@2davidc8 blinds can be dusted that way (its best to use a brush attachment with a vacuum cleaner), but some people try to wash them in place using a wet soapy rag. If it’s really dirty and there’s no other option, it’s better than nothing, but it turns the strings black with the dirt you had just washed off of the blinds.
To remove food, grease, or smoke residue, you have to take them down and immerse them in a long low waterproof tray with soapy water in it. I’ve always used a bathtub, but blind cleaning companies have a more convenient setup. Here’s a link for the various ways you can clean blinds. The link below says you can clean them hands free if you turn on the jets in a jetted tub. That method would work a bit like a dishwasher would, but I can’t see how it would clean them if they’re lying close together (which of course they naturally would). . However, since ultrasonic is known to clean jewelry, it would also do a good job on blinds- as long as they’re completely covered with the cleaning solution.
This blind cleaning company makes some good points as well. Ultrasonic cleaning makes it possible to clean fabric (honeycomb shades, etc.) with no wear to the fabric. Slick!