Social Question

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why does Trump skip the annual press correspondents dinners?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) April 28th, 2018
67 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I think it’s probably the smartest thing he’s done since elected.

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flutherother's avatar

To avoid getting a custard pie smashed into his fat face.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He’s the perfect template for “the truth hurts”

ragingloli's avatar

“The dinner typically includes a skit, either live or videotaped, by the sitting president in which he mocks himself, for the amusement of the press corps.”

janbb's avatar

He can’t stand being laughed at.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He doesn’t want to be teased.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

Because the short-fingered vulgarian is also a thin-skinned hypocrite.

johnpowell's avatar

Klan rallies are boost the ego more.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Because anything to upset others is his game.He gets more attention by not going.

zenvelo's avatar

The man has no sense of humor. He does not laugh. People have noted he does not express any real humor, his idea of a joke is belittling others.

filmfann's avatar

He was furious when he went a few years back, and Obama was brutal (and brutally funny) towards him.

Jaxk's avatar

There is little real humor in these with Trump. It is mean spirited rather than good natured. Why would he (or anyone) want to subject themselves to that. I agree that it is a good move on Trump’s part.

si3tech's avatar

@stanleybmanly Today’s headlines on Drudge spell out clearly the smut stuff. Here’s one link to a monologue:

Demosthenes's avatar

I like when a politician can laugh at themselves, I know Obama did. I’d rather have Trump poke fun at himself than some comedian just hurl insults (a couple things Michelle Wolf said were funny, the rest, not so much). But since Trump isn’t really the type to do that, it’s unlikely that he’ll ever attend.

WHCD should be more about honoring journalists and less about throwing easy insults at the President.

Mariah's avatar

Not to mention the fact that he despises the press.

Kardamom's avatar

Because everything Trump has done has made him look like an asshole. The press would just be emphsizing that, and saying it in a funny way. They would be laughing at him, rather than with him.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Unless they are i his pocket, all journalists spew “Fake new”. Just ask Trump.

Same with Comey and Mueller.

Yellowdog's avatar

I think Michelle Wolf just gave the 2018 elections to the republicans.

Lets show some footage of the Republican softball practice where the Republicans were gunned down, and Wolf’s comments/jokes—or her gauche and classless insults at Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance and endlessly calling her a liar among worse things about her appearance.

My parents used to trust the mainstream news, but even they were appalled. I have a feeling many people were.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Get real! Satan himself couldn’t hand the Republicans the elections this November. No one knows (or cares) who Wolf is or what she has to say. The GOP on the other hand is stuck with the loudmouthed guy whose single smart moves since his election involved skipping the dinners celebrating coverage of himself. The more astute Repubs are resigning and retiring in droves anticipating the upcoming backlash which promises to be every bit as brutal as Trump is uncouth.

Yellowdog's avatar

Michelle Wolf was the ‘comedian’ at the annual press correspondence dinner, for which your question is based.

Most people I know do not believe the Democrats and the “press” and their ilk was this nasty and vulgar. A lot of people were shocked and offended at how extreme the anti-Trump press and the democrats are. If they watched, now they know.

THis event was touted as something to bring people together.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes I know who she is, and she is a brief flash in the pan that no one will remember in May, let alone in November. On the hand, there is an individual guaranteed not to disappoint when it comes to “vulgar and nasty”. That individual will see to it that no one is allowed to EVER forget just how vulgar and nasty he can be, and he has seen to it that the upcoming elections are a virtual referendum on crude vulgarity. Let’s see if it works.

Patty_Melt's avatar

President Trump has poked fun at himself several times in the past.
Now he has real stuff to deal with.
Unlike any other President, he has been seen a lot in movies, his show, lots of brief appearances.
He doesn’t need a “see the lighter side of your leader” event.

ragingloli's avatar

Because like Palpatine, he has no light side.

chyna's avatar

@patty Melt. President Regan was seen in way more movies than Trump.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Nothing will give “the 2018 elections to the republicans.”
The truth about the increasing deficit from their and Trump tax reduction will sink-in to the public; they’ll (TRUMP and the Republicans) all blame Obama including Michelle. Must be nice to be able to run a country into the ground and blame the last guy.
Fourth grade tactics at best, not even fifth.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, Reagan did things his way.
Being in movies doesn’t mean that president should skip certain events. It only explains why it might be the right choice for them.
Did you know that Ronald’s alzheimer’s was so advanced near the end of his term, people would tell him he was playing the part of President, and give him a script?

