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Stinley's avatar

Would you take a food pill?

Asked by Stinley (11525points) March 7th, 2015
29 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Imagine there is a food pill that you take once a day that is completely satisfactory. Your digestion is fine, you are not hungry, you don’t have to think about food at all and you wouldn’t have to cook. Would you take it? If not why not ?

For the sake of argument, the pill works fine. I’m interested in the social effects.

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JLeslie's avatar

I’d take it sometimes, but not daily as long as the pill is small enough for me to swallow or chewable. Eating is part of my enjoyment during the day, but sometimes is inconvenient. I’d prefer a pill for one meal, not a pill for the entire day.

I would take it right now for a week straight to give my digestive system a break, especially my colon. I’m bleeding every day and it’s making my anemia worse.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. It will steal my joy of eating various kind of food. My tongue will be out of work too.

Mariah's avatar

That would be amazing. Getting enough calories into me is a daily battle as I have close to no appetite post surgery and I also get a full sensation very quickly. I recently started counting my calories and learned that I usually eat about half of what I should on an average day. And I wonder why I can’t seem to get above 100 pounds…

I also would have no more worries about various problems food can inflict on me because of my very sensitive gut.

If I missed food I would just eat in addition to the pill. God knows I need it.

ucme's avatar

No, I enjoy holding a knife & fork, cutting portions of food & feeding myself.
The smell/taste/texture of food is entirely the point, it’s not just fuelling my hunger, eating is the pleasure.

Pachy's avatar

Only if I could wash it down with a vanilla malted milkshake.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’d keep some around for backup in case something goes wrong with my food stores out at sea. Shit happens out here and I’m either alone or the responsible party. I’ve been lucky, though. The worst was when I had to go four days on a small tin of salted anchovies and box of crackers.

It was hardly a starvation situation, but it was as close as I ever want to get. I had gone for what I thought was going to be a day-sail in an old, stripped-down, 33-foot Morgan out of Key West and was blown out to sea by a sudden squall coming out of the north-east. I had no stores on board and a case of bottled water. I had one hand-held UHF radio with a range of only a couple of miles on a good day. I was inexperienced and overconfident—in a word, an idiot.

Never again. I am now huge on prep and never leave the dock without a cache of canned goods, including a case of Ensure, that I keep for emergencies. I also carry at least a couple hundred gallons of freshwater in my tanks at all times. If the water ever runs out, I have a water maker. Those nutrient pills you describe, if they kept well at outside temperatures of 90F, or so, would be perfect as an emergency store as they could provide weeks of food, if necessary, taking up very little space in the lazarette.

Otherwise, I’m too much of an unapologetic trencherman to settle for a pill to satisfy my daily nutrient requirements. A gourmand’s needs, unlike a gourmet’s, are simple, but voracious. A pill won’t do it.

anniereborn's avatar

Hell yes I would!!!!

Coloma's avatar

Hell no..I am a foodie to the 10th power. haha
Making home made beer battered Tilapia fillets tonight, my famous cole slaw and oven baked garlic fries. Last night was my awesome cajun chicken and veggies over garlic pasta and the night before my mind blowing chicken pepper “steak” sandwiches. Food is all about sensuality, the sights, smells, taste and presentation.

Can’t get that in a pill. Also can’t make cocktail pills, a glass of chamapagne in pill form, no freaking way! lol

anniereborn's avatar

The funny thing is that I have an eating disorder. I’m a binge eater (no purging). And I love to eat. However, I hate food preparation of any kind. And if I could feel satisfied without all the crap I put into my body and the weight it has put on me, I would be very happy.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Jeezuz christ, @Coloma, I’ll be right over.

ragingloli's avatar

Not exclusively.
I would want at least one hot meal a day. Nutrition is not the only purpose of eating. They enjoyment experienced while doing it is almost as important.

