Social Question

ucme's avatar

If it were theoretically possible to view a trailer of your (2015) year to come, would you be tempted to watch?

Asked by ucme (50047points) January 13th, 2015
21 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Or take a pass, me, i’d rather take stuff in my stride.

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dappled_leaves's avatar

These days, trailers show too much. Hardly worth watching the movie afterwards.

ucme's avatar

This question came from my daughter, I happily obliged, if only I could give myself her a GQ.

zenvelo's avatar

I’ll pass. Why take the surprise out of life?

Consider the GQ I gave you as meant for your daughter.

ragingloli's avatar

There already is one
Granted, the ending of the movie is completely wrong.

ucme's avatar

@zenvelo Just as I said & yeah, bit crass to reveal yourself, but i’ll pass on your gift to her.

Here2_4's avatar

Tell your daughter I would watch, but if it gets me ticked off, I’m likely to throw something at the set. Things are very unsettled right now, and 15 could end up being tragic for me.

anniereborn's avatar

No thanks

rojo's avatar

I would like to also find out if there are going to be any sequels.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’d be tempted to watch to see how projects I’m working on turn out and my kids have got things they’re working towards. However, I think I’d resist. I think if I knew how things were going to turn out, it would affect the decisions I make along the way. That takes the fun (and challenge) out of it all.

To Miss Ucme, this is a very good question. Well done.

ucme's avatar

She’s very impressed with the GQ’s & praise, but doesn’t think much of your answe…only kidding ;-}
She asked me the question over the weekend & said that I should present it here, not her exact words, those were…“Dad, will you ask them Americans on that Fluther thing” :D

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Damn. I shouldn’t have answered. I’m a hybrid Pom/Aussie. Sorry Miss Ucme!

So we’ll be seeing your daughter here when she hits 13?

JLeslie's avatar


ucme's avatar

That ship has sailed @Earthbound_Misfit, she’s 15 already, looking forward to college this coming September.

gailcalled's avatar

I wouldn’t even want a preview of what tomorrow will be like.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You’re asking would I like to know the future. The answer is of course YES. The paradox is that I would certainly change some things after viewing the trailer, thereby changing the future.

ucme's avatar

If she wishes, i’m going to allow her to post here when she comes in from school, by way of thanks i’d imagine…hold that page!

ucme's avatar

Hey, its Miss ucme here lol.
Just wanted to say thanks to the people who thought this was a great question.
Especially to @Earthbound_Misfit for your kind words x

ucme's avatar

^^ Atts ma girl xx

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Welcome @Miss ucme. Nice to meet you and you’re totally welcome. Your dad’s a bit of a character hey? In a good way! :-)

Adagio's avatar

In short, no.

ucme's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit The briefest of welcomes, but appreciated nonetheless.
I’ve asked her if she would like to open an account here, but no dice.
I’d be happy to see her on these pages, but its probably for the best, i’d have to mind my language for one & we can’t be having that, dear me no :)

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