Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think cases like this make the Republicans look good to anyone?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23609points) July 15th, 2022

A 10 year old Ohio girl was raped, and became pregnant wanted an abortion but it was 6 weeks and they detected a heart beat from the fetus and said no, sorry.
The girl was forced to travel out of state to get an abortion.
A 10 year old might not be able to physically carry a fetus to term.
What is your opinion on this.
And yes here is a link…

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38 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They should shove that 6 weeks clause up the idiots ass who came up with it.
This isn’t a wonderful little child this CHILD is carrying it’s demon spawn and there should be no question it’s gone.
Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, tweeted about the story on Tuesday, calling it “another lie.”
But removed his tweet when the Raper was arrested, typical Rep/con deny it til you can’t .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Remember this come November and VOTE!!

seawulf575's avatar

I agree with @SQUEEKY2 on this. Get out an vote. This is exactly why the SCOTUS ruled the way they did on the abortion issue. Now the rules fall to the state level and when someone pushes an idiotic rule it is much easier to get out and vote and change the state rules as opposed to the federal ones.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The idiot party doesn’t care how it looks. Really.

I think their christian-nationalist motivation is so strong that what people think of them and their tactics means nothing.

They’ll attack their critics anyway.

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s telling that the reaction from right-wing pundits was to deny it and call it “fake news”. That means that if the story were true, it would illustrate a flaw in abortion bans and therefore, it can’t be allowed to be true. Unfortunately, it turns out to have been true. This would be one of the exceptions that should be allowed, even in states that ban “abortions on demand”. This is an exceptional, disturbing case, but what’s more disturbing is that it was not seen as such in Ohio, and now they are going after the doctor in Indiana who performed the abortion (which was done legally).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Demosthenes Could you provide a link to that?
That the state is going after the Doctor who did the abortion, what a disturbing fact the state cares more for the fetus of a 10 year old rape victim ,than the victim.
Kinda makes one want to vomit .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @canidmajor I hope every woman that have more than two active brain cells vote these idiots out on their ear come November.

smudges's avatar

^^^That’s kind of an odd thing to say. I hope every man does too!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But this affects women more than men @smudges.
And yes I hope that every man that has more than two active brain cells vote these idiots out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A police investigator testified at the hearing that the defendant, Gerson Fuentes, 27, who was arrested on Tuesday, had confessed to raping the girl at least twice.

Following the announcement of charges against Fuentes, abortion opponents switched their focus from questioning the story itself to whether the physician had properly disclosed performing the abortion.”

And, as it turned out, they struck out there too.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Everything about this story is horrific, but they can’t attack the criminal, hey lets go after the Doctor.
This is a 10 year old child,and the state is on the the fetus’s side,they really expected her to carry it to term.
Does show that women no matter how young are second class citizens in the Republicans eyes.

JLeslie's avatar

There are plenty of people who are ok with forcing that girl to stay pregnant. Wasn’t Mary supposedly only 14 when she birthed Jesus? Isn’t suffering heralded in Christianity?

If that girl split in two and the baby survived, there are people out there who would say how amazing the ten year old’s sacrifice was for her child.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree @JLeslie BUT Mary wasn’t raped.
And the fact that there are people that think that child should have had her rapers kid,is truly disgusting.

smudges's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Doesn’t matter who it affects more. I still say it’s an odd thing to say, but whatever.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Then fine I’m odd ,that better?

Blackberry's avatar

I think he just meant there’s still some women that surprisingly don’t care about issues like this, for one reason or another.

The way he said it sounds folky….like he’s southern or midwestern, but he still advocated for women voting.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Sweep the repukes into the dust bin of history. VOTE

LostInParadise's avatar

The figure that keeps being given is that 66% of the country is in favor of Roe V Wade. Even if that figure is off slightly and if they are concentrated in the northeast and west coast, it sill must count for something. People have to get out and vote. Democracy is at stake.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They have to get out and vote, when a state cares more for the fetus of a ten year old rape victim than the victim, shows you that.

Demosthenes's avatar

Voting is great and all, but it can only do so much if you live in a gerrymandered state where your vote means less (and this is a problem that is likely only to get worse).

JLeslie's avatar

^^I agree gerrymandering is a big problem in some states, but it does not affect the offices of governor, senate, and president.

Demosthenes's avatar

That is true. I don’t imagine most blue states will have too much trouble securing abortion rights. I just am skeptical of the “vote, vote, vote” message when that was also touted as the means to prevent Roe vs. Wade from being overturned and look where it got us. Gerrymandering is also a concern if there is an attempt at a federal ban on abortion, which politicians like Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell have expressed interest in.

JLeslie's avatar

I was in a discussion group about a month ago and a woman said that with abortion rights being taken away, maybe there will be a push for experimenting more with gay sex, especially women feeling the most vulnerable might go that route.

That would be ironic! Imagine the right wing creating more gay sex and more same sex relationships. Oops.

