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Araphel's avatar

If you could invent one thing to make the world better what would it be?

Asked by Araphel (1675points) October 6th, 2014
28 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

What would you invent?

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chyna's avatar

I would invent a way that would keep all children safe from being hurt or molested.

Araphel's avatar

@Chyna that would save many from pain, heartache and abuse, wonderful answer.

anniereborn's avatar

I would invent a way for everyone across the world to have free and clean water at their disposal.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Obviously we agree @Araphel A lightning bolt that smites child, sex,and animal abusers. And religious fanatics of all kinds.

majorrich's avatar

I would endeavor to invent a cure for stupid.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would invent a way to stop cruelty.

CWOTUS's avatar

A bullshit detector. With national elections coming up, it would have to be a super-duper duty cycle industrial grade version.

kritiper's avatar

An incurable, rapid spreading, fast acting, 100% fatal illness that only kills humans. We humans are only vermin that the planet and all other life forms could do without.

cheebdragon's avatar

@kritiper and killing off the human race would accomplish, what exactly?

Here2_4's avatar

A machine which creates the perfect weather for crops. No more guessing whether there will be food. no more shortages caused by flood or drought. No citrus ruined by freezing.

Smitha's avatar

May be a stress control machine. Almost everyone’s life is full of stress and all are so busy that they hardly get time to pay attention to the stress that’s killing them from inside. Would love to invent a machine that help people to spend a peaceful and healthy life by eliminating all stress out and making them feel more relaxed to perform their everyday task more accurately and sensibly.

ragingloli's avatar

perfect answer

ucme's avatar

Eradicate petty minded dumb fucks.

syz's avatar

A secret neutering ray gun that I could use on all of the stupid people.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Mastema's avatar

I would be the voice of reason. Me.

Bill1939's avatar

A new source of energy that is cheap and does not pollute.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Some kind of a manual explaining to religious fanatics that safe birth control is actually a good thing for man kind and the planet.

janbb's avatar

A machine that prevents murder and war.

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, great. @janbb wants to totally kill the movie industry, except for zombies and vampires, I guess.

Where’s the fun in that?

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS We’d just have to have many, many more rom-coms, I guess.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Gag, how does that make the world better?

gondwanalon's avatar

A nuclear magnetic resonance analyzer to identify and measure all blood chemicals as well as all free flowing cells in vivo. Oh and also perfect cold fusion.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Jobs/a livelihood for everyone!

CWOTUS's avatar

Well, @janbb, as von Clausewitz has noted that “War is the continuation of politics by other means,” I would like to point out that rom-coms are also another form of politics. If we can apply some mathematics here:

War = politics
Rom-coms = politics
therefore, rom-coms = war. And you want to stop all of that.

Here2_4's avatar

I’m for ending all com-coms.

Blondesjon's avatar

I would say beer but that one was invented long ago.

I guess I’d like to invent Beer Plus. It has all the qualities of regular beer minus the hangover. In fact, the more Beer Plus you drink, the healthier you become.

Nobel prize in everything, here I come.

kritiper's avatar

@cheebdragon It would be curing the Earth of the deadly human plague. Forgive me, I thought I made that clear.

Esedess's avatar

Think of a computer desktop. Now imagine if you never knew how to organize or dig through folders in that system. Everything you ever downloaded, stored, or created would simply be another icon directly on the desktop. What a mess. After a few years, that machine would be an impossible task to sort through, find information or programs on, and just generally use in any efficient manner.
Well that’s how we teach our children to use their brains. We throw them into school at a young age and say, “learn now” without ever teaching them 1st, how to learn. They ask, “how?” And the best we can provide is the method we used to get where we are. Essentially, looking at information over and over again and trying to remember it until some sticks. What an asinine method. There is a more efficient way to use the mind.

PE teaches you not to lift with your back, 1st because it risks an injury, and 2nd because you can lift more with your legs. Well what class teaches you the mental equivalent of how to lift with your mind? There is none, and there should be.

I would create a new field called Cerebral Ergonomics (CE). The classes designed around this field would focus first on teaching children that they can learn; that learning is easy; and most importantly, how to learn… How to best organize the mind, and consciously, where and how to place new information. Then, how to retrieve it efficiently.
Spending a year on how to learn before an influx of information is poured on kids, would accelerate and improve the process at every step to follow.
Just as we continue with PE throughout most of our school-life, so would be the case with CE. Higher level classes would work on even more elaborate methods of the mind. Learning to think acoustically and kinesthetically; learning to think with smell, and taste, and sound, and radical empathy. Learning to think consciously with all forms of internal imagery and whatever else can be added to the list to change the geography of the brain and bring new mind to bear on new matter.

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