Yellowdog's avatar

Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Reagan’s Alzheimer’s didn’t show for years after he was in office. Was he reading a script when he told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down this wall?
When communist regimes, even the U.S.S.R. itself, started to unravel? To fall like dominoes?

chyna's avatar

Unlike any other President, he has been seen a lot in movies, his show, lots of brief appearances.
@pattymelt You brought it up. I was just pointing out that you forgot about Regan.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I didn’t forget Reagan. He wasn’t the topic. The topic is why Trump opted out, not whether anyone else might have, or how he compares with anyone else. Reagan has nothing to do with the subject at all. I just offered my thoughts as to one possible reason why Trump choose the way he did.
Reagan’s dementia was obvious to everyone by the end of his eight years.
By the way, Alzheimer’s patients can have alternating bad and clear days.

chyna's avatar

Mmm kay.

Yellowdog's avatar

The dinner was supposed to be a unifying event, bringing people together, celebrating a free and independent press.

It should be obvious by now that the ‘press’ is far from independent and unbiased far left and spewing with hate and vulgarity. Trump, all the while, was connecting with real people in Pennsylvania.

The dinner was nothing but a vile and perverted hatefest. Passing as jokes, there were nothing but vulgar and perverted insults, mostly aimed at women, over personal issues like appearance and integrity, which, by the way, the women insulted actually have a lot of,.

Contrary to what was said to me earlier in this thread, I think the American people will remember this for a long, long time. Rather than bringing people together and showing an independent press, there were vile and perverted remarks about the Trump family, about women, about people’s faith, about abortion, about Republicans getting shot at a softball practice, potty/diaper “humour”— and less mentionable things.

Why did Trump not attend… ? He was connecting with REAL people in Pennsylvania. A lot of good things are happening in America and in the world right now. The press has proven themselves to be a den vile, insult-reeling, far-left-leaning perverts, not an independent press to be taken seriously.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog So sez you and the Trump/Putin Team ! ! !

Mariah's avatar

Everybody seems to be forgetting there are roasts and pointed jokes at this event every year. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of people getting all triggered over it. What a bunch of snowflakes~

flutherother's avatar

Trump hardly ever connects with the average American. He speaks to an audience of supporters which is not the same thing.

Yellowdog's avatar

Mariah or Rachel: When a woman is sitting there, you don’t call her a diaper Genie—sleek and alright outside but inside she’s full of shit” and let an audience of perverts laugh and laugh. Or hurl insults directly at Sarah Huckabee Sanders while she is in the spotlight, the hotseat, make remarks about her weight, incest, and say “Maybe its natural, maybe its lies. Lies Lies Lies” and go on with the insults, when the woman is sitting right there.

This was NOT humour or roasting. These were personal, hurtful insults about incest, excrement, personal appearance/fat, spewed at seated , dignified, respectable guests,
The audience howls with laughter as the cameras are rolling, while a mentally ill “comedian” spews her hate and vitriol in lieu of jokes and roasting. The full audience rolling in the aisles with derisive laughter

Fluthereother: Trump connects with 51 percent of America. He won the electoral vote, which means he represents more areas in America. Coversly, The upper East coast including Washington D.C., New York,City, Upstate New York and New England —and California (Illegal immigrants, Hollywood, and LGTB North) primarily are the areas that favor Hillary, Obama,

There are a LOT of noncommittal people in middle America who were extremely offended by the “comedian”. Far from being an event to bring people together, this proved the press to be not free and independent but far left, with a psychotic hatred of anyone else.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog surely Trump should try to connect with 100% of America. He is president of the whole country isn’t he? Also, if you can’t tell the difference between humour and psychotic hatred then I wouldn’t listen to any more jokes.

Yellowdog's avatar

And, just what does Trump do that does not connect with the other party?

On the day Trump was elected, months before he took office, they were calling for impeachment.
Instead of conceding gracefully to the winner of the election, Hillary broke the tradition for the first time in U.S. History and screamed for people to RESIST.

