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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

When you terminate your account what happens to all of your questions?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) November 13th, 2015
38 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

You terminate your account without extreme prejudice, what happens to all of the questions you have asked? Is your avatar frozen to the one in force when you terminated the account? Does it revert back to the default jellyfish? Do the questions still show in the search link/field?

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Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Your questions are still there because they are linked to everyone else’s participation too. Your responses remain too. Your profile shows Neptune. And your messages to other people, your private messages, vanish. I think this is right anyway.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why you thinking of pulling the plug @Hypocrisy_Central ????

augustlan's avatar

Your avatar will be whatever it was when you quit, unless it’s something obscene or something. Then it would get changed to a default.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 There has been a bullet in the chamber so long if it could rust in there it would. There has been a termination date set long ago. There were just some levels or goodies I wanted to see if I could collect first. Somehow having done it, there is really not much left to do. Had I know it was not off participation but who slaps you on the back I would have been outta hear loooooooooooooooooooooooong ago. The revelation of that did not stem the tide just changed where the breakwater is set.

Cool, at which time the ends does come and on the way out the door my active avatar is Jesus Christ, He will be embossed there indefinitely :-D

jca's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central: I like a lot of things you say. Some of it is crazy, but you are a unique member and bring a lot to the table. Please don’t go.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Cruiser's avatar

Having quit umpteen times I can definitively say all the shit you have written stays and as Auggie pointed out if you do not delete your avatar it stays as well. What is even more disturbing is when you quit you can still google your persona here and Google will find you and your all your posts. So quitting here is only for your benefit. Think of it like running away from home and leaving everything you own behind. The last time I quit here I left this avatar I am using as I just hate all the default jelly avis they offer here.

thorninmud's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Are you saying that you would have preferred a system where you score points just for participating? You’d rather get rewarded just because you typed some text in a box than because somebody read and appreciated what you wrote?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@thorninmud Are you saying that you would have preferred a system where you score points just for participating? You’d rather get rewarded just because you typed some text in a box than because somebody read and appreciated what you wrote?
ABSO-expletive-LUTELY! If the bulk of one’s lurve came like that it would be a zillion times better than what is in place now. If I asked a question even if for no reason people came by was to heckle, browbeat, or try to debunk it, I would know I at least had the audacity to ask and thus provide the reason for Q&A sites to survive, and by that participation I got something out of it even if as small as an ant but I DID IT, and I did not have to cow, bow, grovel, suck up, or people-please to get it. Yeah, way better, why sit around waiting for someone to give you an Atta Boy? That is an indictment of the site culture in itself.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central But, once again, lurve is a game one plays with newbies, not regulars. It doesn’t matter how many old-timers give each other GAs – they don’t get any lurve from it.

If you want your lurve score to go up, the thing to do is interact with new jellies. Solve their problems, offer them advice, tell them what their dreams mean. They are the only ones with the power to raise lurve.

jca's avatar

My pleasure from the site comes from the sense of community, and the interesting interactions with people. Lurve is not even a consideration, for me, as far as why I come or what I post. I mean I like it, I appreciate it, but if there were no lurve I’d still come here as often and participate as often as I do now, with lurve.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
ucme's avatar

They twitch, much like the arsehole of a frightened kumquat thief who barely evaded capture at the village fair. I think this is because they’re excited from outlasting their author.

Seek's avatar

The site does keep track of how many questions and answers you have entered… just click on your profile.

Congrats: you have 10,588 answer “points” and 1,922 question “points”.

thorninmud's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Suppose there’s a guy walking along a busy street and he comes across a guy playing sax on a corner. The guy plays beautifully, and a crowd has circled around him. He has his sax case open on the sidewalk in front of him, and our passerby can see lots of bills lying in the case.

The passerby thinks, “Hey, I play the guitar, and I could use some extra cash. I’m gonna give that a shot!”.

He sets up on the corner across from the sax player and starts playing his guitar, the case open in front of him. He plays just a couple of songs, because that’s all he knows. He doesn’t bother to tune his guitar, and he hits a lot of false notes. There are lots of people going by, but nobody even pauses as they pass him.

