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RayaHope's avatar

Have you ever broken something that was very expensive or irreplaceable?

Asked by RayaHope (7448points) August 20th, 2022

How did you make it right with whomever you caused to be harmed or inconvenienced?

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27 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have not.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I did as a toddler. I haven’t made it right yet.

JLoon's avatar

Someone’s heart.

So I let them break mine to even everything up.

Still cheaper than trashing that hotel room in Miami.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Close but no cigar. When I was maybe 19, my girlfriends mother said she would kill me if I didn’t stop leaning back in her antique chair I was always sitting In. Advice taken.

Brian1946's avatar

When I worked for ATT in the late 80’s, I dropped a 50-pound replacement hard drive.

I didn’t see any external damage, but if there was any damage to the internal components, those babies costed about $30K to replace.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was in 3rd grade, 1967 or so, there was a black kid in my class. We were friends. One day he made me mad and I hissed “Nigger!” at him. I will never for the shocked look on his face or the pain in his eyes.
I went home and asked Mom what it meant.
I felt horrible and tried being a lot nicer to him for a while.

RayaHope's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am so sorry that happened. I could only hope that he could forgive you, being so young and not even knowing what it meant. Our culture can be terrible especially for young minds :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

Especially in those years, in the 60s.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes the entire mainframe computer system for an aerospace company, I crashed it. Didn’t know that I broke it, shutdown all manufacturing processes on mainframe. I get a call at my desk about 5 minutes after the system crashed, “Bill this is Bob at Apollo Center, did you try to do this . . . DON“T ever do that again!” Took them three hours to get it up and running. My question sent it into a loop the computer couldn’t get an answer.

Brian1946's avatar


“My question sent it into a loop the computer couldn’t get an answer.”

How about posting that question as an OP? ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I second that! Post the question!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It was was a bill of material question that was fourteen levels from deliverable part to purchased raw material , the register in the mainframe only had TWELVE levels, so when it got to 12 it went out into LA-LA land.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I cruashed a main frame pac once at Boeing in the late 70s.

Forever_Free's avatar

Back in March of this year, I purposely broke the connection from Russia to my Wealth Management/Private Banking Firms SWIFT network. This disabled Russia from doing any financial transactions or requests through my firm.
It felt so good and empowering.

RayaHope's avatar

^ Sometime I think the Russians got a hold of my laptop, I’ve had/have some crazy stuff happen. I’m not good at fixing computer stuff :(

Forever_Free's avatar

@RayaHope that is certainly possible.

RayaHope's avatar

@Forever_Free Oh say it ain’t so! I’m so messed up now. s#it

Forever_Free's avatar

@RayaHope the weekend has started for Russians. They are heavily drinking at the moment. Now is your time to work on the computer uninterrupted.

RayaHope's avatar

^^ Wait are you pulling my leg @Forever_Free ? Okay funny funny :}

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s pulling your leg @RayaHope. :)

RayaHope's avatar

^^You guys are messing my head up now. I’m confused :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok. She’s serious @RayaHope.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I just remembered something that I posted on another thread. I did mess up something once that was very expensive, to have repaired any way. I messed up the front axel on my dad’s Mustang Mach One car racing another asshole one night. He was not a happy camper, and made me drive the VW to school there after. Prior to that he had always been cool about letting me use his car. Any time I asked him to. When I ill-advisedly protested, he told me in his inicable Army guy way, “Act like a numb nut you can drive a numb nut car. You should have thought about that son!” But he was right.

RayaHope's avatar

@Dutchess_III (shaking my fist at you!) grrrrrrr la la la ignoring you now… la la

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lol! Sry @Rayahope!

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