(just the day before, they were saying Trump supporters would be the ones to do this)

Within two days, they were spreading rumors that Trump won because Russians had hacked our election / voting machines. Something which Barrack Obama had lambasted Trump for saying the election was rigged. Well, when Trump won, the media spread the rumor that it was the Russians—the story spread to the extreme that many were talking about holding a new election. Recounts, however, revealed even MORE support for Trump in three states than had been recorded on election night. If they had been rigged or miscounted, it was in Hillary’s favor in two out of the three states recounted.

I have seen lists of over 100 fake or libelous news stories against Donald J Trump—things that didn’t happen but stories that swept the nation.

And satire/roasting is supposed to be about events that truly happened or happening, not insulting their weight, calling them liars and Diaper Genies full of shit, on national T,V, in front of a sophisticated audience. . That’s what bullies do to provoke a fight. The women insulted sat and took it gracefully, but you could see the shock and hurt. News correspondents gave Sarah Huckabee Sanders some support after the insults I heard, There were a FEW decent souls in the audience, and they were appalled, as are much of the nation.

A definition of satire would include roasting or pointedly making sharp humor out of a person’s ACTUAL traits or events going on that the audience is aware of. Not someone;s weight, size, or untrue references of incest or abortion.

Mariah's avatar

Now you’re the one lying buddy. She said nothing about weight or incest about Sanders. Where tf did you get that from? Here’s the complete transcript of what she said about Sanders:

“We are graced with Sarah’s presence tonight. I have to say I’m a little star-struck. I love you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale. Mike Pence, if you haven’t seen it, you would love it.

Every time Sarah steps up to the podium I get excited, because I’m not really sure what we’re going to get — you know, a press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams. “It’s shirts and skins, and this time don’t be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta!”

I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. She burns facts, and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.

And I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter.”

janbb's avatar

Is that all she said? That doesn’t sound so out of line with a roast.

@Yellowdog I rarely engage with you because your Truth is written in permanent ink. I didn’t listen to the roast but it does sound like it might have been uncomfortably crude and unpleasant (then again maybe not.) I would ask you though if you are as critical of your President when he is equally crude. Have you called him out for saying “grab ‘em by the pussy” or talking about Meghan Kelley’s blood? Or mocking the disabled journalist. None of these are lies, all have been documented by video. If you haven’t, then you are a hypocrite.

And was it made worse by being said by a woman? And if so, why?

flutherother's avatar

One of my many objections to Trump is that he won’t engage with those who oppose his views. He keeps a distance from dissenting voices. Not a healthy trait in the leader of a free country.

Mariah's avatar

That’s all she said about Sanders. Yep. Really not out of the ordinary at all.

I’m honestly astounded by the hypocrisy of Trumpsters calling liberals oversensitive snowflakes and then getting insanely butthurt over a comedy act. It’s hilarious to me.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I did watch the clip. She was just nasty. Also reference to tampons during dinner was just nasty. If she wanted to make a comparison, there are so many other ways she could have gone.
Her delivery stunk. Even things which might have deserved a chuckle just sat there because it was said with a tone of disdain rather than humor.
I been around a while. I have seen lots of Dean Martin roasts. This was not comedy. It was some woman trying to outgross the creepy people. I did rankout’s when I was in the Navy. It was actually like that. I used to win a lot. I got a guy to cry uncle when I upped his stinky food diareah to the person swallowed peanuts whole so their diareah had a machine gun affect.
That was how Wolf was, like she was trying to one up all the nastiest she heard people speak. It wasn’t funny, and it wasn’t roasting. Roasting is naughty, a bit, and tongue in cheek. Wolf was just creepy and gross. Her comparisons missed the mark. She kind of reminded me of Sheldon’s bad social skills making his humor stupid.
She needs a day job, maybe sorting recyclables at a garbage plant, so she can wear a surgical mask and nobody will hear her.

