Social Question

NerdyKeith's avatar

What does it say about Trump supporters when 41% of them are in favour of bombing Agrabah?

Asked by NerdyKeith (5489points) April 23rd, 2016
10 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

It’s not a real place people. And anyway what did Aladdin ever do to them? Best Disney character ever!


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ragingloli's avatar

Ignorant angry people flock to the Führer who proclaims the loudest to solve their problems.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

With Dysney’s help they can. Oh that’s so funny its sad.

ibstubro's avatar

Should we bomb Agrabah?

Probably from the same time frame.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@ibstubro Sorry I didn’t realise this was asked already haha

Jaxk's avatar

Stupid polls get stupid results.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m forced to agree with @Jaxk. If you contrive a poll to trap stupid people or even those not quite alert, you get the results you’re trolling for. You could poll Democrats on whether the U S should free prisoners inhumanely detained on Azkaban and I bet you would reap similar results.

Mariah's avatar

That they’re racist. They’re willing to bomb any Arab-sounding country.

The difference between this and @stanleybmanly‘s example is that one is about killing and the other is about helping.

disquisitive's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

@Mariah You’re right about the difference, and that is exactly why I chose it. The conservative “bomb em to hell” stereotype opposed to it’s “bleeding heart” opposite. Your description of the difference, places you squarely in the “bleeding heart” camp, but what’s interesting is that you will NEVER hear this issue described in these terms by conservatives, though the truth of it is irrefutable.

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