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Inspired_2write's avatar

What do you do if your kid's teacher doesn't make the grade?

Asked by Inspired_2write (14486points) September 1st, 2019
10 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

In Canada millions of kids will return to school on September 2 for another school year.
Do you have a story to tell about past teachers who should not had been teaching, or didn’t pass the grade?
I remember some bad ones in my time.

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ragingloli's avatar

What does that mean?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Teachers who have not met the standards of what teaching is about.

wiscoblond's avatar

I don’t have a particular story in mind but as a parent I would complain to the principal first, then the school board if need be. I would also do my best to remove my child from that class.

ragingloli's avatar

Ok, because it sounded to me like you meant teachers that failed your kid and made it repeat the year.
The worst teacher I had was my french teacher.
She just said there in the front, covered in makeup and reeking of perfume, just reading disinterestedly from the textbook.
I blame her for my inability to speak french. Still somehow managed to “pass”, but that just goes to show how shit she was.

flutherother's avatar

Our French teacher was known as “Froggie”. She was four feet high, white haired and stooped. She was about 120 years old, couldn’t speak French and I still can’t.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@ragingloli That’s bullshit and you know it. There’s no teacher on earth that could possibly stand between your willful ass and fluency in French and you know it!

stanleybmanly's avatar

The bad teacher is more or less unavoidable in everyone’s path through primary, secondary, and advanced education. Predictably, the odds rise substantially as the money falls. “Bad” teachers will concentrate in “bad” schools which concentrate in “bad” neighborhoods where the “bad” people are concentrated. It’s a situation where people aren’t actually expected to teach and are thus assigned to places not actually schools. But as you survey the profession, you quickly realize that it would be difficult to name a trade so critical to the society, with rigorous regulation and legislated educated attainments resulting in guaranteed parsimony around remunerative outcomes. What chance is there for good teachers as the mean in a society where everyone knows though none admit aloud that teaching is a profession for losers. You get what you pay for.

kritiper's avatar

Make your concerns known to the school administration.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I had been listening to a talk show on radio about this very subject and heard some listeners relate their past stories. In a nut shell here is what I experienced as well as some of those stories.

1. Teacher who barricaded herself behind several piles of books during class in order to NOT view the kids in class. She taught little, just gave out assignments.

2. Teacher who was just out of University and took on the teaching job of High School students, who got enamored of her sexual prowess and thereby wore mini skirts and sat on her desk just enough for the girls to get angry and the boys to get turned on….nevertheless we learned nothing in that class as she NEVER presented anything in the way of learning our subject..after two months of not getting anything done and our complaints not heard or acted on,and her getting more strict ( complete silence in class or she won’t teach ( extreme). We all revolted and walked out of her class , never to return. The principal finally realized that she was too young to teach students too close in age of herself. The temptation was too great and she might had a bad situation with an underage student. ( 1960’s)).

3. Teacher assigned homework then sat and read her novel the whole hour and 30 minutes.
4. English teacher told us that we all have one hour to come up with a novel idea and write about it.He did nothing except grade the papers in the end. However a good side to that was those that liked to write flourished.
5. One listener told of a story of her Rural school teacher who separated the classroom according to there economic status.She placed the rich kids near the window seat rows and the poor kids to her left then all year never acknowledged those poor kids and turned her back on them..the lady telling this story stated that because of this blatant disregard to those in poor economic times, she herself, became a teacher and respected everyone regardless of status. She later became an Educational Administrator.

6. We had an excellent Science teacher who met an attractive fellow teacher in the same school and would ignore the class by leaving to meet her in the hallway! We caught on.

7. Several stories of abusive teachers,autocratic and demanding, some that should had retired as they soon tired of there career choice.

8. Some that should never had taken on a teaching career since they clearly hated working with kids.

SEKA's avatar

I had one teacher that I couldn’t stand. She hated those who had a difficult time learning and refused to help them understand. She taught a 4th/5th grade combination class and depended on the smart kids to assist the dumb kids. Those were her words not mine!

After the year that I was in her class, a lot of parents complained about her. In place of firing her, she was demoted to the 2nd grade for the next year, My sister had her in the 2nd grade and just loved her. So, maybe sometimes they are out of their element and it’s those who do the hiring that should be fired

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