Mariah's avatar

I suppose those of you who are so disgusted by Michelle Wolf’s bad manners were similarly outraged when Trump did this or this or this, right? Otherwise all this hand-wringing about decency and propriety seems quite hypocritical.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump knows when he needs the Press; he can call on Sinclair Broadcasting and Fox News to get the message across, Merriam-Webster Propaganda

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog I was disappointed in Wolf’s performance. To my mind she missed the opportunity of a lifetime. Her whole routine should have been about the draft dodging coward of a bully who chose to send a woman in to receive the beating that he rightfully deserved.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And in that you see the REAL Donald, and exactly why he is worthy of all the scorn and ridicule that can be hurled against him. Two years of ducking the correspondents dinner may have been the smart moves, just as was opting out of Vietnam, but Trump is conspicuous in being the lone President to run away from the annual gathering of those responsible for issuing him a report card.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Some people should not attempt to make a living as musicians. Some should never attempt high rise construction.
When I was a child I knew it was wrong to just send people to war by number. I cared about the men who wanted a choice. I vowed young to join the military one day, so the volunteer numbers would make it unnecessary to draft. I was outspoken on the subject always.
I don’t fault Donald for taking whatever measures he could to avoid something he felt incapable of doing.
By the same token, I don’t think someone who is a vet should be hoisted before the public and tell us this vet is a hero, and deserves to be president.
I am not interested in discussing or debating those stupid things people want to harp about because what isn’t made up is twisted in all wrong directions.
Donald is more than qualified to be president. Being shot in the ass in a foreign country is no qualifier.

If anybody seriously wants to discuss the president, and my thoughts regarding various things about those claims which have floated around, then please Address the topic with me in PM. Just bashing goes nowhere, but I am perfectly content discussing with anyone in a grown up manner just how my thoughts square up.

In regards to Wolf, as I said, I did rank out’s when I was in the Navy. I was good at it. There is no way I would ever get up in front of a bunch of people at a formal dinner and spew foul comments. After all, it is highly unlikely our Brit jelly, or the jelly formerly known for Friday NSFW postings would be in the audience.

ragingloli's avatar

So adorable, that with everything the Orangutan has laid bare about his character and personality, that you still assume that he felt “incapable” of being a soldier, and not the actual reality, that he was a scared, spoilt, white, rich kid, whose thoughts were
“Why should I, an elite rich, white man, risk my life and get my hands dirty, when there are millions of lowly scum plebeians to do the work?”

Patty_Melt's avatar

That is incapable, dear. Some have a fight instinct, some have a flight instinct.
Combat is not place for someone who focuses more on their own fear than how to survive. Everyone feels some kind of fear, but there are those who are stuck on indecision about how to ignore the fear and act decisively.
Some people are just flat out against killing.
Me, I got nothing against packing heat and spilling blood.
It is wrong for others.
I once saw a nun being verbally abused by an obviously disturbed man. He didn’t care she was tiny, like a little china doll. He was very worked up.
I jumped in between them before he could beat that little, tiny, quiet woman. I gave him a solid verbal beating, and some scriptures which left him too deep in thought to attack further.
She asked me after I was gone why I had done that.
I told her she was constructed with a strong soul, and meant to do certain things. I was strong (back then) physically, with a protective nature. I told her she was called to what she does, and that I was made for shielding against danger.
It wasn’t about being chicken.
She follows a life script which prevents her from aggressive acts. Me, I was born with a full clip, and no fear.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Patty_Melt What @ragingloli is trying to say, he’s a coward and his daddy’s money kept out of Vietnam.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I got that.
I joined so chickens don’t have to try to be foxes.
I said that above Loli’s comment.
I respect a person who can recognize their own limitations.
Being afraid might well have been his reason.
My stance is nobody should be drafted.
Trump had his own way out of it.
I, and many other women signed up, even though back then we were not allowed to take combat billets. A strong enough volunteer military doesn’t need to draft.
Shout out to my veteran sisters!
The rich had their methods, non rich can thank people like me.
I don’t care about their reasons. People who feel opposed should have a choice.

Trump knows what he is inside
He respects veterans because he knows we have something he doesn’t.
I’m okay with that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Uh, I guess I said something pretty special. It posted twice.

chyna's avatar

Trump respects no one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^ Not even Melania, she got her birthday greeting last week on White House stationary and roses from “Dial a Flower” delivery service. BELATED

chyna's avatar

Regarding his daughter “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhap I’d be dating her.” Sicko.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Like I said, I won’t mess with middle school behavior any more, bunch of whining, and “well he… ”
If someone actually wants a serious discussion regarding our president, fine. PM me.

