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stanleybmanly's avatar

Shouldn’t Trump award Mueller the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution toward draining the swamp?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) May 25th, 2019
29 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

I mean isn’t the man a hero?

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think we need to wait until . . . . . the Hitler lover (with orange hair comb over and bad orange make-up) is down the drain.

Just saying.

seawulf575's avatar

Possibly, if he had followed up on the numerous leads that pointed to corruption from the Obama administration and Hillary as well as just Trump. After all, there were numerous things that popped up during his investigation that pointed towards potentially criminal activity by these folks, and Mueller steered away from any looks at them. Even looking at the source of the Steele Dossier was avoided. He just took it as a valid reason with no questioning. So I guess if he had actually done what he was tasked with…investigating everything that might arise from the investigation…he might warrant the medal of freedom.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t believe the swamp has been drained yet. In fact, it appears to be overflowing.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 Newsflash!!! Obama and Hillary got out of “the swamp” about three years ago. The swamp has since become deeper and murkier than ever and the aged dinosaur inhabiting its depths bellows defiance at anyone attempting a clean-up.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother Newsflash!!! Obama and Hillary have never been held accountable for their crimes and are still interfering in today’s events. They are perfect examples of the continuing swamp that is our federal government.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Yellowdog's avatar

It may seem to some of you that Mueller is a ’‘hero’ for the right. But that is only because your position is so far to the left.

Just like you think William Barr is acting as Trump’s personal attorney, when in reality he is only revealing evidence of crimes that really did, actually occur—crimes with ACTUAL evidence and Records and paper trails. Transcripts and texts and telephone conversations.

But reality is, Mueller actually had a bias against anyone in the Trump campaign. Just because someone cannot find evidence that simply isn’t there doesn’t mean they favored the Trump campaign. Everyone on his team were strong supporters of Hillary Clinton and worked against the Trump campaign.

Secondly, Mueller stretched out this investigation well past the 2018 midterms, probably to veil enough to create doubt and secrecy. for these crucial elections. As a result, we have a house of Democrats who have done absolutely zilch for their congressional duties, but have continued to obstruct and harass and wage an open war against the president, then declare to the American people that Trump is the one obstructing.

Although Mueller’s investigation was by far the most thorough investigation in U,S, History, surpassing even Watergate, it could have been completed in about five or six weeks and been just as thorough, not two years. It was to create a cloud of distrust between Trump and the American people, at least through the midterms, Mueller knew when he began his investigation that the only evidence was the dossier—a political document, mostly Russian in origin, paid for by the opposition party, and used feloneously four times to obtain FISA warrants. That’s where the real story is, and will soon be uncovered,

If Mueller had any of the integrity you once credited him, he would have ended the investigation rather quickly for lack of evidence,

seawulf575's avatar

@Yellowdog I’d give you several GAs if I could.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog Sorry, but no GA from me. Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election has led to 35 people being charged, including several who were a part of Mr Trump’s campaign and administration and yet you say there was a lack of evidence? As for the cloud of distrust between the president and the American people – that cloud formed the day Trump was elected.

ragingloli's avatar

It also uncovered over 100 confirmed contacts between the Russians and the Drumpf campaign, and listed 12 instances where Drumpf did commit obstruction of justice.
And even if those 100 contacts do not technically rise to criminality, his obstruction of the investigation does.
Drumpf IS a criminal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ None of that is a drop in the bucket compared to HILLARY.

stanleybmanly's avatar

YES the 34 indictment witch hunt!. I know I’m convinced it was a shameful waste of taxpayer money. That’s money that should have been devoted to cracking down on the Barack/Hillary crime spree. How do the liberals get away with it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s a conspiracy I tell you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think he should award A.G. Barr the “Used Car Salesman of the Year”, for selling the US public an auto with a cracked block, bald tires and altered paperwork.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother and @stanleybmanly let me ask…how many of the indictments against Trump people were for conspiracy with Russia? The answer, of course, is zero. They were all for past sins or for misleading or false testimony…none of which had anything to do with the Russia/Trump angle either. And some of those indictments are still being contested and at least one has opened a can of worms concerning the FBI knowingly misleading the FISA courts for warrants to spy on Carter Page, who was in the Trump campaign. Why the FBI was spying on a political campaign is still questionable. So yes, I continue to say there was no evidence for the Mueller investigation. It was all manufactured by political opponents, pushed through by corrupt government officials, and spread 24/7 by biased news outlets.