After several hours of this, the guy wonders why money isn’t appearing in his case. He’s out there playing, just like the sax player across the street.

He begins to wonder why the sax player is getting all the money. He decides that people must love the sax and hate the guitar. Oh, and the sax player must also be a suck-up, just playing what people want to hear. The guitar player shakes his head, vowing that he would never sell out like that. He feels that the way it ought to work is that for every chord he strums on his guitar, a quarter should appear in his case.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

@thorninmud As much as I love your analogy, I can see @Hypocrisy_Central ‘s perspective too. It’s not that every bit of participation should count .. but participation that aligns with the majority is clearly lurved more. Perhaps that’s what he is talking about when he refers to people-pleasing and patting on the back. Does it matter? Of course not. Who cares? It’s just some numbers on the screen. But it is frustrating to see a valid point unlurved and a snide comment applauded with seemingly blind virility.

With this in mind I propose a different analogy which I feel is more accurate for this current community:
Suppose there’s a guy playing a saxophone. He’s doing good. He’s making money. Lots of other saxophone players stop and applaud him, pay him, and join in. Then a guitar player shows up. He starts playing his own beautiful tune. The saxophone players don’t give him a second glance. They either ignore the guitar player, or praise the saxophone player even more when the guitar player is around.

Catching wind of this – the guitar player tries to play along with the saxophone player. He makes a little bit more money this way.. but he’s still not a saxophone player. So he just doesn’t make as much money. The saxophone is what is played around here… and he has a guitar.

So the guitar player looks for other guitar players.. but there’s just not many around. The guitar players have all come and gone to a street corner where the saxophone isn’t so prevalent.

The most frustrating part of it is that the saxophone street corner has the best venue. The facilities and the acoustics are so nice that guitar players really want to play there. So some come back and muddle along making what they can. Some leave indefinitely.. content to make their money in a lesser venue. Some linger on the outsides of the venue with one foot in the door. They are always on the verge of staying or going. They want to make money, but they also want to play in this beautiful venue. They live in a constant state of conflict with this sad fact.

Occasionally, a guitar player will play a riff that even the saxophone players seem to enjoy. The guitar player is amazed and thinks this will be the breakthrough. This will be the moment where all instruments are finally appreciated equally. Then .. slowly.. one by one.. all the saxophone players turn back around and face the other saxophone players. It’s as if they are saying “great job on that riff buddy.. but watch us play it on the sax”.

ADD version: This community is very “liberal democrat”. Differing opinions aren’t “rewarded” to an equal degree. It’s just life.

thorninmud's avatar

@Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One Oh, there’s no denying that this is a tough crowd for theists and/or conservatives. And yes, that’s life.

I understand (and appreciate) those who say, “I don’t care about the points. Even though my view isn’t popular, I’m going to put it out there anyway”. I also understand those who like getting the lurve and the feeling of social affirmation that goes along with that. But I’m having a hard time understanding “I really care about the points, but it doesn’t matter to me whether people like what I say or how I say it”. That’s a recipe for disappointment if ever I saw one.

Conservatives ought to have an easy time grasping this. It’s a “marketplace of ideas”. If there isn’t a market for the ideas you’re selling, then you either do a better job of marketing them, change locations, or just do it for the love of it ‘cause you’re not going to get rich at it. To expect payment just for putting your goods out there is not a very free-market point of view.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

Right, but it’s a marketplace saturated by hot dog vendors. The bell pepper salesmen are all moving on.

I hope hyp stays because we need to expand the produce variety.

thorninmud's avatar

I’m completely with you on that point.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@dappled_leaves But, once again, lurve is a game one plays with newbies, not regulars. It doesn’t matter how many old-timers give each other GAs – they don’t get any lurve from it.
Then once again, that in itself is an indictment of the culture of the Lagoon. If the newbies are the king makers and reflects how well one helps them or if it rises above their interest level, because you can’t or won’t try to interpret their dream, of figure out why he/she is acting weird towards them after they had sex, or does he/she like me because they do this? Low hanging fruit such as that, and if that is the appetite of new people coming in over questions that has nothing directly to do with them or of social concerns, then why be here if that is not where one is at?