Buncha snowflakes. Swear, I can hear your shrieky voices get more shrill with every post.

You remind me exactly of how Dixie behaved over President Lincoln. Remember? He was the guy who so divided the country,

While they were calling him Satan, and claiming he brought the country to ruin, he freed the slaves, and started the Air Force.
They were so certain he was evil, they killed him.
None of them could see the good he did as good.
He tweeted, old days style.
He bought his own newspapers so he could have printed what he wanted.
Just because you all scream that Trump is bad, does not make it so.
It just proves that you show poor judgement.

stanleybmanly's avatar

“bad” is understatement. He is pathologically flawed to the extent that he is legally certifiable. And it wasn’t Lincoln that divided the country Patty. Remember, the country was “divided” before Lincoln showed up.

Mariah's avatar

@Patty_Melt “None of them could see the good he did as good. ”

So what good is Trump doing, in your eyes? Genuine question.

I’m over here having a hard time forgiving him for the 16,000 who will die annually because of the sabotage to the Affordable Care Act that his administration has instigated.

What good has he done that will outweigh killing 4 times as many Americans, annually, as have been killed by terrorism over the past 2 decades?

Patty_Melt's avatar

He has done a lot for vets.
In opposition to one of the campaign debates he called a last minute speech/fundraiser, the proceeds all went to vets. He is working to right the wrongs with VA and the long existing problems with our healthcare, and already I am seeing the differences there.
I know lots of people who have serious issues resulting from Obamacare, which was my biggest reason for voting for him. While there is opposition holding things up, Trump is trying hard to get that improved.
Many say he is a bigot trying to keep out all non whites, and the wall is part of that, which is untrue. He wants the wall to protect us from uninvited intruders, and I certainly agree with that.
People don’t want to pay more in taxes for schools, healthcare solutions, and welfare programs to help people who are born here, and struggling, but they don’t mind bringing millions more annually who come here just because, and cause all sorts of problems?
My doctor came here from another country. She is professional, clever, a joy to know. I am glad she chose to be an American.
I don’t want to leave our borders open to whatever trash might blow into our yards.

Though he is cautious and suspicious of Un, he has made it clear he is open to talks with any leader who wants a friendly association with us and allies. I think that is a healthy attitude.

While some see his methods as crude, and may not understand his ways, he does have a very long history of travelling the world, doing business, and familiarizing himself with various customs.
Some of that could be the reason why lots of people don’t get him. Travelling lots, tends to cause people to pick up a little bit from each place they go.
As a minor example, when I was in middle school, none of the girls would wear dresses except for certain specific occasions. Carrying a purse was taboo. Pockets only.
We moved to another town, just across state line. Immediately girls snubbed me and wanted to know why I wanted so much to be a boy.
Over time, with several moves, I tired of this trend Vs. that one, and just became familiar with who I wanted to be.

One accusation after another when I search situations, I find things which were twisted, misunderstood, and made up. I watched at length an interview with Anderson Cooper, who I used to admire, and repeatedly he twisted Donald’s words around right on camera. I wanted to kick his shins.
These are some of the things I see and know.

I do think Donald has some personal issues. I have been around to see interviews and projects for forty years, pretty much how long we have known who he is.
Watch him sometime, with your mind open, calm and analytical.
I think his speech and behavior seem high functioning autistic. I think he has a barrier which makes socialization a problem for him, and sometimes he says awkward things to impress people.
The whole p***y grab thing, if you watch, is two men alone, discussing how women behave when you are rich. Bush nudged, and Donald said he “could”, not that he ever did, or even wanted to. It was like he was trying to impress one of the boys.
He followed that by asking for a breath mint, in case he got to kiss the pretty girl.
He did.
On the cheek.

I have come to a point in my life when a cheating president no longer raises an eyebrow.
Blah blah, it goes way back to humping slaves. Men of power just seem to need places to put it. Pretty sure only the very ugly didn’t, and maybe Barack.
I’m not condoning it. I just think it may be a character trait in men who want to lead/have power, which cannot be diffused.

