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hug_of_war's avatar

What should I do about my mental health crisis?

Asked by hug_of_war (10735points) September 13th, 2014
11 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m very depressed, and really, really, really anxious. I’m lonely and utterly alone. I don’t know what to do. I’m probably not going to kill myself so I’m not going to the ER.

I don’t have anyone to talk to. I also am autistic and traditionally haven’t had success with general therapists who don’t understand how my diagnosis affects me and there are no local psychologists who work with high-functioning adult autistics.

I feel really close to something, I’m not sure what it is, but I’m really on edge.

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janbb's avatar

I suggest you find someone to talk to who can help. This website is for the National Institute of Mental Health and at the bottom of the page is a phone number you can call when in crisis.

I Googled mental health crisis and a number of good crisis hotlines came up but since many of them were for my state, you might be better off googling that for your area. If you need help finding one, let us know.

If you have n internist or GP, you can also reach out to them.

If you truly do feel suicidal, do go to the ER.

If you can go out of your house, try to take a small walk, maybe in a park or on a beach.

Breathe deeply and focus on your breath.

And sending you a big hug – it is not a fun state to be in.

Haleth's avatar

It sounds like you might be having an anxiety attack? Even though you’re not suicidal, the ER might be a good idea anyway.

Good luck, I’ll be thinking of you. (Hugs)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Please think you are not alone in feeling the way you do. Alot of us are in the same boat and urgently paddling to keep afloat. When you say “alone” do you mean no immediate family either? Follow the above advice and find comfort in walking or jogging. Get medication no matter what it takes you to do so.

kevbo's avatar

I don’t know how to account for your experience with autism, because it’s not part of my experience, but my way out of 20 years of depression turned out to be spiritual and very simple. Check out Mooji (he’s a guru) on YouTube and see if that helps. Follow any other advice that people here give, but let my suggestion be part of the mix.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh Hug. This just breaks my heart. We’re here, for what it’s worth. We love you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Are you willing to share where you live? Not exactly of course, just within about 20–30 miles. You’ve been on this site long enough to know that most of the people here are actually quite caring and, dare it say it, loving! If you were near me I would meet you for breakfast / lunch / dinner in a heartbeat.
I’m sure some jelly near you would do the same – if you let them.
Don’t be alone. If you met you would make the lives of 2 people better.

hearkat's avatar

@hug_of_war – I have recommended in other posts that you reach out to student services at the school in order to get connected with an advocate, due to your special needs. Have you done so? The school also has counseling services available for students.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness ( has a page for adults with autism. and can help you find mental health resources near you – free, if needed

You may feel lonely and isolated at the moment, but you are not alone in spirit. We care about you and want to see you succeed. Unfortunately, we can’t get you the help you need – it is up to you to reach out and ask. College was a pretty miserable time for me, because I am very far on the scale of introversion, but I still can only imagine how difficult this is for you.

You fought long and hard to get yourself this opportunity to move forward in your education and to get yourself into the career you’ve been wanting for a long time now. Try to think of this challenging time as an investment in your future and a stepping-stone to your independence and success. Keep your eye on the prize, as they say – and don’t allow yourself to get dragged down by this loneliness. Become you’re own best friend – it made a great deal of difference in my own life!

Can you go out for a walk and familiarize yourself with the campus or neighborhood? Sometimes just getting out and moving around can help shift one’s mental attitude. Do you have a piece of music that perks you up and gets you feeling empowered and motivated? Give it a listen! And whatever you do – don’t give up and don’t give in. You deserve better, but only you can get your to where you want to go. <3

hug_of_war's avatar

My closest friend and ex just killed himself, I don’t know what to do

janbb's avatar

You do need some support to deal with that if you are fragile already. Is there a family member that you trust to call.

I looked up the link that @hearkat provided for your university’s counseling services and it does seem that you could benefit from counseling with them but they might not be available until Monday.

It might be well-worth going to an ER even if they don’t admit you. They may help you with the anxiety or put you in touch with a crisis center.

gailcalled's avatar

Reesources from the OSU counselling page.

If you are feeling suicidal, PLEASE contact someone who can help NOW
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800-273-TALK (1–800-273–8255)
National 24/7 suicide hotline: 1–800-SUICIDE (1–800-784–2433)
Columbus, Ohio Suicide hotline: (614) 221–5445
OSU Reach Campaign
Suicide hotlines in Ohio
Save-Suicide Awareness
Military Veterans Suicide Hotline: 1–800-273-TALK (Press 1)
Suicide Hotline in Spanish: 1–800-273-TALK (Press 2)
LGBT Youth Suicide Hotline: 1–866-4-U-TREVOR
Often crises occur for students when our center is closed. You can call NetCare Access (614) 276–2273 or go to the OSU Hospital Emergency Department (614) 293–8333.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@hug_of_war I want you to think about how their actions made you feel. You probably have other people that think of you highly. Do you want to do that to someone else? It hurts to go on, but others are relying on you. Please think it through, and tap some of the resources that the other jellies have given you. Yeah, life sucks at times. It’s also pretty great at times. Please try and fight through these feelings right now. You can PM me if it will help, or we can go to chat. I’m here.

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