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Patty_Melt's avatar

Have you seen Jumanji the remake?

Asked by Patty_Melt (17519points) May 12th, 2018
24 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I only just saw it this week. Fortunately I bought the DVD, because I see it as being a resource for giddy laughter when I need it.
Am I the only one to enjoy it so much?
Feel free to make your comments, but please use spoiler alerts for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

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canidmajor's avatar

I haven’t, but The Rock makes me laugh, so I’ll be sure to see it! Thanks for heads up!

Patty_Melt's avatar

You must! Jack has some special moments too.
I didn’t know a Jonas brother was in it. He was good, but the humor stayed mostly with the pros.

If you ever had any type of teen angst, the laughs will be even better.

ragingloli's avatar

Kevin Hart ruins it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I thought he was pretty good, though definitely not the comedy monster that both Rock and Jack are.

ragingloli's avatar

Everyone else tries to act like the person they are outside of the game.
The Rock as the scared, timid kid,
Jack Black as the “popular girl”,
Amy Pond as the nerdy girl,
But Kevin Hart does not even pretend to try to be a jock, no, he is just Kevin Hart, like he is in every role he plays.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You have a point there.
His character though is kind of a butt as a friend outside of the game.
I don’t think we are supposed to like him much.
It is true that his range is less than that of the others, but for me it didn’t take anything from the story.
The part could have easily been cast someone else, without suffering. I don’t think the same could have been said about the rest of the cast.
The supporting characters did a great job of simulating game structure. The little boy at the bazaar was great.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I watched it the very first day it came out. Anythng The Rock is in is worth my time & money. I didn’t buy it; but did rent it from RedBox….one of the cheapest ways to see recently released movies. I’m not going into any detail as I don’t plan to spoil it for others. I enjoyed the old Robin Williams version the most; but did enjoy Dwayne Johnson’s version because they weren’t the same movie!!!

imrainmaker's avatar

Have seen the promo and it looked great. Haven’t watched the movie yet but planning to do it very soon.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I loved Robin Williams & I couldn’t imagine a remake of the original being worth anything; so, I went into it expecting to hate it. Glad to say I was pleasantly surprised!!! Although it was a similar story line, it wasn’t a remake of the original & glad I didn’t hold onto my closed mind!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh it is hilarious!!!! We bought the DVD. Every time we watch it we catch something we didn’t catch before.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, it is a completely different story.
I should not have used the word remake, but neither is it a continuation of the first.
Everyone involved in the project liked the first, and didn’t want to do anything to mess around with that.
It is just like a game in that, when you play the same game twice, the experience will be different each time, and winning both times is a bonus.
Jumanji seems to be a game that is fun no matter how many times new players get it to reboot.

The new Jumanji is good for anybody who wants to laugh several times in less than two hours.

Anyone who has leak issues should Depends on precaution before watching.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“You guys have a handle!!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ragingloli which role was Kevin Hart?

ragingloli's avatar

The big black jock, if you will pardon the pun.

Patty_Melt's avatar

He was not. He was Mouse.

ragingloli's avatar

who was the big black jock outside of the game.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Kevin Hart was Fridge before the game & Ser’Darius Blain was Young Fridge during the game & I agree with @ragingloli‘s description. He is one hunk of a jock. In my eyes he held his own standing next to The Rock!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

(I’m confused!)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Dutch, you were right.
The link you provided has a link to a YT interview. Watching the interview sets it all straight.
Blain is 6’5” tall. That alone pretty much clears it up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There was never a scene where he stood next to The Rock…

Patty_Melt's avatar

You guys having a they all look alike to me moment?
Those two men couldn’t be more different unless one of them was a Chinese woman.
The tall guy with the deep voice and nice shave is Blain, the man who played the part of the kid called Fridge.
The short guy with facial hair played the part of Mouse.
They make a huge deal about the size difference all through the movie.

Wait, are you all funnin’ me?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure @LadyMarissa was referring to sex appeal, and physical appeal, not race.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My point was you guys don’t know which man is which.
Kevin Hart is the little guy, and he was Mouse, not Fridge.
Ser’Darius Blain is the big guy, and he played Fridge.

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