Solve their problems, offer them advice, tell them what their dreams mean.
Most of their problems are unsolvable or easily solved or at least remedied by logic they could do themselves. I rarely go on threads like that because no one can tell me why I dream what I dream, why certain people I hardly ever think of or see only on occasion appear in my dream and those I think of all of the time rarely do or never do, so how can I say why a person dreams what they dream; it is an unsolvable question. And questions of being stressed because their ex is seeing someone else or their best friend, why bother? They are exes for a reason. So what if they move on, get over it, get off it, and get on with it, drop it like it’s hot, don’t lay it down like its warm. If they left you unless they take you back you don’t have them, if they chose another, move on. If you left them, move on, don’t worry about who they see, date of boink; simple logic, it is not rocket science.

@thorninmud He sets up on the corner across from the sax player and starts playing his guitar, the case open in front of him. He plays just a couple of songs, because that’s all he knows. He doesn’t bother to tune his guitar, and he hits a lot of false notes. There are lots of people going by, but nobody even pauses as they pass him.
If that were the case, but it would be more like the guitar player has his ax tuned, and knows lots of tunes, but because he is playing blues and Spanish guitar melodies and the sax crowd wants to hear big band tunes, they don’t care if the sax players hit bad notes as long as they are playing favorite tunes they recognize, or only know half as many songs. How well the music is played has no bearing, but what type of music.

Oh, there’s no denying that this is a tough crowd for theists and/or conservatives. And yes, that’s life.
I have done many questions which had no bearing in faith, or not taking in account a belief in God and it was other people who would inject God in the equation and then get mad at me when I show how they misapplied it, that would be logical, since they are not Believers how could they understand it? If they had the wrong idea of home stereo wouldn’t a professional AV person know better in telling them why their setup doesn’t work? Also, I maybe a man of faith but I am no conservative neither a liberal, belief in God does not a conservative make.

@Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One Right, but it’s a marketplace saturated by hot dog vendors. The bell pepper salesmen are all moving on.
More like hot dog vendors asking for something to put on the dogs to spice them up or add taste and when someone comes with cheese and jalapenos the dog vendors grumble because what they were expecting was mayo. Then grumble some more because they keep getting mustard vendors, which are what they want, so the place is saturated with them, but the taste of the dogs never change or get better that way.

Does it matter? Of course not. Who cares? It’s just some numbers on the screen. But it is frustrating to see a valid point unlurved and a snide comment applauded with seemingly blind virility.
The frustrating part (even more with some latest revelations) is to be asked to participate in a process that keeps things going but then discover what and how you did it had no real relevance and was not really wanted (for lack of a better term). Imagine someone saying ”we need meals for the company buffet, if you have a dish, please bring it”, if you did not do your part, then it would have to fall on enough other people bringing a dish, but if you did not know how many of any were bringing a dish so you bring one, and it was a top shelf dish like BBQ tri tip only to get to the buffet and discover they only wanted beans and dogs, and have them up the wazoo, and to add to it, tell you no one wants tri tip, you might as well saved the effort. Why ask questions on a Q&A site if no one cares for the gravity of question you ask? One would think, contributing ”cargo” (the questions) for the site would be worth some recognition, but you don’t even get that here.

Seek's avatar

It’s not like anyone was hiding the lurve system from you… I’m really confused as to how you’ve gone so long without knowing. It’s gotta be willful ignorance.

Look, you’re upset that each person can only give you, I think it’s 100 clicks, because that means answering stupid questions gets points.

But, if points were unlimited, and all veterans could give them out, you’d also complain because you’re an ideological minority.

Your choices boil down to a) stop complaining, and maybe set a goal that works for you that isn’t dependent on the lurve system ((let’s see if I can get to 2000 questions by X date)) or b) continue to be upset.

But I don’t buy for a second that you’ve spent six years thinking you got lurve as a participation grade.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It’s not like anyone was hiding the lurve system from you…
Point out where I said anyone was hiding it from me; not what I said.

