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Brian1946's avatar

What are your thoughts on the FAILURE of Trumpcare?

Asked by Brian1946 (32386points) March 24th, 2017
37 responses
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janbb's avatar

Great delight! It was a cruel, cruel bill.

Brian1946's avatar


Wasn’t that the 6-part episode of ST:TNG? ;-o

ragingloli's avatar

TNG never had a 6 parter.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


anniereborn's avatar

wooooohoooooo! that’s how.

chyna's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

.. . and Trump is bashing the Dem’s, he had enough GOP’s but couldn’t get the Far Right GOP to vote his way. The Far-Right don’t want any Health Care (they seem to think it is socialism and besides they don’t want to support the “people of lesser value”)

Tomorrow is going to be a “hell a day” on Twitter !

cookieman's avatar

I agree with the penguin. It was cruel and short sighted.

I thought it odd when Trump gave the ultimatum — vote for this or we’ll stick with Obamacare!!

Um, okay. Not much of a threat really.

ragingloli's avatar

He needs to write a new book: ”The Art of the “No Deal!”

Mariah's avatar

Great relief. I bathe in the tears of Paul Ryan.

Brian1946's avatar

Even though I have Medicare and probably wouldn’t have suffered the cruelty of Popularvoteloser“care”, I’m very happy for those have benefited and will benefit from the ACA.

However, what we really need is universal medicare, and I don’t see that happening within the next 2 years.

What I hope but don’t expect, is for progressives to retake the House and Senate to the extent that they’ll have enough members to pass Unicare, and override the Cheeto veto.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not surprised, knew this would be the outcome

kritiper's avatar

Not surprised. But “Obamacare” was broken from the start and I saw it then. I was at least hopeful that Trump might just fix the darn thing without shooting it down in flames, or having it shoot him and the rest of his cronies down in flames. This country needs a health care system that works for everybody.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Kind of what I expected. At least once Trump gave the ultimatum. But now he’s too busy to mess with it. He gave a nation’s health care about 100 days of work, no time to revisit that.

Now let’s get that wall in the desert built… I hope he tries the term limits for congressmen too. That should go well…

I hope Trump’s supporters are watching. Maybe, eventually, it’ll set in how ridiculously unrealistic Trump’s agenda was…

gondwanalon's avatar

Frankly I don’t really give a damn.

johnpowell's avatar

Pretty damn happy. I ordered a pizza to celebrate.

ucme's avatar

I don’t give a fuck, yeah, that’s it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So happy for you @Mariah!

I like the idea that Trump doesn’t have the kind of power he thought he’d have. He thought he’d be a king, and run the country like his businesses where every decision was followed without question by mindless monkeys.

flutherother's avatar

I’m pleased. It seems Obamacare is more popular than ever.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

They’ll keep trying

flutherother's avatar

I remember @Cruiser saying he thought this might happen.

tinyfaery's avatar

He makes bad deals.

YARNLADY's avatar

I am sure they will find a way to “back door” the changes they want, such as removing the taxes on the rich.

I wonder who gets fooled by comments like “Not one Democrat would vote for it”, as if that was the reason it failed.

rojo's avatar

I am glad it did not become the law of the land. BUT, the thing that bothers me about that is that the ones who kept if from becomes so did so because they did not think it was austere and punitive enough.

Strauss's avatar

This is beginning to feel like Groundhog day!

Strauss's avatar

I guess he wants to say to Ryan, “YOU’RE FIRED!”

Brian1946's avatar

In the wake of Trumpcare’s fail, Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison will be pushing for Medicare For All,

Meanwhile, Jeff Merkley, a progressive senator from Oregon, is making the case for opening up Medicare to people 50–64. Merkley’s idea wouldn’t only benefit people 50 and over. Everybody under 50 who has to buy insurance would see their premiums drop, because you’d no longer have the oldsters in the pool.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it would be the other way around. The fewer people contributing to the pool, the higher the premiums would be.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^A large portion of money is spent on healthcare for the elderly. There would be less contributers , but less costs….

Mariah's avatar

Fewer people contributing to the pool means also fewer people taking from the pool. And the older people we’re talking about removing usually take more than they give.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they’ll still be getting insurance from somewhere and everyone pays for it.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s an email I received from Alan Grayson, with his explanation of the Trumpcare failure:

Trumpcare failed because it would have prevented millions of people from getting the care that they would need to stay healthy and alive, and . . .

Even our Liar-in-Chief couldn’t pretend otherwise.

Here is where we are:

Under Obamacare, the number of uninsured has dropped from 48 million in 2012 to 26 million today. Those 26 million include:

· 5 million unauthorized immigrants;

· 8 million who are eligible for Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance, but haven’t signed up;

· 3 million in 19 states where the GOP has blocked Medicaid expansion, like Florida and Texas.

That leaves out just 10 million Americans, or only three percent of the population.

And where did the GOP want to take us . . . ?

Support for Trumpcare among House GOP Members collapsed on Thursday after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its analysis of the final bill, because that analysis showed that after just three years under Trumpcare, the number of uninsured would be the highest ever.

Under Trumpcare:

· 10 million people would lose Medicaid coverage;

· 10 million people would lose individual coverage, notably those under the Obamacare “exchanges”; and

· Employers would discontinue health coverage for 2 million employees.

Trumpcare would accomplish this devastation by cutting $800+ billion from Medicaid, and $600+ billion in the “affordability credits” available through the exchanges. But remarkably, Trumpcare actually would have increased the federal deficit—by $82 billion during the next five years—primarily by repealing the net investment tax that pays for Obamacare, as well as the Medicaid tax, the health insurance tax, and the “Cadillac” tax on expensive employer health coverage.

The CBO also projected that under Trumpcare, individual health insurance policies would cost 10–15 percent more than they would under Obamacare. The key provision was that insurance companies could charge older folks five times as much for insurance as they charge younger folks.

And to top it all off, the “manager’s amendment” that the GOP dropped on the House on Thursday would have invited insurance companies to sell “Garbagecare,” by allowing the states to redefine and eliminate “essential health benefits” from mandatory health coverage.

Thursday was the seventh anniversary of the enactment of Obamacare. The GOP had seven years to come up with something better. Instead, they came up with something far worse.


Because the GOP healthcare plan still is what it always has been:

(1) Don’t get sick.

(2) And if you do get sick, die quickly.

kritiper's avatar

@Brian1946 Mr. Alan Grayson: My hero! So honest. So refreshing!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good work @Brian1946. Can I borrow it and share it on FB?

Brian1946's avatar


Thanks and yes.

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