Can you explain to me why people who lectured about the dangers of asymptomatic covid think a “cold” can’t be covid?
What I mean is cold symptoms.
During the first year of covid many people were very frustrated that some people wouldn’t wear a mask and wouldn’t take covid seriously. They repeated what they had heard in the media and what they read in news articles: covid can be asymptomatic, mild, severe, or even deadly. They criticized people who didn’t understand you can be contagious and not symptomatic. They lectured others about how young people can have mild symptoms and give it to someone and it could be deadly for them.
Move to present day and these same people are surprised when they find out their cold is covid.
What prompted this Q is a member of my dance troupe was good enough to alert us on Thursday evening that her husband has covid. She and her husband were told a week ago Tuesday that they might have been exposed to covid at a religious service. They tested immediately and were negative. Sunday her husband got sick with a “cold.” She came to dance practice Wednesday where we all hold hands and are very close together. Thursday her husband took a test and indeed it’s covid.
I don’t know if they tried testing him when he first became symptomatic.
I don’t want any cold, I wish she had skipped practice with a husband actively sick. My state has a very high hospitalization rate for covid. She wasn’t sick and still tested negative on Thursday (the day after I was with her) so it’s very likely she’s not contagious. I hope not, I was right next to her for a long time holding her hand. I never would have done that had I known her husband was sick.
This particular woman wasn’t lecturing people that I know of, but she certainly took covid seriously and obviously still does, but still there is a disconnect.
Maybe I should also ask why people don’t care about giving others a cold.

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