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Nevada83's avatar

What would happen if I uninstalled Windows Server 2016, other than free up disk space?

Asked by Nevada83 (1029points) February 28th, 2023
6 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I googled this question and I never got a clear answer. Would it make it harder to navigate programs? What specifically would happen?

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Pandora's avatar

Seems like you might as well take a hammer to your computer. The guy in this video does a pretty good play by play in explaining what some programs do.

Nevada83's avatar

@Pandora (clutches Windows Server 2016 to my chest)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Windows Server 2016 is an operating system, like Windows 7, windows 10 etc. No operating system then the system won’t be operating.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, what operating system are you running?

If you don’t know, but it is MS Windows, and you see some stuff about Windows Server 2016, it is probably your OS, so not only is it essential, but also, there probably is no actual option to uninstall it, unless it’s an option to upgrade to another version of Windows Server.

So I also wonder what you are actually seeing that you have an option to uninstall, that calls itself Windows Server 2016?

Forever_Free's avatar

Um, You would have no programs or Operating System. Just raw disk.

It is like starting from scratch. Why would you do that?

Zaku's avatar

Uninstalling an OS doesn’t need to include wiping out the other files on disk. And switching OS is an option, if the hardware supports it. Many people switch to Linux, and/or install Linux on the same machine they run Windows on. Also common is to get a new computer with a different OS, and then move the files and/or the actual drive into the new machine, in which case the previous computer’s OS files will tend to still be on the drive, and can be safely deleted, if you know which files those are on the drive…

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