General Question

Coolguy's avatar

How many people are in the Question and Answer form in here in a given time?

Asked by Coolguy (9points) April 10th, 2017

I’m new here and I like to know how active the discussions in here are.

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11 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Seems to depend on the person.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

We are pretty active. I do not know how many exactly are active at any given time, but there is typically always someone on. I have this site open as a tab 24/7 and I check every hour or so and see what’s going on.
The discussions on questions depends on the question itself and the interest level for it.

Welcome to Fluther, and I hope you stay :)

Cooper_Saldana's avatar

I get quicker and longer responses on fluther than some other sites I used to be on.
It doesn’t seem like there’s a ton if traffic like the old Answerbag days, but fluther seems very efficient and some people here really do try to give thoughtful, helpful answers so I like it. : )

chyna's avatar

Welcome to Fluther!
I think it depends on the question. Some questions can get really lively and others can be answered in just a couple of posts, especially something like a technical or computer question. Politics and religion can get a bit lively, but I think most people try to be respectful.

Kardamom's avatar

Welcome to Fluther. Friday nights always seem to be hopping.

Sneki95's avatar

There are members living in many different places and time zones. There’s always someone here, the site is rarely “asleep”.

cookieman's avatar

Welcome to the lagoon!!

And thank you for writing our new slogan:

Fluther: Quicker and Longer than those Other Sites

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hi. Welcome to Fluther. Hang around and get to know us.

youlostne's avatar

In my experience, there are typically 20 to 30 people every day.

Stinley's avatar

Quality not quantity on this site. 20–30 quality questions and answers is so much better in my opinion that tonnes of crappy spammy nonsense !

jca's avatar

Sometimes it’s slow but the more you ask and the more you answer, the more you’ll see in your “Activity for You.”

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