General Question

JackAdams's avatar

Of all the TV Game Shows you have ever seen, which was/is your favorite?

Asked by JackAdams (6574points) September 1st, 2008

My choice is unquestionably, Everything Goes which was a regular feature in the 1980s, on what was then called, The Playboy® Channel.

Stand-up comic Kip Addota was the genial host, and the show was kind of a “cross” between The Gong Show and The Hollywood Squares, but with a few subtle, NUDE differences.

The panelists on the show were three celebrity guests, and the players were always a man and a woman, who would compete against each other.

The celebrities were given a question about sex by the host, and after making a smart-aleck answer, the celebrity would then give a serious answer, to which a player would respond by agreeing with the celebrity, or disagreeing.

If the player guessed correctly, s/he got to remove an item of the opponent’s clothing. If s/he guessed incorrectly, s/he lost an item of his/her own clothing. When the game was over, the winner got to strip the other player, down to a G-string.

May Gawd bless Hugh Hefner!

September 1, 2008, 4:49 PM EDT

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114 Answers

Bri_L's avatar

hehehe. I am sure I would have liked that one. I was 13 or so at the time.

Back then I liked Price as right because I found Barkers beauties “arousing”.

Now I like Jeopardy because, like everyone, I am master of the game when I am at home.

JackAdams's avatar

Aren’t we all.

The program I mentioned is available in limited editions on DVD and VHS, but I don’t have specific information about that, yet.

September 1, 2008, 5:11 PM EDT

marinelife's avatar

I liked the Newlywed Game with its smirky double entendres, mostly because some of the contestants were unbelievably dumb.

Second fav, the original Match Game.

blastfamy's avatar

I love The Price is Right.

But Drew Carry sucks as the host though. They need to get someone like Jerry Seinfeld on there.

JackAdams's avatar

@Marina: I once saw an interview with Bob Eubanks about The Newlywed Game, and he mentioned that one couple quarrelled a lot (about their answers) during the commercial breaks.

When the taping was done for that particular show (which they did not win), they left in separate cars and got their marriage annulled.

September 1, 2008, 5:28 PM EDT

Bri_L's avatar

@ Marina – I don’t know if you ever saw this skit on SNL but it was pretty funny

marinelife's avatar

@Bri_L That was pretty funny. I recognized the spoofs of Charles Nelson Reilly and Nipsey Russel. Who were the others?

JackAdams's avatar

@Marina: The TOP CENTER was a spoof of Paul Lynde, I believe.

Charles Nelson Reilly always wore glasses.

September 1, 2008, 6:09 PM EDT

marinelife's avatar

Oh, right. Not Charles Nelson Reilly. Who was the magician?

JackAdams's avatar

I don’t know at all, but my guess is that he might be a parody of Derren Brown

September 1, 2008, 6:13 PM EDT

JackAdams's avatar

Also, the TOP LEFT was a parody of Brett Sommers , and the cop was a parody of Peter Falk as Lt. Columbo

September 1, 2008, 6:18 PM EDT

SuperMouse's avatar

The Dating Game!! guilty pleasure, I watch reruns on the Game Show Channel.

Match Game is a close second, Gene Rayburn with that long stick microphone saying, “Brainy Buelah was so stupid….” The audience shouts out “how stupid was she?” Rayburn continues “Brainy Buelah was so stupid that when she crosses the street she looks both blank!”

Honorable Mention: The $25,000 Pyramid, Password, Let’s Make a Deal, and Remote Control. Old show from MTV.

Edit: I forgot Bowling For Dollars! Does anyone else remember that show? It might have been a Southern California thing, Chick Hearn was the host.

Bri_L's avatar

I think the magician was that canadian ummm….. Doug Henning

@SuperMouse- I thought Bowling For Dollers was a TV show joke. A game show they made up on sitcomes.

JackAdams's avatar

You are 100% correct.

I stand corrected… my orthopedic shoes.

September 1, 2008, 6:46 PM EDT

SuperMouse's avatar

@Bri, no, it was a real show for about ten minutes in the 1970’s!

Bri_L's avatar

@ SuperMouse – That’s fun! I know they played off it. Bowling for pants, bowling for soup. etc.

JackAdams's avatar

Anybody remember that awful game show, Supermarket Sweep?

I watched it once, only.

I’m sure the folks who thought it up, live in expensive Malibu homes.

