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imrainmaker's avatar

What are your thoughts on H1B visa issue at Disney or in general?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) December 17th, 2016
13 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Here’s the link that discuss it in detail. Do you believe Trump is right on this one?

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canidmajor's avatar

Link doesn’t work for me.

imrainmaker's avatar

It’s old story but has been in discussion now -

zenvelo's avatar

First of all, this pre-dates Trump’s ascendancy. But it isn’t just Disney. The University of California at San Francisco (one of the premier medical schools in the United States) recently announced the same type of outsourcing of tech workers.

Trump isn’t right or wrong on this. If he was opposed, he would be in favor of strong unions. If he was for it, he would shut his gob.

ragingloli's avatar

They are raking in the dosh by the billions with their Marvel and Star Wars movies, and still feel the need to fuck their employees for a few more cents.
That is it, I am pirating the next movie.

JLeslie's avatar

Overall, I’m fine with the H1B visa. When we import talent it’s often because we don’t have the talent here. Those people on the visa usually aren’t paid lower salaries I don’t think, so that sort of argument doesn’t apply here. Often, the companies do a lot of the paperwork for the candidate, so they “spend” some money and time on that too.

I assume nurses fall under that visa or a similar visa, and for years we were short nurses, so America actively granted lots of visas for that profession. Many states have a lot of nurses from the Philippines and some of the Caribbean islands too.

I wouldn’t argue it’s a perfect system, but there certainly is a place for it.

When students in America are here on a student visa, if they want to stay past graduation they often look for a job that will help them with their working visa, so this is another group that is using the H1 visa, not just people being directly “imported” from other countries.

si3tech's avatar

@imrainmaker For whatever reason, IMHO firing American workers and making them train their foreign replacements is anti-American. Regardless of which corporation/entity is doing this. It goes against everything this country stands for.

YARNLADY's avatar

Nearly all National Parks make extensive use of this plan.

jca's avatar

Disney also makes use of college interns for most of their parks’ jobs, everything from garbage collection to cashier to you name it. Their labor costs must be really low.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
stanleybmanly's avatar

Regardless of the industry or profession involved, the fact is that corporations are allowed to import strangers while our own people can’t find jobs. If corporations can export jobs while at the same time importing workers for those jobs which remain, what hope is there for for those desperate for decent work in the United States? Not only are there rampant examples of the visa programs’ sinister utilization in unloading experienced people (with higher salaries) from corporate budgets, there is the additional bonus of a workforce rendered compliant by the gun of deportation at its collective temple. The reasoning behind these visa schemes may appear solid from a superficial corporate standpoint, but viewed overall in the sinister landscape confronting our working population, it becomes glaringly apparent just how badly the deck has been deliberately stacked against working people in our country.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Anyone considering an H1B visa needs to remember that U.S. presence is subject to the whim of a U.S. sponsoring employer. Lose the job because you get fired, laid-off, or otherwise dismissed, and you can’t stay or work within the U.S. This gives employers some profound power over human beings.

I worked for one CPA firm where H1B visas were respected. The managing partner had come to the U.S. on H1B status, and he hired a large group of professionals from his home country. The employees were treated well – just like everyone else at the firm – and they all obtained permanent visas and/or citizenship.

Another employer of mine used the H1B people as slave labor. They were paid very little, given the worst job assignments with no opportunity for advancement, treated with disdain, and forced to work extra-long hours. The conditions were so bad for these employees, some of them preferred quitting and leaving the U.S.

H1B status is a lottery – hope for a good situation, but don’t be surprised about mistreatment. The individual needs to accept a complete lack of freedom or control over his/her circumstances. Are the odds better than no opportunities in an undeveloped nation? Maybe. Can they compare to workers’ rights within a developed country? No.

JLeslie's avatar

^^True that you are basically a slave to the company. Whether they treat you well or not, if you want to stay in the US you have to seek another employer who will help do all the paperwork, or you are stuck having to stay with the current employer. If they lay you off, you’re out of the country, unless you overstay your visa or get married really fast, or find another company that can sponsor you.

My husband was here on a student visa when I met him. He took a job with a company that said they would sign the paperwork to do a visa. He had two months left on his current visa when his company informed him they won’t do H1 anymore. He had to quit and go job hunting. We had been only dating around three months at the time. We were in our early 20’s. He would have left, he would not have stayed here illegally or married under false pretense. He got really lucky and found a great job. Way better than where he had been working.

I used to say the same about healthcare. Want to stay insured? If you had a preexisting health problem you were a slave to your current job. Even now, health care is so expensive it still enslaved us to some point. I know a ton of people who work primarily for the healthcare insurance.

I’m very glad my husband had the H1 visa option though. I don’t know if he took a job from an American, I think that’s debatable. Most jobs he has had were often done by expats from other countries, or Americans who were immigrants to this country. Also, in the multinational companies he has worked for, very often Americans worked in other countries. Some of their people were here, but some of our people were there.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I’m so glad things worked out for Mr. @JLeslie. It’s nice to read about a happy ending.

imrainmaker's avatar

I remember similar story of my former colleague who was from a small European country. His company denied him processing of Green card after working with them for 3–4 yrs (or more may be). He luckily had visa for Canada as well so he went there and after some gap he’s back.

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