Well @Dutchess_III & myself are females & I don’t have a clue what sex the OP is. My stalker bought a car from me & then started showing up out of nowhere to volunteer to do much needed work around my house for free. I thought he was a nice guy only to learn how WRONG I was.
He became pushier & pushier to the point I began to fear for my life. I spoke with a local Deputy to get advice on what to do. He said just put up No Trespassing signs around my property (on all 4 sides) & tell him they are meant for him & then call the County Sheriff’s office IF he crossed the Trespassing signs. I did as told & he challenged my authority to keep him out of my yard. He asked what I was going to do when I caught him in my yard & I responded “call the cops”. He laughed & assured me that he’d be so sneaky that he could convince then that I was crazy.
He stopped showing up during the day & began to jump my fence at night. I had put locks on my gates so he had to jump in order to get in. He had made friends with my dogs so they didn’t even bark at him when he came in the yard. I found spent shotgun shells in my driveway, empty cigarette packs (his brand) laying on my lawn, he’d tap on the window & run when I tried to look out. Neighbors started telling me that he’d sit in front of my house for 15–30 minutes at a time at 3:00 in the morning just staring at my front door. One neighbor said he was driving by 4 to 5 times a day looking to see if I was at home. The antenna on my car was snapped off & my side window busted with nothing taken from the car. My tires went flat every 2–3 days with nothing wrong with them. It bothered him that I kept my lawn mower outside because there wasn’t enough room in the garage. He’d remove the cover & open the hood just to let me know he had been in my yard. He even had his wife call me to tell me that I was going to burn in Hell for not being nicer to her husband. The sheriff’s office said there was nothing they could do until he actually physically harmed me & suggested that I get a restraining order. Well, RO’s aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on & I feared that he would interpret it as my not obeying him so I forgot that idea!!! Instead, I was talking to a semi-mutual friend one day & told them that I had purchased a gun & had been taking proficirency classes & my instructor said I had become deadly with my aim. Don’t know IF he ever got the message, but not long after that the visits became less frequent until they finally just stopped!!! Still, that was the longest, most miserable 2 years of my life!!!
Although him fearing getting shot was what seemed to deter him, I still would NOT invite a complete stranger to my door thinking they might die in the process. In my case, I had given his name, address, & phone number including his car tag number to many friends with instructions IF I was if I was murdered in my home that they give that info to the authorities. I was at the place it was worth dying to think he was going to rot in jail!!!