I had no idea the sister might be trans when I wrote this question. I was curious about the Antifa angle as stated in my original question.
@canidmajor I don’t want anyone getting death threats. They are getting death threats because a child of theirs was trans? Or, because a child of theirs shot a lot of innocent people? I don’t know any details about the death threats, and I always denounce death threats on every side.
I can only speak as a minority myself that if a synagogue is targeted I want it reported as an antisemitic act, especially if the shooter made specific statements about wanting to kill Jewish people written or verbal. You might remember a Q I did where I was annoyed a lot of people were lumping in a shooting at a temple as a place of worship, or when the news and some politicians called the Charleston church shooting a Christian church shooting rather than what it really was: a black church shooting.
Orlando was a gay club shooting.
It seems the one mother of a transgender child on the Q agrees with me, but I can’t speak for the specific family, they may not want any press around them, I can understand that. Their son just killed a bunch of people including his sibling. Usually, the parents don’t say anything initially, if at all ever. I am always curious to hear from the parents though, and it can be later, it doesn’t need to be in the moment regarding the killer.
Minorities like to know if they are being targeted. I have no idea if that was the case in this shooting or not. I have friends who purposely keep being Jewish on the down low where I live, but if they were shot in a Jewish group, I would out them in a second to acquaintances and friends and the news.
Like I said, this case seems all over the map. The guy might have had no specific target and just chose a place. I’m still confused whether his sibling was shot in the car or in front of the club or what?