September 1, 2008, 6:52 PM EDT

SuperMouse's avatar

@Jack Adams! I loved Supermarket Sweep!!! I had my strategy all planned out, stuff that didn’t take up much room in the cart but cost a pretty penny. Stuff like cosmetics, baby formula, etc. That right there is a classic television show. Remember the horrible sweaters the host used to wear?

marinelife's avatar

@SuperMouse Thanks for the tip on the game show channel. I will try to catch some reruns.

@Bri_L Ah, yes. Doug Henning. The hair. You are so right.

JackAdams's avatar

@SuperMouse: As I noted, I only saw it once, and once was enough, trust me.

But you know, there was a storyline on the old Dennis the Menace TV series, where Dennis Mitchell won the right to gather up as many items as he could in a certain amount of time, because he was a store’s Fifty-Thousandth Customer.

He grabbed a portable hammock, the kind that is on a metal frame, and began filling THAT with items, and then pushed it out the front door of the store, much to the angst of the store owner.

In real life, I am a personal friend of Jay North, who is alive and well and living in Florida, and played the lead character in that series.

September 1, 2008, 7:12 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

The NAME of the show escapes me presently, but the host was an English fellow who did stand up before securing this gig. DISTRACTION(?) maybe. And the prizes for the winner at the end would be destroyed with every wrong answer. I think it was on Comedy Central.

MacBean's avatar

Right now, Jeopardy. In reruns, the old Match Game and Hollywood Squares, Family Feud with Richard Dawson, and anything with Betty White.

stratman37's avatar

I love how Richard Dawson kissed all the women on the lips! You couldn’t get away with that today.

tinyfaery's avatar

I used to love Password and Tic Tac Dough. I have always, and will always, love Jeopardy.
I also thought Distraction was great.

stratman37's avatar

Remember Beat the Clock?

JackAdams's avatar

We used to play a drinking game in college, called, “BEAT THE CROCK”

I’ll spare you the details…

You’d just get jealous…

September 1, 2008, 9:27 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

does it involve a crocodile, or the crockpot?

JackAdams's avatar


September 1, 2008, 9:43 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Oh, I LOVE slow-cooked crocodile!

stratman37's avatar

Of course, you’ll have the good sense to marinate it in beer, won’t you?

JackAdams's avatar

Oh, naturally! If I didn’t, Justin Wilson would come right out of the ground and strangle me!

“Oh, I guar-an-tee!”

September 1, 2008, 9:48 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

thanx for the link! I’ll be using some of his recipes!

JackAdams's avatar

You know, I could give you a LINK for some SAUSAGE recipes…

September 1, 2008, 10:00 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

could you? WOULD you?

JackAdams's avatar

I’ll have my friend PATTY send you a PM.

She can offer SAGE advice.

September 1, 2008, 10:10 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Put down the PUN, and just walk away.

JackAdams's avatar

I’ve put down people, and I had my dog put down, but I’ve never tried to put down a pun.

Can a Vet do that?

September 1, 2008, 10:13 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

I’m serious, Jack. You do NOT wanna get in a pun-off with me! grin

JackAdams's avatar

Well, you’re probably right, considering that your BAKER is probably your ROLL model.

September 1, 2008, 10:18 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

? Are we picking topics? The YEAST you could do is warn me!

stratman37's avatar

I was BREAD for this brother, BRING IT!!

JackAdams's avatar

Well, I can RISE to THAT kind of a challenge!

September 1, 2008, 10:21 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

You KNEAD this like a hole in the head.

stratman37's avatar

Any way you SLICE it, I’ll win!

JackAdams's avatar

All you do is LOAF all day, anyway!

September 1, 2008, 10:21 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Well, you’re no BUN!

stratman37's avatar

I’ve got the Eye of the KAISER!

JackAdams's avatar

You may have been BREAD in Mississippi, but you’re just a CRUMB in here!

September 1, 2008, 10:22 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

NO fair repeating!

JackAdams's avatar

I am as much BUN as the next guy!

September 1, 2008, 10:23 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Bring your CRACKER ass in here, boy!

JackAdams's avatar

Your baker’s favorite song was, “I’M LEAVEN, ON A JET PLANE”

September 1, 2008, 10:24 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

well played, you’ve really got a RYE for this sort of thing

JackAdams's avatar

When a baker goes to bed with a hot chick, it’s to get some COOKIE!

