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feistyismad's avatar

Has anyone ever removed someone from you fluther?

Asked by feistyismad (223points) August 10th, 2008
30 responses
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marinelife's avatar

Yes. I was adding people just to experiment during the beta trial. So, when we went live I removed one or two.Nothing personal.

I’ve added a lot more people too.

AstroChuck's avatar

I know that I’ve been removed. I once got two points for being added to a member’s fluther but when I look at the people who have me in their list, I’m not there.
What did I do? Oh why, why. Waaaaaa!

feistyismad's avatar

i was thinking that if someone didn’t want you on theirs, maybe you should remove them from yours.

wildflower's avatar

Yep, I’ve added, removed and re-added….doesn’t seem to make much difference. Users will see the points the first time they’re added and that’s it. No notice they’ve been removed or re-added.
I started out adding everyone who added me, but my visits have been short and less frequent lately so I’ll have to sit down one of these days and figure out which fluthers I’m in…..or not – again, doesn’t make much difference.

AstroChuck's avatar

Well, feel free to add me.
I’m so lonely.

arnbev959's avatar

I might have removed a few people. I added some users as a joke (such as cornman and trainerboy). I think I’m going to remove them. For the most part I add people and don’t remove them.

@feistyismad: That isn’t really the point. If a user is interesting to you you should add them, regardless of whether they add you.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ll second that last point.

augustlan's avatar

@AC: I went to add you, and saw that I already had :)

AstroChuck's avatar

@augustlan- Good thing you mentioned that. I just looked and found that I hadn’t added you yet. Taken care off.

augustlan's avatar

@aww thanks AC…wasn’t necessary, but I appreciate it!

AstroChuck's avatar

It was an oversight. I thought I had already added you.

augustlan's avatar

I feel special :)

robmandu's avatar

I removed myself from My Fluther. It was annoying.

wildflower's avatar

So how many times did you have to read about Narcissus before the Fluther gods gave up and let you add yourself?

robmandu's avatar

I think I was already in there when My Fluther was first intro’d for beta testing. I haven’t actually tried to add myself to My Fluther at all.

wildflower's avatar

Wow – how’d you manage to avoid it? It’s like a big red button saying “Do Not Press” – it’s impossible not to…

AstroChuck's avatar

Ah, don’t fall for that. Of course he’s tried to add himself.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

The “my fluther” features is most useful for keeping track of questions certain people have written, and pulling their profile up quickly to write them comments. If you don’t have a lot of comments for someone, and you’ve never read a question they wrote to know whether or not you’re interested in their questions, I don’t see any point in adding them. I wouldn’t consider it an insult if someone I added did not add me. For example, I added ‘gailcalled’ because I pretty much adore her. She didn’t reciprocate. In fact, her fluther is empty. That’s okay with me. I don’t think of it as a “my friends” list, but as a “people whose questions i am interested in” list.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

*so I just realized that what I said didn’t make any sense. I do happen to adore gail, but I added her to my fluther more because I love her questions about her cat, and as a byproduct of my adoration, I find pretty much all the questions she writes interesting.

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh gail, gail, gail! Everything is about gail! I’m so sick of hearing about gail. Yes. Everyone loves gail, okay? Everything she touches turns to flowers. I know, I know. But what about me? When I exhale I give off carbon dioxide which plants and flowers need. What about me?
Oh, God. What am I saying? I love gail too.

robmandu's avatar

< < added AstroChuck to his Fluther even before removing himself.

feistyismad's avatar

so it’s ok to feel insulted if you add someone and they don’t reciprocate. so do you remove them or let it go?

AstroChuck's avatar

I haven’t removed anyone yet. It’s just whatever your personal preference happens to be.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

<<—kind of wishes she hadn’t already added astrochuck so that she could add him now…

marinelife's avatar

@AC You’re begging again. It’s not pretty in a guy of your mature years.

AstroChuck's avatar

Begging? How? Whadya mean mature years?

marinelife's avatar

Begging=“Well, feel free to add me. I’m so lonely.”

OK, let me rephrase that, a man of your vast experience. Better?

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh, you’re right. I didn’t go up far enough to see that. I forgot about my answer. Yeah, I have to admit it was pretty weenie of me. Weenie like a fox!
(Does that even make sense?)

marinelife's avatar

The answer that I am tempted to make would undoubtedly get my response removed by the mods. Thank you, though, for making me shout with laughter.

AstroChuck's avatar

And as I said earlier, Marina- Feel free to add me!
hee hee

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