Look, you’re upset that each person can only give you, I think it’s 100 clicks, because that means answering stupid questions gets points.
Wrong again, I understood that, which is why I did not just hand them out like lollipops. Someone had to REALLY make a god point, or comment before I gave out a GA, or it had to be a very insightful question to get a GQ.

But, if points were unlimited, and all veterans could give them out, you’d also complain because you’re an ideological minority.
I am fine with that. I KNOW I am in a minority here, have been for years. I don’t care of one can get 8 Buck Rodger sized points as long as merely participating, giving the site content is supposedly needs to even exist as what it is supposed to be was not 98% reliant on squeezing into a Jell-O mold and being just another stagnant cog in a wheel that seems to not desire any diversity.

Your choices boil down to a) stop complaining, and maybe set a goal that works for you that isn’t dependent on the lurve system
Wrong yet again, I am not complaining, I was asked some questions, I answered them, or cleared up some misconceptions. All of my non-Atta Boy goals I have reached, and there is an end in play, I know you haven’t looked hard enough, but I have stated that. One of the reasons is just that, people would rather stay stagnant in small questions liking more to high school than real and true issues, apart from bashing Christians, Republicans, the rich or conservatives. I need more meat on my mental table .

Seek's avatar

I don’t care of one can get 8 Buck Rodger sized points as long as merely participating, giving the site content is supposedly needs to even exist as what it is supposed to be was not 98% reliant on squeezing into a Jell-O mold and being just another stagnant cog in a wheel that seems to not desire any diversity.

What’s the end of this sentence?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What’s the end of this sentence?
The hot dog vendors say they want a variety but in the real, they only wanted a different type of hot dog mustard not a variety of dishes.

ragingloli's avatar

My son Lucifer will take over the posting.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ You missed the memo…...he already owns the site and have for a looooooooong time.

dxs's avatar

I have plenty of PMs from Jellies who were eaten by Neptune.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ You did not know that until you clicked on them. There are many I discovered were “eaten” but in the thread, or in your PM it never reflects that, then there are others who I have not seen or heard of in years but their account is a cold and dead as a dessert night, but there is still a pulse.

dxs's avatar

But what I’m saying is that theres a jelly who I had a lot of back-and-forth PMs with whose account was deleted but their pms are still there. It’s contrary to what @Earthbound_Misfit said.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@dxs, I don’t know. I just know I’ve gone looking for pms from people who’ve cancelled their account and they’ve gone. I wanted to email someone and I knew their email address was in a private message, the message was gone. It’s happened a couple of times. I don’t know if that’s just a glitch or a routine thing.

augustlan's avatar

@dxs @Hypocrisy_Central @Earthbound_Misfit I think the PMs only disappear when the account is banned. Not 100% sure about that.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I definitely still have PMs from people who have closed their accounts (I was curious and went looking when @Earthbound_Misfit mentioned this. I’m not sure I’ve ever exchanged PMs with anyone whose account was banned.

dxs's avatar

@auggie well that would solve our mystery.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m such a rebel! I can’t even remember who it was now. I just know I wanted to contact them about something and they’d gone along with all their messages, and it’s happened a couple of times as I recall. I remember being puzzled when it happened because I’d always thought the messages stayed. So @auggie’s response explains what might have happened. They were banned for some reason.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ They were banned for some reason.
Maybe not fitting in and causing too many waves or being to blunt?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Or, you know, maybe for an actual bannable offense.

rojo's avatar

Most of the time if you choose to leave the questions, and responses, are turned over to Homeland Security for review.

augustlan's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central You never got banned for ‘not fitting in’, so what makes you think anybody else would? ;)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@You never got banned for ‘not fitting in’, so what makes you think anybody else would? ;)
No, if that were true we would not be speaking of this now. However, I did not get a head cuffed and sat in a corner because what I said was so well received and inline with what the masses was saying ~~~ ;-)

augustlan's avatar

For privacy reasons, I can’t talk publicly about any ‘corner sitting’ you did…but if it happened, it wasn’t for that reason.

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