Social Question

WhyNow's avatar

Is there answer to all this mass shootings going on?

Asked by WhyNow (2839points) June 3rd, 2022

So many of these mass shooters seem to be teens. After reading
academic dissertations on the subject the answer might be to start
teaching empathy at an early age… maybe with field trips to
homeless shelters, firehouses, hospitals, ambulance services, clinics etc. Places where each life is fought for. There should be classrooms set up in each of these because I think these field trips should continue thru high school.

I’m sure you could find grad students to assist these ‘talks.’

It is a long term solution, I know but we should start now.

Some psychopathic and sociopathic teens should be flagged and get
more help.

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40 Answers

jca2's avatar

I think the answer is multi-faceted. Mental health treatment, teaching empathy and emotional awareness in schools (which, I know my daughter’s school does and NYS does), stricter gun laws (making guns harder to obtain). Social Media doesn’t help the situation and as pointed out by another Jelly previously, kids watching violent video games doesn’t help, either.

Gun advocates will usually shoot down (if you pardon the pun) any suggestion of stricter gun laws and I don’t know if we will ever come to an agreement with that one. Politicians are given lots of money for their campaigns and just in general, by the NRA and other groups that want to keep guns around in full force, so it will be difficult to find politicians who will speak out against guns. Many will point fingers at the mentally ill.

I think there’s no easy answer and no one answer to this dilemma.

smudges's avatar

I find it interesting that you ask a question and then go on to answer it yourself (this isn’t the first). Why not ask a question and get other people’s thoughts rather than try to direct them where to go.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Personally I would predict that be homeschooling including university ( M.O.O.C ) will be more wide spread. As well as working from home, and online shopping. So that there is none to shoot.

It might go so far as needing a licence to leave your home.

I’m 6’5” and 275 pounds of and I rarely go out side except for a taxi to take me where I need to be go , because I don’t feel comfortable outside in my city.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ So everyone is a prisoner in their home except those who want to take part in The Purge?

The answer to stop mass shootings has been demonstrated by Australia: get rid of the weapons.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo Yes. I was thinking about Wall-E. Where everyone is in large chairs that provides all that one needs. Some are half way there.

Just wondering. I’m not endorsing any of it.

Thanks for sharing the link.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Repeal the 2nd Amendment, and confiscate the guns.

WhyNow's avatar

@smudges So you found something interesting? And you think I’m Leading people…
Have I broken the rules? You feel everyone will think like me if I give my thoughts?
How nice! Any thoughts on mass shootings?

rebbel's avatar

I noticed it too, that you asked a few questions where you used it as a vehicle to state what your opinion is.
That’s not against the rules, as far as I know, but it is not something that we see a lot.
It could come across as if you are not that interested in what the other Jellies have to say.
What people usually do is wait for one or more answers to come in, and thén chime in with their view on said question.

WhyNow's avatar

You will be happy to note that the ‘moderators’ are flagging my questions…

I will try to only ask about unicorns and butterflys.

chyna's avatar

Take away and stop selling automatic weapons.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. Everyone should be trained to use a handgun and should carry same. That is the single best answer, IMO.

rebbel's avatar

@WhyNow I don’t know if your latest answer was directed at me, but if so, I can tell you that it doesn’t necessarily have to have been ‘moderators’ (don’t know why they are in brackets; they are moderators) that flagged you question.
Can also be members.
You can ask whatever you want, doesn’t have to be butterflies or unicorns.

WhyNow's avatar

^^ Thanks for the clarification.

jca2's avatar

If the moderators are removing your questions for editing, they will specify exactly what the issue is. It’s most likely not because they don’t like your content.

flutherother's avatar

There are two types of Americans: those who know the reason for the mass shootings and want something done about it and those who know the reason for the mass shootings and don’t want anything done about it.

cookieman's avatar

Why @kritiper, given the choice between less deadly guns in the hands of far less people and arming everyone, you choose the latter??

Do you trust your fellow human that much to be armed at all times?


I would posit that if there was a way for politicians and gun manufacturers to make more money by making guns illegal, they’d all disappear in an instant.

Caravanfan's avatar

The answer is blindingly simple. Get rid of the guns = no mass shootings.

WhyNow's avatar

@flutherother There are three (3) kinds of people in this world…
Those that can do math… and those that can’t.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you ban firearms all you are doing is taking them out of the hands of law abiding gun owners, you really think a criminal will surrender their gun?
And if you do I have this really nice bridge over here I want to sell,it’s really cheap.

cookieman's avatar

Honestly @SQUEEKY2, I don’t care. Law abiding gun owners can hand over their assault/military-style weapons peacefully and the criminals can be hunted down. How many more children need to die before that becomes the priority??

