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yukie's avatar

Is A Guy Interested In A Girl If He Checks Her Out Or Looks At Her From Head To Toe?

Asked by yukie (15points) March 12th, 2016
15 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I went to a restaurant earlier today and I noticed this guy kept looking at my face as I was heading in his direction for a couple of seconds. Then later, I saw him look at some other people and then he looks back at me from head to toe-he was literally scanning my body. After he was done, he kept looking at the floor/ground like he was thinking about something. Was he interested? I mean, I was not wearing anything revealing.

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Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. He is interested in you. But why he is interested needs to be called in question. Maybe you need to watch out for him next time.

Judi's avatar

Sounds creepy to me

LuckyGuy's avatar

Rude. You should avoid guys like that. That behavior can only lead to trouble.

AshlynM's avatar

Possibly interested. No way to know for sure. In the future, I’d avoid guys who do that.

jca's avatar

The question is, are you interested in a guy just because he acts like he’s interested in you?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Jak's avatar

If you go anywhere with him be sure to have a friend take your photo first.

ibstubro's avatar

Was this a total stranger or an acquaintance?

If it was a total stranger he might have mistaken you for someone her knew. You might have reminded him of someone from his past and he was trying to remember who, and decide if you were one and the same.

I know I’ve done that. Glanced and someone and thought that I either know them, or they looked just like someone I did. And I do exactly that – stare when they aren’t looking and then look away thoughtfully.

Cruiser's avatar

I thought the same thing as @ibstubro.

As a guy…if a lady passes by that is attractive I will notice her and if she appears interesting, I most certainly will then look at the woman head to toe just as I know a woman will do the same if she is interested in a guy.

gorillapaws's avatar

It means he’s interested in SOMETHING. I’m 100% with @Judi on this one. What that SOMETHING is could be anything from taking you out on a nice date, to cutting you into little pieces and eating your organs. Guys with class and respect for women don’t behave that way. That behavior should be seen as a major red flag. Be safe.

jca's avatar

@yukie: How old are you?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
chinchin31's avatar

Maybe he just finds you physically attractive. Men are visual creatures. All men check out women.

It is an instict. It could mean something or it could mean nothing. Maybe you are just very attractive. Don’t read too much into it. Men never stop checking out women. Even married men do it. They were built that way.

Maybe he is just imagining you naked and what it would be like to have sex with you.
Physical attraction does not always equal like. It could just be sexual attraction. You deserve more than that.

He could also be a rapist and a psycho killer. Who knows. Especially if you don’t know him you should make a note of it but be cautious around him. As women we can always feel when someeone is creepy. As a woman you should always be cautious in the back of your mind. HE might have good intentions but he could also not.

Be aware of it but don’t read to much into it.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


The shoes you are wearing tell me much about you.

It doesn’t mean a lack respect or a plan to place your liver in a bowl of milk.

As is the case with many things context is key. I’m not going to “scan” you in the first half hour.

Instead I’m going to listen to you. I’m going to read your body language. Are you a humorless idiot? Are you willing or able to show your true self? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Your own clothes? Your own head?

Years ago I found myself living back in my parent’s Florida hometown.

The female clients in the office next to mine were talking about their visit to Atlanta. “Atlanta guys are so stuck up” one said.

I laughed quietly to myself. No, we are not stuck up.

We are properly discriminating.

syz's avatar

Maybe he’s a sexist jerk.

syz (36018points)“Great Answer” (0points)
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