My husband just told me Ted Cruz is going after gay marriage now, and I feel like starting a Facebook message pushing for gay sex to avoid pregnancy. Lol. Pretty much forever my sister and I have always said the safest sex is lesbian sex. Less likely to get HIV, can’t get preggers, unlikely to get cervical HPV, but not impossible to avoid all STI’s.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

While the world takes steps forward, the us with cases like this take a huge step backwards.
And @smudges with my remark it was to say women and yes men to with any IQ higher than a gravy boat have to vote these republicans out of office ,or continue to keep going backwards.

JLeslie's avatar

It will be interesting to watch Florida in November. In 2018 DeSantis won only by about 30,000 votes. We have a senate seat up for grabs too.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I wonder if these Republicans would make their 10 year old daughter who was raped carry it to term?

gorillapaws's avatar

Breaking news: It’s not an abortion if it’s rape.

Also, “legitimate rapes” rarely, if ever lead to pregnancy. Other fun facts, witches who float get burned at the stake, and women who sink and drown get to live with Jesus in heaven. Aren’t theocracies great?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@gorillapaws I can’t tell you how glad I am to be a Canadian!
I didn’t read your links but why tell the girl and her family nope past the six week dead line so sorry?
These Republicans are totally fucking nuts, can’t get pregnant due to rape, all I can say is WOW!!
I truly hope this case BITES all Republicans big time come November.

JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Wishful thinking. This case will not bite them. You don’t understand the ability most people have to only remember the things that reinforce their own beliefs.

@gorillapaws I don’t think she should have said it’s not an abortion, she should have kept saying it was a medically necessary procedure, because the health of the girl was threatened. Plenty of people wouldn’t care about the girl’s life or health, but saying it’s not an abortion probably doesn’t help the cause.

Were you on the thread where a jelly wrote that a friend of hers had a D&C because she was miscarrying and she was very upset because she felt she had had an abortion? These Evangelicals have it drilled into them that anything related to abortion is bad.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am wondering how the Republicans will spin this story and come out smelling all rosey to their extreme believers?
This story has me feeling ill with their treatment of a 10year old rape victim, that poor kid is going to be quite traumatized over what has happened to her, and the idiot law thought she should carry it to term,it is absolutely disgusting!!
A 10 year old.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I hope she does, and I hope this case doesn’t go away any time soon.
There is a time for abortions and this case proves it,and the disgusting remarks from Republicans saying no it’s a lie.
Rep/cons always claim they want less Government in their lives ,this proves that is a lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

PEOPLE! Don’t let this story fade, it shows how horrible the Republican party is ,when they treat a 10 year old victim like this.
Imagine if it was a 10 year old close to you.
Rape,incest, and the mothers health have to be outside this VERY restrictive law, and the woman HAS to come first especially in cases like these.
Regardless of age ,race ,or whatever.
You do know the conservatives are working on a law that would prohibit women from traveling over state lines for reproductive health care, in your own country!
And the REP/CONS scream freedom, uh for who 18 year olds that want to buy an AR15? To go shoot up a school?
I don’t care if cases like this are only 1 or 2% it shows how they will be treated when they do show.

gorillapaws's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Relax! It’s not a rape if she got pregnant (her body would have known it was a rape and “shut down the pregnancy” otherwise), so make her have the kid and that’ll teach that little whore the virtue of chastity! If she dies giving birth, then let that be a lesson to every other girl out there thinking about being unchaste. God doesn’t make mistakes, so it’s all for a reason. We just need to have faith in virtuous leaders like Donald Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@gorillapaws If I didn’t know you were mocking Trump and the Rep/cons I would actually vomit.
Virtuous Trump?! yeah more like the anti Christ.
And yeah I heard the garbage about not conceiving when raped do republicans actually believe that shit or are they trying to get their brain dead followers to believe it?
And NO I have no intention of relaxing I am going to bring this story up again and again come closer to November to show everyone how horrible the Republicans are to women and children.

gorillapaws's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You begin with premises that MUST be true:
1. There’s a God.
2. God is omniscient/omnipotent.
3. The religious interpretation my leaders have taught me is correct and infallible.
4. Abortion is morally wrong.

Now you insert something like the horrible rape/pregnancy of a child and because you’ve painted yourself into a rigid moral framework that cannot be questioned or altered, then the problem has to lie with the girl, or with our definition of rape, or of abortion, or somewhere else that still allows us to maintain the absolute truth of 1–4. After all, God is infinite and we’re incapable of comprehending why he allows such things to happen.

JLoon's avatar

No, it doesn’t.

And the whole country looks bad when other nations see this horrible tragedy and compare it to what we constantly preach about our values and committment to human rights. The bureacratic maze created to punish abortions has made this an agony for the victim and anyone trying to help her.

I’m heartbroken for this little girl, and ashamed of the sick partisan hacks trying to avoid responsibility now. The supreme court could easily have avoided this disgrace by creating exceptions in their ruling to protect rape victims and the life of mothers in risky pregnancies. Their failure, and collusion with extremist “conservatives” destroys any shred of moral authority propping up their credibility.

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