(For one, Fluther detest polls, even though 98% of the questions are de facto or quasi poll questions)
Well, off the preponderance of the evidence many who believe they are in love or in a deep seated infatuation, long-term lust, of a caring situation with passion maybe, but there are no true roots there. If you go into a relationship expecting to receive something back in like manner there maybe is no true love there. If you love someone, you love them, no matter if they do not love you back, and you don’t keep score of what wrong or hurt they done to you, and you excuse it, not bring it up at some future disagreement. People have more love for their children or pets than they do for their spouse. Lust is like fine sawdust, or lint, at a flame and it almost combust; it is gone so fast you hardly had time to view the flame. Lust masquerading as love is like a stack of newspaper, it will burn for a minute, certainly long enough to see the flames and feel the heat, but certainly not lasting. True love is like a fat almost green log, you have to use kindling and work it, to get the bigger twigs to burn to ignite the log, but once you get the log burning, it will burn for some time. Even then, you have to keep adding logs or the flame goes out. True love wants to do over and above for the object of that love no matter what, and if the other person thinks likewise, then they are trying to outdo the good they are doing for the other. If it comes to ”She no longer cooks for me I am not washing her car”, ”He doesn’t remember my birthday, I am not giving him any sex or access to my body”, ”I got her expensive gifts for Christmas, her birthday and our anniversary and she bought me crap, see if I buy her *anything else*”, ”He goes off fishing with his buddies all of the time and won’t go to the theater with me, I will belittle and clown him in front of anyone who will listen, etc. there is no deep-rooted love if it is predicated on what you get out of it or in return. The romantic love you speak of does exist, most could not see it if it were a big red barn they were walking passed.