Anyway, I could go on more, but I know I am presenting my thoughts openly before a group who would like me drawn and quartered for merely saying I do support President Trump.

My posts have been scrambling once I hit the Answer button, so if this comes up garbled, give me a minute to make adjustments.

Mariah, I know you are scared for yourself. I am honestly in your corner for your health concerns. Have you tried contacting the “orange guy”?

Mariah's avatar

OK forgive me if I get a little heated. The healthcare thing is big for me. I don’t have anything against you personally. I like you as a person. This is not an attack on you.

But hell. Your biggest reason for voting for him is because people are having problems with the ACA? Do you understand that every single one of those problems has only gotten worse since he took office?

Trump campaigned on a promise to repeal the ACA and replace it with ‘something terrific.’ Who hears that decides “yeah, this guy has a plan”? He had no idea he was doing. He was later quoted as saying ‘nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated.’

Are you aware of what this administration has done to healthcare since taking office? Fewer people have insurance. Premiums are more expensive for the people who do. And the government is spending more on healthcare. We have managed to get worse on every metric simultaneously somehow. I’m happy to hear that you perceive the VA as improving. But for the rest of us, things are objectively worse.

The rate of uninsurance is expected to climb to 19.7% in 2019 – higher than it was before the ACA took effect. It’s already up to 15.5% now. Before Trump took office, the rate was 12.7%. Since 1 out of every 830 uninsured dies a preventable death each year, this means there will be 16,000 additional uninsurance deaths in 2019.

The rise in uninsurance is a direct result of this administration’s sabotage of the ACA. They cut the signup period in half, slashed advertising funding by 90%, and repealed the individual mandate, the culmination of which was this increase in the uninsured rate.

Meanwhile, those of us with pre-existing conditions have seen discrimination rear its ugly head once more. This administration is allowing coverage to deny insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, even though the clause of the ACA that protects us is still in effect. How are they getting away with this? They’re simply not using the word ‘insurance’ to describe these plans. As long as they don’t call them insurance, the plans can break the ACA all they want. Even you have to admit this is shady as best. And it will kill people like me.

Are you aware of what the effects would have been from the plans that failed due to “opposition holding them up”? They were held up for good reason. They were bad plans. Don’t forget they weren’t merely blocked by “obstructionist Democrats.” They could have passed without a single Democratic vote. These plans were so bad, they couldn’t even get a caucus of 50 Republican Senators to support them.

The BCRA would have kicked some 23 million people off their insurance. It would have rolled back the Medicaid expansion, which is responsible for insuring 12 million people who couldn’t access insurance before, has reduced infant mortality, reduces disparities in health insurance coverage across income levels, age, and ethnicity, is one of the major resources that aids people in fighting opioid addiction, created tens of thousands of jobs, and made it easier for people who are unemployed to find work. The Graham-Cassidy plan would have also rolled back the Medicaid expansion, and would have thrown healthcare policy to the states, allowing the red half of the US to fuck sick people to their hearts’ content.

There are other options to fix the ACA without tearing it to pieces. However, this administration has never even considered these options. I think they care more about getting to say they successfully repealed “Obamacare” than they do about creating an actual decent healthcare situation for the people of this country.

I think I wrote to Trump in early 2017. I don’t recall ever getting a response. He does not give a single fuck about people like me.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I see I was unclear.
Obama’s healthcare proposal was why I voted for Obama.

The way it affected so many I know, and others I don’t made me lose heart.

My reasons for backing Trump is many.
I believe he is trying, and I believed Barack was trying. It might be too big a job for those involved so far.

I do hope we can be friends who disagree.
I also hope that help steps in from somewhere to get it all ironed out. If that happens, hopefully Donald’s fierce ego will allow him to see what is best and go with it.

Mariah's avatar

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying, and thanks for supporting the ACA originally.

