General Question

ibstubro's avatar

Is there a song that, for you, elicits the current music trifecta of music, message, and visual resonance?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) April 24th, 2015
10 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

This has always resonated with me.

A video that you relate to hearing, seeing and relating to in almost equal parts at that stage in your life?

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Afos22's avatar

This song resonates with me in the lyrics and in the beauty of the music. and it’s similar in its message to your example.

anniereborn's avatar

This video got to me the moment I saw it. The song still means as much to me today.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Imagine by John Lennon.

Afos22's avatar


ibstubro's avatar

I realize that I can’t give my opinion on responses to this question without assuming the ‘God” mantle.
The question was about you, why would anyone give a crap what I think? lol
Thanks for responding.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Why would we care? Because you are a member of Fluther. We may not agree on your choice or opinion on a particular topic, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t value your questions or insights.

This question is about something personal: a song that tugs at our heartstrings due to the lyrics, music, and visual, be it through an actual video or imagination (no pun intended). I’ve listened to all of the songs posted so far. There is no ideal response here. The ones given only provide more insight into an individual’s mindset as well as an opportunity to move the needle when it comes to our own perspective.

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