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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you ever get cravings for food you don't even like?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 31st, 2018
35 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I stopped at a convenience store to get coke and something to eat. A donut or something. But then it hit me that I really wanted a Chuckwagon sandwich. It has salami, which I don’t like, and bologna, which I tolerate, turkey and 2 kinds of cheese. Man I scarfed that puppy down and went and got another…AND I DON’T EVEN LIKE THEM! SMH. Every so often I get a craving. I think it goes back to my college days when living on convenience store food when you’re on the road was just part of the adventure.
Also, the first time I got preggers, I got a craving for pickles. I didn’t even know I was pregnant yet and I do not like pickles either!

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janbb's avatar

Haha – I think you just like telling us about what you eat! You should have a food blog!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I really want to know if I’m the only person that gets cravings for food they don’t even like. Do you?

janbb's avatar

Nope – cravings, yes, but for foods I like.

chyna's avatar

No I can’t even imagine it. Oh look, asparagus, I’m going to stuff my face with it! Nope!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I never liked broccoli until I got pregnant with my youngest. Now I love it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sometimes I get a craving for pop tarts. I hate pop tarts. Also avocado. I don’t like risking buying expired fruit. Also I have cravings for smoked oysters. The last time I bought smoked oysters they were purple on the bottom and I got a refund. So I avoid them.

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t say that I have ever gotten a craving for something that I don’t like.

A few years back, when I was entering peri-menopause, I got a mad craving for bridge mix. You know the chocolate covered raisins and nuts mix. I don’t recall ever having bridge mix at home, it was a thing that grandmas always had at their homes, a little treat.

Bridge mix was always kind of a neutral for me. I probably hadn’t had any for close to 40 years, but when that craving hit, I had to drive 30 minutes across town to get some at See’s Candies.

First I went to the grocery store, and then to CVS, where I figured they would have bagged Brach’s brand bridge mix, but they didn’t!

I finally got to the candy store and got a small bag of bridge mix and ate some. It was good, and I’ve never had a mad craving like that since.

I chalk it up to changing hormonal balances.

kritiper's avatar

Nope. Not one bit. Ever.

JLeslie's avatar


I do know some women who crave foods they usually aren’t passionate about when they’re preggers. I doubt that’s your situation though.

Pinguidchance's avatar

When it’s food I don’t like I worry it’s a blectopic pregnancy.

Foray balanced meal I have a green slurpy with the coke and the donut.

LuckyGuy's avatar

YES!!! I don’t care for spicy hot foods. They make my head sweat and burn my mouth.
But, if there is Sriracha on the table, I will squirt some on the food Why?!?!?!

JLeslie's avatar

@LuckyGuy Makes me think of my mom when she would say don’t put the food in front of me, because I’ll nosh on it.

I think spicy food is addictive.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There are foods I’ve come to enjoy over the years, but it was never due for a craving of it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The hell is a “blectopic pregnancy,” @Pinguidchance?! (And what kind of donut? I’m a caramel donut kind of girl even when I don’t have a blectopic pregnancy.)

Demosthenes's avatar

Nope. Never heard of such a thing. I get cravings for foods that don’t seem very exciting in certain contexts, though. When I’m sick I seem to crave grapes, but other times I’m just like “Grapes? Meh.”

ucme's avatar

No, no I don’t.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ScienceChick That is a great article! Thanks! Now I’m wondering what nutrient Sriracha has that my gut bacteria need.
Maybe they’re just messing with me as revenge for drinking an occasional Bloody Mary. :-)

ScienceChick's avatar

We’re just big ugly sacks of mostly water being controlled by our microbiome. ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Very very interesting. I have long wondered if cravings were somehow our body’s way of telling us there is some nutrient we’re missing.

janbb's avatar

^^ I doubt your body is telling you you’re missing salami and baloney! :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right?!! But there must be something within that particular sandwich. Don’t know if it’s the salami, bologna, turkey, poppy seed bun or what. (Am I the only one who had a Oscar Meyer commercial running through my head when I type the word “bologna?”)

ScienceChick's avatar

Salty, cured meats are a legitimate craving. No shame in that at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not ashamed.

ScienceChick's avatar

I think craving salt can mean you’re low in something…. but I don’t remember. All those fad diets never held any interest to me, so those ideas sort of go in one ear and out the other. If I crave salt, I’ll eat something salty. I do know that my skin peels less on my fingers if I remember to take a multi B vitamin. I used to hate fizzy water, but I’ll go through periods of time when I can’t drink enough. I know it has some mineral salts in it, and maybe that’s what I’m craving. I don’t know. I figure as long as I’m not craving 8 glasses of wine or 3 martini’s after work and a pack of ciggies, I’m doing OK.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!! I actually had to consciously increase my salt intake, per the doc. I was running critically low on electrolytes a few months back, especially sodium. Wound up in the hospital. It’s so weird putting salt on everything now. I always figured I got enough salt in whatever processed foods I ate to take care of that. I’d salt my fries, though, and tomatoes. Now I salt my ice water!

ScienceChick's avatar

Really? That’s really interesting. Are you processing it really fast or something and do you drink a great deal of water during the day? Do you like fizzy water? What do you call it there, mineral water, the stuff that is carbonated? Were you getting bad cramps?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I think it was a variety of things. I had cut back on my liquid intake, thinking that drinking a whole lot of water was causing the loss, but then I wound up in the hospital with dehydration! So now I’m back to just drinking when ever I want (mostly Diet Coke) but not in excess like I used to. Just keeping an eye on things now.
No. No cramps. Nothing like that. Just an overwhelming sense of unease. Hard to explain.

JLeslie's avatar

I think the body does crave salt when low. Pregnant women crave salty foods most likely do to their increased blood volume from the pregnancy. The salt helps keep the water in the body.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When we had the shop we had no AC. Lordy it got hot in there. Everyday I’d get a pile of McDonald’s French fries and pile on the salt.

ScienceChick's avatar

You must have very salty sweat. Maybe more than other people?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…we had no air conditioning in the shop. When it hit 100 + we all sweated buckets. We’d just be dripping. My body told me I needed the salt and I listened.

JLeslie's avatar

Right, you were losing salt, salts, because you were sweating.

ScienceChick's avatar

Oh, we had some hot weather up here this summer, but it’s unusual. I don’t think I can really relate to the heat you guys have there. Did you say you live in Florida? Or in the Southern Midwest of the US? I start complaining when we reach the mid 70sF.

Dutchess_III's avatar

For a long time I had no air or heat in our Aerostar van. Right after we moved to this town, about 50 miles from Wichita, that first summer, I was driving with the windows down. The time on the bank clock said, “1:15.”
I thought, “That’s wrong! It’s closer to 3:00!”
Then it hit me…no wonder I felt like I was going to melt through the floor boards!

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