Social Question

jca's avatar

What do other people do or not do that you find annoying?

Asked by jca (36062points) August 5th, 2017
36 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Today, I was in a bagel shop having coffee and a bagel. Usually you throw your cup and plate out when you leave. Probably 99% of the customers would. Someone didn’t and I found it incomprehensible that the lady couldn’t throw her plate out, especially since the garbage pail is on the way out the door.

Also, people that drive slow in the left lane on the highway, and then when you pass them you see that they’re on the phone, oblivious to the world.

What do other people do or not do that you find annoying?

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elbanditoroso's avatar

I pretty much ignore that sort of thing – it’s not worth expending the emotional power to care about what someone else does or doesn’t do. They live their life and I live mine to my standards.

There are so many more productive uses of time an energy than sweating these insignificant and rather silly actions,

jca's avatar

@elbanditoroso: I’m not worked up in a frenzy about it. I just find it annoying.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
PullMyFinger's avatar

When someone stops right in the mid

Coloma's avatar

Give unsolicited advice. I know one person that you cannot say anything to, about anything, without her immediately jumping on the advice wagon. The simplest little, benign sharing always results in advice giving. Example: The other day I casually mentioned that I was tired because I stayed up late waiting for it to cool off so I could turn the AC off before bed then had to get up and turn it on again during the night.

She launches into this huge diatribe about how I “should” just leave it on 78 or 80 and that maybe I should have it serviced to check for efficiency and have I checked the filters lately…on and fucking on. Drives me insane. Some people just don’t know when to STFU! LOL

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

People who won’t get out of your way in walmart. I don’t know why it happens so much there but it seems like everyone is just waddling aimlessly around right where you need to get to. The isles are big enough, please get the f out of my way. I want to spend as little of my time here as possible. Slow drivers in the left lane are another huge peeve I have.

JLeslie's avatar

Funny, a friend of mine just wrote this on her fb status “I have a new favorite officer. I just entered a ticket he wrote for someone driving too slow in the left lane.”

I agree with that pet peeve, but also I’m just as annoyed with drivers who drive over 90 mph on the highways.

The turnpike here is a 70mph road, and most traffic drives 80 in the left lane, but when tolls come up some require slowing to 25 mph and some really fast drivers don’t slow enough before the toll and ride inches from the car in front of them. It’s horrible and dangerous. It’s on the same order as tailgating, it sometimes feels worse, because they barrel down towards you, and you hope they see how slow you are driving. They often, I believe, are assuming the slower car in front of them is going to not continue to slow, or hit the gas sooner than they do, so these fast cars are seemingly in the same frame of mind as red yellow in England when you know the light is about to go to green. Tailgaters usually match your speed, just drive too closely.

Sneki2's avatar

Standing in the middle of the stairway and talking. Stairs are not meant to be stood on. Get off and let people walk.

I also hate it when someone take forever in the store. Some people come to the cashier and then remember they need something else too, and then they decide they don’t really need it, but they do need it, but then they don’t know which brand to buy, and then they start chatting with whomever about some bullshit, and so on and so on, while everyone else is waiting and just wanting to strangle this dumbass. Like, if you’re about to buy a lot of things, make a plan before you come to the store. Don’t make people wait while you make up your damn mind.
I dislike indecisive people in general. If you decide something, stick to it, don’t change the game every five minutes.

ragingloli's avatar

Standing in the middle of doorways, chatting.

PullMyFinger's avatar

People standing in bunches on those moving walkways at the airport.

(It’s a moving WALKWAY, folks, not a goddamn RIDE…..)

ragingloli's avatar

At the cantine selfe serve pasta station, people taking a small plate and piling it skyhigh with pasta, and taking aeons to do it, because they are slowly adding portion after portion.

ragingloli's avatar

Coming late to the cinema.
Seriously, the programme says the movie starts at 20:00, then there is 20 minutes of advertisement and trailers, and then you arseholes stroll in at 20:25, and dawdle around in front of the screen trying to find your seat.
It should be legal to shoot them.

rockfan's avatar

When people eat nachos in movie theaters during quiet drama films. It just baffles me as to why someone needs nachos while watching a serious movie.

