I don’t trust any to the point that I would only listen or read that one source. Almost everything is cherry picked or edited to some extent.
I trust New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CSPAN actual news shows (not opinion) where it is just reporters asking questions or reporting time, date, and place that something is happening. I trust them to show factual Information, but it still gets edited, sometimes with a slant, but it’s real information. PBS and CSPAN might be the most neutral. I’m still pushed off at NYT in their reporting about The Villages. Lol. I don’t think the NYT’s lies, but definitely there is a slant.
I like talk shows or news shows that bring on people from both sides of issues or bring in people with eye witness accounts.
The last 15 years people posing as journalists seemed to have dubbed themselves experts in finance, economy, accounting, health, that I don’t understand. I have yet to see an accountant talk about tax laws on any of these news shows.