind the barn, in the back seat of a ‘63 Dodge Dart, wherever…..

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