Because if someone is that hungry, I think he/she should simply eat beforehand.

Coloma's avatar

@ragingloli Maybe they were running late from dinner at the cantine self serve pasta station and chatting in the doorway to the cinema. LOL

ragingloli's avatar

I hope they die of Ebola.

Berserker's avatar

People who male lists about shit to bitch about.

Coloma's avatar

People that are slaves to their routines. Gah. Nothing like self imprisonment and hoarders that have a houseful of useless shit and keep collecting more. Double Gah. LOL

Berserker's avatar

@Coloma That was me for 12 years man. I recently moved and it’s just nuts the amount of garbage you accumulate in a decade. I spent three days of sorting, cleaning, throwing out and giving to goodwill. NEVER AGAIN. People just don’t need as much crap as I had. In my defense I was with a roomate who had stuff too, and when she left, most of her crap was left behind for me to deal with. But mostly it was all my shit. It felt really good to clean out, now my new place is nice amd airy and doesn’t look like a witch’s chambers.

Coloma's avatar

@Berserker Haha and great to see you! Yeah, keep the load light, happy new lighter landings to you!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Passive aggression. You clearly are giving out the “I’m angry” aura and you say everything is fine to me. What do you want me to do now? Do I have to buy into your words or feeling uncomfortable by your feeling? I notice that the people who do practice passive aggression are often expecting others to find out what is wrong for them and cater for it in the way they want, all without being told what is going on in the first place. This behavior is really childish and self-centered. Those people want sympathy out of me, but they end up leaving me annoyed instead.

Also the people who post cryptic shit on Facebook that are usually about them upsetting over something, shit like “life is just unfair”, and when people ask them what is wrong, they either say everything is fine or pull the ghosting trick altogether. This behavior is in line with the passive aggression above. If you are really ok, then why do you need to tell the world you are sad/angry/upset?

Kardamom's avatar

People who position their carts across the entire aisle, making it impossible for you to get by, and when you say, excuse me, to them, they give you a dirty look. I just don’t get it. Do they really think they are the only person in Target/Walmart?

People who blow snot rockets in public.

Cashiers who immediatley after I’ve said, “I would like a burrito with no onions and an iced tea, and that will be to go.” say, “Is that for here or to go?” Did you not hear what I just said? And then they end up putting onions on my burrito.

People who throw cigarettes out the window. Especially here, where we’ve had drought conditions for 6 years and the hills sides are dried up tinder boxes waiting to catch fire. I’ve never seen a cop nearby when someone has done this, and certainly never seen anyone pulled over for doing this.

People weaving and slowing down and speeding up randomly because they’re talking on their cell phone while driving.

People who are walking down the middle of the parking lot texting, and not paying any attention to the fact that there is a car right behind them, or cars backing out. Completely oblivious.

Parents who yell obscenities at their children, or call them ugly names, or who hit their children in public (usually in Walmart).

People who don’t clean up their own dog’s poop.

People who refer to tagging as “graffiti art” rather than calling it what it really is, vandalism.

Groups of teenagers who talk loudly, as if no one else is around, and drop F bombs as if the F word was the most beautiful effing word in the world (especially in Taco Bell when I’m simply trying to get a burrito without onions and be on my way)

Seeing really young teenage girls dressed like hookers, especially when they are in the presence of their parents and the parents apparently think it’s cool (I have a cousin who’s kids dressed like hookers and she thought it was great. Both of her daughter’s ended up pregnant before they were 18, and her son got his 17 year old girlfriend pregnant).

Listening to Trump supporters refer to facts as “fake news.”

