The trap itself.
True story. I friend f mine had a small garage with a flat roof that began to leak. He decided he would cover the roof with a sheet of rolled rubber roofing that gets glued in place. The rolls weighted about 100 pounds. Rather than ask for help he tried to do the job himself. Impossible! After a few feet the roll got a little sideways and while he was trying to straighten it out he stepped in the sticky glue which spread to the top side of the material, which spread to him, which spread to… The material folded over and glued to itself. Things got worse and worse as he tried to unstick himself until he finally rolled the mess up into a ball and threw it off the roof to be thrown away. $500 down the toilet!
I asked if I could have it. I took the giant, wadded up ball of rubber and goo and slowly stretched it out and sprinkled talcum powder all over it to cover the sticky spots. I placed it on the ground in my woods to make a nice camping spot for tents. It has been there for about 10 years and is still nice. The material is supposed to last 50 years! I believe it.