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flo's avatar

Trump experts or not, did he say the following if so would you post the link?

Asked by flo (13313points) May 4th, 2019
31 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

“If it weren’t for our citizens’ high demand for the drugs or x y z items the Mexican and others bring in, we wouldn’t have a problem, so all you American citizens stop it.”
I asked here (last post)
Way above in the same thread
”@flo, yes. Trump did say something like that the other day.”
So, I’m hoping for a video or an article where he was quoted saying that.

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Patty_Melt's avatar

I looked.
It was posted on fb, but I don’t’t remember if it was The White House, Donald Trump, or local news which posted it. I follow those and more.
I will look some more, but all I know for sure is I saw it on fb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I copied and pasted this section into Google. ”If it weren’t for our citizens’ high demand for the drugs…” I got hits but no exact match.

ragingloli's avatar

That sentence is far too complex for him to be the originator.

flutherother's avatar

There is some truth in the statement which makes it unlikely Trump said it. However he makes all kinds of contradictory remarks and tweets so I wouldn’t rule it out entirely. Even a stopped clock occasionally gives the right time.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I went back to the beginning of April on his fb page. I started going through the White House page but I got interrupted around FLOTUS birthday.

flo's avatar

But if anyone said that it could very well be way before last April right?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

Aren’t there Trump fans on Fluther? I would have thought in seconds there would be the link if Trump or Trump supporters said it. Would anyone pass the word to them?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

@Patty_Melt could you email the White House tweet Trump, etc. asking him for the video?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t…...think… works like that! For one thing, trump can’t read.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am sure it was during April.

You don’t just write POTUS a fan letter and get a response. Lol
I wrote Reagan in ‘81. I got a card, like an invitation card, thanking me for my interest and how I could donate to the future campaign fund.

My daughter wrote a letter intended for the Obama girls with basically the same reply.

It was not longer ago than April. I just don’t remember the source, but he has since then and before made related speeches about the need for an end to the opioid crisis, which speeches includes mentions of aspects: information and help for addiction hazards, making deals with China (cute how he says China) to make laws restricting opioid export, and more restrictive borders.

Here is the thing. The Donald has always had this communication issue, and it has nothing to with illiteracy.

He mentally multitasks, mulling a dozen issues at once. This causes some verbal issues, because in speaking he has ten things he means to say, and doesn’t realize five are implied but not spoken. I have seen it in interviews back during the eighties. He would say something to one host, then on another show it would make more sense because he would state things he previously omitted. Basically, his cart gets ahead of the horse, and people have trouble sorting it out.

Anyway, he dreams of a healthier country by helping people end their addiction. He has no intention of harming those who must have opiates for survival. My doctor has apologetically explained this to me from her perspective. Opiates are still available for use, but doctors must show evidence that other alternatives will not work for that patient.
It is a non issue for me. Although I suffer chronic pain from a rare condition, I can’t eat safe poppy seeds in food, and morphine has given me bad reactions, so I am not a passenger on that train anyway.

It all boils down to Trump has a dream. He has a dream of a better America, and that includes a healthier America. He wants to end addiction for as many people as humanly, and governmentally possible, but not through the past efforts of shaming and arrest. He wants to make voluntary help available, more heavily regulated dispensation, and cut illegal supply, so that only the must haves can get.

If you search White House on fb, you will see speeches on the timeline which lays it all out. The thing is, you have bits from various speeches in order for it to make more sense. Someone does some nice editing so it lays out better on the official page. Nothing is watered down, it just makes sense and deletes the mention of unrelated stuff.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Patty_Melt If Sarah Huckabee Sanders ever retires . . . .^^^^^^

Patty_Melt's avatar

Whatever. I’m not here to be a punching bag for Trump haters. Go find your effigy somewhere else. I am just sharing my perspective with someone who asked…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not punching just saying you a great job of covering for Trump.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not his keeper. But, he does need translaters sometimes. Faulting him for being difficult to understand is pretty mean.

ragingloli's avatar

Thanos only wanted the best for the universe.

ragingloli's avatar

And those liberal avengers just did not get it. His genius.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Thanos wanted the universe to be for him.

Better recheck your facts. It was Thanos who is the liberal bully, out to destroy the conservatives who dare to value laws, and personal restraint.

ragingloli's avatar

You have not watched any of the films, have you.

flutherother's avatar

The president must be able to communicate clearly and consistently. If he (or she) can’t do that they aren’t much good.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@flutherother, it would make things better if he spoke more efficiently, but I don’t think verbal skills define the job. Second making, sorting through massive stacks of paperwork, those things dominate.

He knows what he means to say.
I feel he should let his VP make some of his speeches for him.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Patty_Melt He rambles and contradicts himself in the same speech, he tweets at the level of a 12 year old. He narcissistic and is proud of it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He misspells the simplest words too. He is dumb. Plain and simple, he is stupid. It is beyond me how anyone could actually support the buffoon.

ragingloli's avatar

The Emperor’s new clothes, almost 1:1.

flo's avatar

@Patty_Melt If he said that statement it would have been all over, on let’s say Rush Limbaugh, and all the rest of his fans. So, most of the peolple on this thread would just come across it without going look for it. So, there wouldnt be a need for W hite House to respond to a fan’s emai.
I do ‘t see how Google search result would ‘tcome up with tons of pages never mind one result

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

….I meant it would have been all over the _place _ the media).

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flutherother's avatar

@Patty_Melt I don’t think sorting through massive stacks of paperwork is Trump’s forte nor do I think that should be a priority of any president. The president has to motivate and lead the nation and the government. Trump operates at a distance from government and he divides the nation.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If you think each POTUS does not move q huge stack of paperwork each and every day, you are hugely mistaken. It is a priority. That is one of the main aspects of the gig.
Being motivational speaker is NOT his job. That is the duty of the guy in a van down by the river.
Are you eleven? You have a very naive sense of what it takes to run a country.

@flo, I don’t like Rush Limbaugh, don’t listen to him, couldn’t be compelled to.
I don’t know if you think I am stupid or a liar, but I did see that on my fb page. I’m sorry I haven’t found it quick enough to suit you. I have been battling pneumonia and a uti at 5he same time, and I just don’t feel properly motivated to spend my entire day looking for an online post.
I was trying to be helpful and for that I get chastised.

flo's avatar

@Patty_Melt Sorry I made you feel bad, by the way get well. But I thought maybe it was an error re. (“It was posted on fb,”) I thought you were more interested in having that video out there, because of ” because you said yousaw it on f/b. Again my point is how does anyone explain that there is not one hit? “I haven’t found it quick enough to suit you.” It’s not about me or flutherother or you or anyone else. I posted the OP expecting tons of people would have the answer, it shoudn’t take just one person out of all those fans, and non fans of Trump, who would have the video to post. “I was trying to be helpful” If anyone posted that it would be helpful to Trump, and his fans wouldn’t it?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Patty_Melt's avatar

I found a video related to what I was talking about earlier in the thread. It is not the speech I saw on fb, but it is over a year old, and first lady Melania speaks first.
Then President Trump speaks about prevention, working in tandem with other countries, and training for prescribers, and supporting and aiding people who are addicted and people who are suffering because of the addictions of others.
They both cover the subjects well, and with a lot of personal compassion.

It is a half hour long.

flo's avatar

Ok. I’m sure someone will post the video speech that you referred to as having seen it on f/b.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flutherother's avatar

@Patty_Melt There are statesmen, then there are the politicians, then we have the bureaucrats who deal with the immense stacks of paperwork and finally, there is the tweeter.

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