WhyNow's avatar

@Caravanfan If an 18yo has such evil… or whatever you call it… to shoot kid after
kid after… with such a gulf in his humanity you think this demon would find another
way fill that hole?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thats part of it @cookieman you do realise that these rifles are expensive,and you don’t care just get them out of private hands, I think the Government is going to have to buy them back if at all successful, or people will just hide them.

hat's avatar

@WhyNow: _“If an 18yo has such evil… or whatever you call it… to shoot kid after
kid after… with such a gulf in his humanity you think this demon would find another
way fill that hole?“_

Yep. The results of this person’s urges to kill are exactly the same if they had access to a knife, a gun, grenades, rocket launchers, tanks, nuclear warheads, or chemical weapons. Right?

cookieman's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: You just said that law abiding gun owners would turn them in. I assume you meant for the greater good. Now you’re all, “B-b-but they’re expensive…” Okay fine — let’s buy them back. How’s that work for ya?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

When did I say law abiding owners would just turn them in for the greater good??
Why do law abiding owners have to pay because of a whacko that shot up a school, they didn’t hurt anyone with their rifles.
You people in the states are never going to get anything done for gun control, because neither side will meet in the middle, like I have said go to your prospective corners and just continue to scream at each other and the shootings will go on and on.

WhyNow's avatar

@hat Agree… when I see your screen name hat think of the ‘South Park’ episode
free hat.

raum's avatar

Apparently there’s pushback from conservatives on social emotional learning. Such a strange thing to be up in arms about.

WhyNow's avatar

@raum What is ‘social emotional learning?’

WhyNow's avatar

Now I see! Something I missed in my so called education by being accepted
to college in Junior High… then getting a GED and leaving high school after
two months resulting in a devastating lack of social skills.

And now 30… Single… Too many tattoos… no children and having sold ALL my
companies sort of… no job. Watching movies about high school doesn’t help.

If I ever have children I will rely on government mandated curricula…
starting in kindergarten topics such as… If I’m white I’m racist… the joys and obligations
of being trans… why my parents misgendered me… why math is racist and so on
What can go wrong?

jca2's avatar

Not everyone has a wonderful upbringing. Some kids are brought up neglected, or told to handle their problems with their fists. Some kids are drinking and drugging with their parents. If a kid could learn to get in touch with their feelings, and reach out for help if there’s a problem, it can’t be a bad thing especially for those kids who are lacking good parenting at home. Not all of those kids are going to be shining stars either but it’s an attempt.

WhyNow's avatar

@jca2 I over reacted… sorry

hat's avatar

@WhyNow: “If I ever have children I will rely on government mandated curricula…
starting in kindergarten topics such as… If I’m white I’m racist… the joys and obligations
of being trans… why my parents misgendered me… why math is racist and so on”

Jesus. Someone’s really buying the propaganda.

WhyNow's avatar

^^or surfing too many news sites. A google search of any said topics results in
hundreds of thousands hits, Was I supposed to be hush about it? Oops.

hat's avatar

@WhyNow: “Was I supposed to be hush about it? Oops.”

Add in the usual paranoia too? Good stuff.

WhyNow's avatar

^^OK now I’m not fallowing your logic… But It’s OK. You’re good!

Caravanfan's avatar

@WhyNow He’s making the point that you’re clicking all the correct boxes for someone who has drunk the Kool-aid of the propaganda.

WhyNow's avatar

^^Yes I got that! Accusing me of paranoia is were he lost me.
I also understand the leftist’s latest argument I think he’s implying…

Don’t believe your lying eyes… there is no inflation… no crime…
no border crises… no Hunter laptop… no baby formula crisis…

If you say there is… then you are a white supremacist
Soon the ministry truth will lock you up.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I htink that from a young age children should be taught positive copeing methods rather than

negative means to solve their problems.

Plus get rid of guns, stricter legislation, restiricting when they can use.
For example: on fiering ranges for sport etc

If this epidemic on mass shootings continue that as a result humanity will create a “Big

Brother” society where everything will be monitored ( presently ) and restricted, much like Airport security handles its Airport by checking everyone before and after entering .

I also think that the only way that the NAR will wise up is when ONE of their own dies as a result of their own lax gun laws.

Seems to me that when the NAR gets hit by there own devices, then and only then will things change for the better.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Proper back ground checks,if a person has a violent record of any kind then they can’t own a gun.
People should provide references that can be checked to show they have no record and are safe to own a gun.
And the should be required to pass a firearms safety course.

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