September 1, 2008, 10:25 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

she wouldn’t let me hump her quarter, so I had to pumpernickle!

stratman37's avatar

ha ha, good one.

stratman37's avatar

as Homer says: “DOUGH!”

JackAdams's avatar


Mortally wounded!

September 1, 2008, 10:25 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

have you FOLDED?

JackAdams's avatar

Look at the bottom of my posts, if you have the THYME.

September 1, 2008, 10:26 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Ohhh, moving to spices, I like it.

stratman37's avatar

let’s see what I can CILANTRO at ya!

JackAdams's avatar


September 1, 2008, 10:28 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

CURRY up, I’m waiting

stratman37's avatar

I just CLOVE this!

JackAdams's avatar

I supposed your favorite western was BONANZA, because of all the HOSS & PEPPER in it.

September 1, 2008, 10:29 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

lemme lay some SAFFRON ya!

stratman37's avatar

Good one, it almost made me DILL!

JackAdams's avatar

And on the third day, ROSEMARY?

September 1, 2008, 10:29 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

I used to date a crazy girl, everyone knew that NUTMEG!

stratman37's avatar

I was fishin’ the other day and I had a GARLIC me!

JackAdams's avatar

Drinking more tonic….

September 1, 2008, 10:31 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar


stratman37's avatar

CORIANDER friends came over tonite!

JackAdams's avatar

Mel TORME off the calendar, and JUNE was underneath!

September 1, 2008, 10:32 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

What? change of topic?

stratman37's avatar

I’ll spray you with MACE!

stratman37's avatar

You’re not a very SAVORY character, are you?

JackAdams's avatar

Drinking more tonic… and an incoming telephone call….

September 1, 2008, 10:33 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

saved by the bell…

stratman37's avatar

When are you CUMIN back?

JackAdams's avatar

Saved by the BELL PEPPERS.

September 1, 2008, 10:35 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

That wasn’t very ANISE!

stratman37's avatar

My uncle Bob, and ANCHOVIE came to visit

stratman37's avatar

BEET you to it!

stratman37's avatar

I know, that last one was CORNY!

stratman37's avatar

I gotta go take a PEA!

JackAdams's avatar

Please! I’m on the phone, talking to two people! A BANANA!

September 1, 2008, 10:38 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

You just never know what will TURNIP!

stratman37's avatar

She kicked me in the balls, so I BITTER MELON

JackAdams's avatar

By the way, I forgot to ask you: How have you BEAN?

September 1, 2008, 10:39 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

the definition of incest? PUMPKIN!

stratman37's avatar

you must be out of your GOURD

stratman37's avatar

I don’t wanna SQUASH your hopes, Jack

JackAdams's avatar

Didn’t you try to discourage your daughter from running off to get married, by yelling at her, “No! You CANTALOPE!”

September 1, 2008, 10:41 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Nice, can I ask you for a FAVA?

stratman37's avatar

My brother needed some money, so I LENTILed him 20 bucks

JackAdams's avatar


September 1, 2008, 10:42 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Did you see the latest episode of OKRA?

stratman37's avatar

RICEly done!

stratman37's avatar

can you ASPARAGUS some change, mister?

stratman37's avatar

Oops, I sprung a LEEK!

stratman37's avatar

SHALLOT we dance?

stratman37's avatar

you act like you don’t even CARROT!

stratman37's avatar


JackAdams's avatar

[heavy sigh] You’re NOT playing FAIR, Sir. I told you I was on the PHONE….

September 1, 2008, 10:45 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

A likely excuse! Don’t get PARSNIPity with me

stratman37's avatar

this is not RADISHal behavior.

JackAdams's avatar

And every time I mention that, I see that you are KRAFT-ing another remark.

September 1, 2008, 10:47 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

let me consult the TARO cards

stratman37's avatar

As Popeye said, “I YAM what I YAM!”

JackAdams's avatar

Why don’t you have some octopus at TAKO BELL?

September 1, 2008, 10:48 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

Whew! I gotta sit for a spell. (actually, let me earn my pay around here for a while, I’ll be back soon! You are a worth opponent, sir!

JackAdams's avatar

You’re right. I agree completely.

You’re leaving to look up the word TAKO, I’m sure.

September 1, 2008, 10:50 PM EDT

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