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josie's avatar

Do you think Barack Obama has a genuine sense of humor?

Asked by josie (30934points) June 25th, 2015

Outside of the usual media theatre that all presidents engage in.

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31 Answers

Here2_4's avatar

Oh yes. I have seen him discussing personal things, such as dating Mrs. Obama. His delivery can be stiff, sometimes. I think it seems he is afraid he will be taken wrong and look like an ass. I saw him “Slow-jammin’ the news” on the Tonight Show. He’s been great there, and on SNL.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I have wondered this, too. I think he appreciates a good joke. I think he appreciates corny humour a little too much (from Michelle’s reactions, probably way too much). But most of his funny-on-camera moments are scripted, so it’s hard to tell.

Judi's avatar

It’s hard for any politician to really show their sense of humor because every single word that comes out of their mouth is scrutinized. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to be that careful.

Here2_4's avatar

Here is the Preezy of the United steezy with his hair down, a bit.
I think that by merey participating in these things demonstrates a certain feel for humor.

talljasperman's avatar

I remember when he called himself a mutt. Sounds like a funny from the president.

jerv's avatar

I think he does, but for reasons @Judi points out, he hast to watch how he presents himself. It would be bad PR of the POTUS were crude enough to laugh at a fart joke, or tactless enough to gravely insult anyone.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Yes, but a corny one like @dappled_leaves said. In fact, his humor strongly reminds me of the guy who taught me property law. Maybe it’s just a theme with that kind of academic.

Pachy's avatar

Oh yes, I’m sure of it. Only someone with a powerful sense of humor combined with a powerful sense of purpose could take the flack (polite word) he’s taken as Prez.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, and I agree with @Pachy 100%.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve not seen a lot of Obama (not having TV), but I’m convinced he has a great sense of humor. When he looks happy, there’s a joy to it.
Corny = clean. Wise choice for a guy that spent much of his formative years with his grandparents and had political aspirations.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yeah he has a sense of humor and enjoys a good joke.

keobooks's avatar

He has a sense of humor, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing him doing live standup anytime soon. I think he is able to be amused and find something humorous. He’s not very good at being funny though.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he added that “spilled milk” joke in that one speech against the advice of at least one of his speech writers. I’m sure he was like… “No.. It stays in there! Spilled milk! What’s not to love? Comedy gold!” And he was probably slightly confused and very disappointed that it didn’t get more than a polite chuckle.

I am fairly sure that he has a sense of humor. But I’m almost certain that he’s not a funny guy. Those are two separate things. It’s really easy to find things that you consider to be funny. It’s not easy to make other people consider you to be funny.

ibstubro's avatar

@keobooks, I’m fairly sure the POTUS finds it fairly easy finding other people that find him funny.

Crap. Is this one of those cases where you have to “Look into it further?

Here2_4's avatar

This just came to my attention. In three short minutes he proudly displays his big ones, and his sense of humor. I love this clip. View this, then comment on his sense of humor.
He wraps it all in love. It is a whole spectrum of Barackness.

JLeslie's avatar

I think he does.

keobooks's avatar

@ibstubro ehh I think many people might his schticks funny because it’s the President doing schticks. And the idea of a President doing a schtick is kind of funny all by itself. But if some random stranger off the street attempted the same bit, it would get maybe a shrug or a chuckle or two.

Here2_4's avatar

Oh that is good. I watched yours. Did you see mine?

keobooks's avatar

I couldn’t watch the videos last night because I had no earbuds. I’ll admit that he’s funnier than I thought he was.. But “don’t quit your day job..” And all that…

bossob's avatar

I think that he does, and he has a comedian’s good sense of timing. He gets good reviews for his presentation at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

keobooks's avatar

I’ll concede that he may be one of the funniest presidents ever, maybe THE funniest president ever. But when I saw some lists of the top 5 funniest presidents ever, you don’t have to be a comic genius to make the list. It’s not a job where people value or even want you to be funny. Presidents are funnier than undertakers and maybe funnier that Buckingham Palace guards. That’s all I’ll say.

Not thinking he’s hilarious doesn’t mean I don’t like him as a President. I don’t think you have to think he’s awesome at everything to be a fan.

Lawn's avatar

@Here2_4 I watched your video and thought Obama’s behavior was appalling. The man in the crowd was clearly a non-native speaker – he was doing his best to communicate his concerns respectfully. Obama belittled him in front of the entire group.

I thought Obama’s performance on Between Two Ferns was crass and offensive. Galifianakis is a class act journalist – yes, he asks difficult and compelling questions, but he always treats his guests with respect. Obama dodged questions, interrupted the host, and was just plain rude.

Here2_4's avatar

Huh? OMG, are you Galifianakis?

Here2_4's avatar

Of course! What is between two ferns….. LAWN! I sound like I mean it, but I’m just having some fun.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Lawn That is the entire point of Between Two Ferns. Watch other episodes if you’ve never seen it before; the whole thing is a kind of exercise in satirical abuse. Obama’s performance on that was excellent. It’s aimed at young people who are already in on the joke. If you aren’t aware of the show, you probably won’t get it.

ucme's avatar

When he says words ending in S he whistles like the beaver in Lady & the Tramp.
Funny fucker.

bossob's avatar

@dappled_leaves said it right. Obama had never heard of the show before his advisers told him he would be a guest on the show in order to reach a younger audience to talk about the ACA. It wasn’t until he mentioned the scheduled appearance at the family dinner table, that he found out that his girls watch it all the time.

I thought he did a great job adjusting to the host’s style and overall format of the show. His techies claim there was a big surge in interest by young adults after his appearance.

keobooks's avatar

I’m pretty sure @Lawn was kidding about being offended by it. @Lawn was the person who posted the video in the first place.

I don’t think anyone would seriously think that someone who starts things off asking about the Presidential pardon of turkeys was a serious journalist.

ibstubro's avatar

@keobooks,I think serious journalists started asking the President about pardoning turkeys immediately following this tragedy.
It only makes sense.

keobooks's avatar

@ibsturbo That’s ONLY my favorite sitcom bit ever! I post it on Facebook every single Thanksgiving.

Lawn's avatar

Just so we’re clear, I was just messing. I don’t actually believe that Zach Galifianakis is a “class act journalist.” I think the clip shows that Obama has a genuine sense of humor. One of my favorite exchanges:

G: You said if you had a son, you would not let him play football. What makes you think he would want to play football? What if he was a nerd like you?

O: You think a woman like Michelle would marry a nerd? Why don’t you ask her whether she thinks I’m a nerd.

G: Could I?

O: No. I’m not gonna let her near you.

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