What exactly did you see that convinced you that the ACA needed to be torn down and could not merely be tweaked?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I would be okay with a tweak, or an overhaul, and I don’t care who authors it, so long as it works.
We are talking about making something work for everyone the best it possibly can.
Nothing will fit everyone like a glove. This is no small task.
I thought Barack might pull it off. He is a very smart and talented man.
When it didn’t work, well I have no faith in Hillary at all.
Whatever his faults, Donald can put together a team like crazy. Sometimes it looks like a shell game, need you here, you suck get out, who else we got, you over there. What he ends up with produces.
I also honestly believe he really cares about the country, the citizens, doing good things right.

Big problem is, the safety methods our founding fathers put in place to protect the people from government has gotten so big, and so many divisions…
Picture a school, where there is one principal, three teachers, and a board of administrators of fifty people. The school has eight hundred students, divided between thirty rooms.
The teachers try to instruct by intercom system, so they can reach all the rooms. At any given time seventy students have a question.
The board is supposed to keep things functioning. Everything goes through the principal.
Every day, each student, teacher, and board member thinks of the day ahead and says
And the principal bravely tried to keep it all from flying in sixty directions at once.

Our country has gotten like that.
A few are trying to meet the needs of a massive crowd, and everyone has their job to do, but by sheer numbers they are overwhelmed.
Leading the nation can’t have anything to do with popularity any more. Survival depends on the skills of someone who can address the most, the best.
I believed Donald was right for it. I hope he is.
Things are too serious for me to worry about how good anybody is in bed, or whether they want to touch some pink.

I know the fear of needing medical care.
For twenty years I have been trying to get a doctor to get serious about helping me. At long last, VA getting the shakedown that should have come long ago.

Just on hope, why don’t you record a video, no anger, no bad words, just explain your needs, your situation, your fears, and send it to the White House.
It might never be seen. Or, maybe it will lead to something good.

flutherother's avatar

@Patty_Melt I don’t think we can take Trump at his word when he says he will provide a “terrific” healthcare plan for Americans. What is this terrific plan? Trump himself had no idea at the time he spoke and the word was empty and without meaning.

To suggest individuals should plead with the White House for better healthcare for themselves is to admit defeat. What we need is healthcare for everyone that needs it when they need it. Everyone is a special case.

Those checks and balances that you suggest should be swept away are America. That is what America is and was intended to be. Right from the start the Founding Fathers made clear a dictatorship of any sort could never be tolerated and they created a system of government they hoped would prevent it from ever happening. To think for a moment a series of inane tweets and empty words should replace this beggars belief.

Mariah's avatar

I don’t have much more to say, @Patty_Melt, that wasn’t already said. I’m glad you feel so optimistic about Trump. Where you see a good team, I see people unfit for their positions and an unheard-of level of turnover. While you have faith that Trump cares about us little people, I see a lot of evidence that he does not.

I agree that the issues are the main picture here and not the scandals. I think Trump has a disgusting and severely flawed personality, and a history of treating people in awful and disrespectful ways, but that’s not my main issue with him. If he made healthcare better while simultaneously being a shitty human being, I would support him. Unfortunately he is being a shitty human and also making healthcare much worse.

I have already done my share of begging to our leaders. Last year I was on the phone with the Senate damn near every night. I went to Senator Collins’s office in Maine and looked one her aides in the eye while reading a statement about how the BCRA would kill me. Aide just stood there with crossed arms and pissy expression. These people just seriously do not care about anything except their own political victories. And since they promised to repeal the ACA, they feel they have to do it, regardless of what that means for the ill people of this country.

chyna's avatar

Until they, or their loved ones face the kind of medical crisis some of us has faced, they will never understand the need for affordable healthcare for all.
As a quick example, I work at a hospital but our premiums have gone up and so has our deductibles. In a meeting with the President of our company where many employees were complaining about this, he said that he TOTALLY understood how we felt because he had to take his kid to the emergency room 3 times last year. Sorry, but his making in the very high six figures and the rest of us making in the two figures is not even comparable. Which is the same for Congress. They have the money to pay for high medical bills and medicines, but probably one of their perks is free medical care. They CANNOT relate to the common person.

Mariah's avatar

Yep, Congress has free government-provided healthcare, yet somehow the thought of giving that to the rest of us is just preposterous.

It’s a complete conflict of interest if you ask me. Why should they care what they do to our healthcare system if it doesn’t affect their family? They should have what the rest of us have.

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