ZEPHYRA's avatar


gondwanalon's avatar

A food pill would likely cause big problems with the digestion system over time. For instance the stomach would likely shrink-up and atrophy as would the small intestines and the colon. A certain amount of dietary fiber roughage is needed in order to maintain good health. The body is good at “use it or lose it”.

janbb's avatar

Oh for heaven’ sake – no! Eating is one of the basic pleasures and you don’t need a partner to make it special.

canidmajor's avatar

I enjoy cooking and eating whether as a shared activity or alone to want a “food pill”.
I love having a food garden in the summer, I wouldn’t want to give that up, either.

And good food appeals to most of the senses, a pill does not.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

As long as it was guaranteed not to cause any digestive problems now or in the future, yes. Often food is purely fuel to me so I’d be happy to take it on those days. However, food is also a social thing and a pleasure so I wouldn’t want to take a pill all the time.

ibstubro's avatar

Quite the opposite.
If I could take a pill that made me hungry all the time without putting on weight, I’d not only take it, I would pay dearly for it.
Like much of life, eating is backwards. When you’re young and dumb and can eat a whole batch of pancakes and be hungry for lunch, you don’t usually savor your food. Then you grow older, eating becomes on of the chief easy pleasures in life, and you gain weight looking at a carton of ice cream.
As usual, youth is wasted on the young.~

anniereborn's avatar

Unless the pills cost a lot, I’d sure save a lot of money on grocery bills!

livelaughlove21's avatar

Absolutely not. Eating is one of my favorite things to do. Give me a pill that would allow me to eat whatever I want without gaining weight and I’m game.

Food is delicious and I just don’t get people that say things like, “eating is an inconvenience/chore,” “I forgot to eat lunch,” or “it’s hard to eat x amount of calories per day.” I plan my entire day around meals, not the other way around. If I wasn’t so anal about tracking my macros in order to get optimal results from my fitness routine, I’d 1) easily eat 4000+ calories per day, and 2) consequently weigh a lot more than my current 120 lbs. And if I wasn’t as vain as I am, I’d be one fat and happy lady.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, if anything, a pill that allows you to eat whatever you want without weight gain or cholesterol worries. OMG…bring on the fried zucchini and ranch dressing and pizza and cheesecake and, and, and….

Kardamom's avatar

Only under certain circumstances (which would probably not happen to me anyway) like having to be locked away in prison or on some type of extended space travel trip, or some type of extended trip on earth where I would be extremely busy and not have time to eat or cook.

In the real world, H*ll no! I love to cook and I love to eat. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures of life.

I like @Coloma‘s pill much better. Eat what I want, when I want, however much I want and not get fat, nor become unhealthy. I could build a castle out of cheese and eat my way out.

Blackberry's avatar

Of course.

Coloma's avatar

Tonight, being a warm springy day, we are making chili dogs, with some yummy, leftover, home made frozen chili over organic hot dogs, with cole slaw and onion rings, and…the obligatory couple o’ Shock Tops porch side first. lol

DominicY's avatar

Only sometimes when eating is inconvenient. Especially when traveling and I know that spending money on a restaurant isn’t a good idea and stopping somewhere to eat is probably inconvenient anyway.

But really, I love food, including cooking my own and I like the social aspect of eating with other people, so it would not replace “conventional eating” (didn’t think I’d be using that phrase any time soon) for me.

Berserker's avatar

I’m a raging carnivore and I enjoy wolfing down food and relinquishing whatever small amount of class and grace which I may possess.
A food pill would be convenient, especially if you’re homeless or you work too much. Having said that, it would find its uses in necessity, although I would never give up the pleasures of feasting if I didn’t have to.

dxs's avatar

To be clear, this pill provides a sufficient amount of calories, right? Good calories? I still have the option of food anyway.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
livelaughlove21's avatar

Those “good” calories again. Ha. I’m pretty sure anything stuffed into a pill would be considered “processed” or “artificial,” and therefore clearly “bad.”~

longgone's avatar

No, I wouldn’t consider it a real alternative. Cooking and baking is fun. Eating is, too.

rojo's avatar

I think so. Can we have a variety of pills providing different caloric levels?

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