And speaking of the biased 24/7 news outlets, it was their fake news reporting that has driven the biggest wedge between Trump and the American public. Their non-stop lies, innuendos, suppositions and other deceptions were sucked up by fools and spread like facts. Remember the meltdowns when Trump was elected? We got to see round 2 when Mueller’s report said there was no “collusion”. That sort of behavior is not what this country needs. It needs honest investigative, non-partisan journalism. Anything else leads to tyranny and a dictator taking control. And no, that isn’t Trump…that would be the next Dem POTUS most likely.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Tropical_Willie William Barr hasn’t tried to ‘sell’ anything, or present any point of view whatsoever. He has answered questions, and that’s about it.

As I said above, there are falsified FISA warrants, telephone conversations, interviews with transcripts, cell phone texts. These are simple, plain facts that must be dealt with. The Republicans and Trump had nothing to do with this. He was the victim. The crimes go back to the 2016 campaigns and were committed within the Obama administration to rig an election for Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump.

Barr is only looking at facts; actual records and interviews and conversations and actions such as FISA court fraud. Barr isn’t “selling” anything. Just delving into the actual records.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh wait it was *HILLARY’S” fault Barr didn’t represent the Mueller report as the Mueller team wrote it. . . .

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 You and your deflections and delusions about the impropriety of the origins of the investigations on trumputin. Sometimes I can’t help but think you are a Russian hack-bot sitting somewhere in a Moscow apartment enjoying torturing anti-trumputin Americans while manipulating the heads of vulnerable, shallow-minded, easy to agitate, desperate and unhappy American voters. Lol

MrGrimm888's avatar

Dutch. You do know that Hillary trains dingoes, to steal babies when vacationing in Australia, right? She also violates multiple airspace laws, as she rides her broom to most faraway places…


mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog Do you really take pride as an American citizen ( I assume you are one ) believing trumputin over your own FBI and CIA people who are just doing their jobs protecting the country? If you do then you are truly lost. You have got to try and find your way back home comrade! Lol

Yellowdog's avatar

The FBI and DOJ are actually doing the investigations into misconduct in their own ranks. You can be sure that at the very least, Jim Comey will be indicted, and probably six others, will have some pretty lengthy prison terms.

The fraud on the FISA courts, using the dossier, alone—would send several to prison.

Why do you NOT want this investigated? It doesn’t really matter, because it IS now being investigated, and there will be actual results because there is actual evidence.

seawulf575's avatar

@Yellowdog You know the answer to your question. As much as the liberals will tell you “If Trump has nothing to hide, then what does it matter if they dig and dig into his stuff?”, they sing a different tune when the investigation might impact one of their own. And having an investigation that shows that Hillary, the Dems, the FBI and the CIA all conspired to undermine our last election would definitely fit that bill.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Everything is all Hillary’s fault. (That argument is now bordering on the absurd, you know that you two trumpanzees?)

stanleybmanly's avatar

I have difficulty swallowing the proposition that wrestling Trump’s tax returns from secrecy amounts to a violation of his rights. There are several reasons why Trump should be excluded from the category of aggrieved taxpayer. The first is that he is President of the United States and the ONLY President who has withheld his filings from public view in the post war era. More to the point, he is the only President who has refused to isolate himself and his family from businesses flagrantly susceptible to the charges of him profiting financially through exploiting the influence of his office. Moreover, the clear criminality of those surrounding him, his confirmed reputation for less than ethical business practices, his open contempt for the legal process and the rule of law render him more than eligible for a good looking over. But beyond any and all of that, the Congress of the United States is the one body legally entitled to look at the tax returns of whomever it chooses for WHATEVER reasons it chooses, which is why the courts will continue to slap him down, regardless of how profusely he stuffs them with sycophants.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Now there’s a man who thinks for himself. GA @stanleybmanly.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Dutchess_III YOU keep bringing up Hillary, every time. Then you get upset that we are talking about Hillary.

Hillary is probably in the clear. But those who did her bidding and rigged her exoneration will probably go to prison. Will THAT satisfy you?

Nobody is blaming Hillary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! So, it went right over your head, did it @Yellowdog? SMH.

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