People posting memes on Facebook saying “type amen if you love Jesus” or asking you to “like” a post within 30 seconds and you will reap the reward of cash in the next week, or “type yes” if you think Jesus should be in schools. And people who simply re-post every single meme that comes down the pike, rather than ever having a single independent thought. I’d like to know what some of these people are up to, because they are my friends, but they never say anything about what they are doing, or what they think, because they only re-post memes.

Coloma's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Oh man, yes, passive aggressive types, could kill ‘em with my bare hands without a backwards glance. LOL

@Kardamom I dislike some of what’s on your list as well. Especially the sleep walking, oblivious types and the Trump groupies and don’t forget the mega loud music people blast from their cars with no consideration that maybe, just maybe, nobody else wants to listen to your crappy music.
I was filling up my tank at a local gas station today and there was a car, about a block away sitting in traffic and I could hear their horrible rap music all the way over where I was. Ugh!

imrainmaker's avatar

People of “know it all” type and can lecture you on the things which they barely know. People whining all the time annoys me a lot.

PullMyFinger's avatar

So, anyway…..... @Kardamom…....just to be clear…....

Your burritos should be without onions…....not with onions…...

Correct ??

djbabybokchoy's avatar

I get so annoyed by people who complain about things they are guilty of. I had this one friend who would always give me advice when I wasn’t asking for it but she would complain about people that do this to her. I also have a friend who complains about people that like to discuss weather and food but then she goes on the internet and talks about the weather and food. I also have a friend who complains about bad drivers but she does the same things she complains about. I don’t get it. Why don’t my friends realize they do exactly what they bitch about? omg

JLeslie's avatar

^^GA. Hypocrisy is very annoying. i guess everyone is a little hypocritical now and then, but some people really are unbelievably blind about their behavior.

Kardamom's avatar

@PullMyFinger The funny thing is, after all these years, and them putting onions on my burrito, even though I asked for them to be left off, I’ve actually acquired a taste for them : )

AshlynM's avatar

Clean house before you have to leave. My boyfriend does this and it’s always irritated me. He finds little things to organize and clean before we have to leave.
People who post memes as comments on facebook.
People who use incorrect grammar.
People who say to subscribe and thumbs up their video on youtube.
People in their own world when they’re walking and not noticing there’s a car behind them, I see this too often. Eventually someone is going to get hit.

PullMyFinger's avatar

@Kardamom Well, as I understand it, there is an ‘onion lobby,’ which constantly petitions Congress regarding new laws to protect and excuse fast-food workers when they “forget” to exclude onions after that is requested by a food patron (who eventually becomes accustomed….then eventually addicted….to onions).

It’s kind of like tobacco industry tactics for the new millennium.

(Sounds paranoid, I know, but…...there it is….)

jca's avatar

Last night I went to an outdoor party and I had a little cooler with Diet Pepsi in it. I was at a table with some people and I asked “Anybody want some Diet Pepsi?” An elderly lady at the table proceeded to give me a lecture about the horrors of diet soda, how it makes you gain weight, and she said “I used to drink it until I found out what it did to my innards.”

I smiled and said “Ok.” Of all the vices one can have, Diet Pepsi can’t be the worst.I felt like saying “shut the fuck up.” LOL

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Coloma's avatar

@jca Gah…the same person I wrote about above giving unsolicited advice lectured me on the same thing once when I was having a diet pepsi. Agreed, STFU! Being a busybody know it all is far worse than having a diet soda. haha

Darth_Algar's avatar

People who chew with their mouths open and/or smack their lips while eating. It should be legal to smack these people in the mouth.

ragingloli's avatar

People who pay with card instead of cash.

Coloma's avatar

@ragingloli well…that one is just what it is, most people do, most of the time.

flutherother's avatar

People who drop litter.

Brian1946's avatar


“Clean house before you have to leave. My boyfriend does this and it’s always irritated me. He finds little things to organize and clean before we have to leave.”

Maybe your boyfriend doesn’t want to give voyeurs or potential burglars a bad impression of his housekeeping. ;-)

Pachy's avatar

Let their dogs go on barking at night.

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