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LostInParadise's avatar

How do I check for airplane flights between Philadelphia and Yellowstone?

Asked by LostInParadise (32275points) September 25th, 2023
15 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I would like to take a trip to Yellowstone next year. The only airport that is close to the park is in West Yellowstone, MT. I am trying to find a list of flights back and forth and am having trouble. I will be flying out of Philadelphia. One problem is flight duration. In some places it is given as around 6 hours and in others as around 11 hours.

I realize that there are no direct flights, but that should not be a problem. Is there some place on the Web where I can just get a list of all flights for all airlines for a given date?

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janbb's avatar

Have you tried That should give you a variety of flights, if not all. The time difference is because of transfers and layovers. Check out how many stops there are and the layover time. Also, I thought Jackson Hole was near Yellowstone although I could be wrong and that probably is a bigger airport.

janbb's avatar

This site gives you a list of ten airports near Yellowstone. you might find that some have more direct or convenient flights than others. Also good info about staying near Yellowstone.

elbanditoroso's avatar

among others….

You’re going to end up changing planes in either Salt Lake City or Denver – possibly Minneapolis.

jca2's avatar

I went to Yellowstone last year but we drove. I did a lot of research on what’s nearby and reviews that other travelers discussed. Have you checked Helena MT or Jackson Hole? They might have an airport that works, and then you can rent a car from there and drive to Yellowstone.

Also, check TripAdvisor and look at “Travel Forums” for Yellowstone, Montana and Wyoming.

Also, if you’re on FB, join some Yellowstone groups. There are a lot of discussions on there about airports, car rentals and what other travelers have to say about all of it.

flutherother's avatar

II have found Skyscanner to be helpful in finding and comparing flights. For example if you put Yellowstone as a destination it will suggest airports.

Forever_Free's avatar

i suggest flying into Bozeman and renting a car. You are less than 2 hours to Yellowstone from Bozeman/Belgrade
You will find flights and availability into Bozeman.
What is it you are planning in Yellowstone? How many days? What time of year?
I have been there countless times and my daughter just moved to Bozeman and one of my brothers has a place in Big Sky.
The Canyon is a gorgeous doable 5 mile out and back. You can rent ATV’s in West Yellowstone and ride out through Idaho, Montana and Wyoming all in the same ride.
Give yourself enough time as there is so much to do. Many roads don’t open till late May/June pending snow.
The ride from Livingston Mt to Yellowstone North Entrance through the Magic Valley is breathtaking.

jca2's avatar

Last year, I drove on the Chief Joseph and the Beartooth Highway from Cody WY to Cooke City MT. Here’s a video (not my video but it gives you an idea). It will blow you away. I got out a few times to take photos and decided that photos didn’t even do it justice, because the vista was from my far left to my far right.

JLeslie's avatar

Since it is a small remote airport I would start by checking the airport website here and see what airlines fly into Yellowstone. There are only two, Delta and United. I would next look at flights from Philly to Yellowstone on the Dellta website and the United website and choose the best flight.

kritiper's avatar

Find a flight that goes from your location to Salt Lake City, then find a connecting flight from there to Yellowstone.

seawulf575's avatar

You might try flying into Idaho Falls, renting a car and driving up to Yellowstone. It looks like United and American airlines both fly into IDA. Not sure how many layovers or anything like that but there are flights from Philly to IDA. Idaho Falls is about an hour and a half from Yellowstone.

jca2's avatar

I’m not sure if keeping the budget low is a concern for you, but just remember that usually, smaller airports are more expensive to fly into and out of. We have some small airports around here, and they’re great (easy to get to, easier to get from parking to the terminal, easier to go through TSA, shorter lines for everything), but more expensive to fly into and out of. By contrast, JFK, which is a shit hole and their TSA doesn’t give one fuck if you’re in line for three hours and yet still are going to miss your plane because they’re slower and don’t care, is cheaper to fly into and out of.

Not sure if Yellowstone airport is like that, which is why it might benefit you to check flights into and out of other airports mentioned, such as Boise, Jackson Hole, Idaho Falls, etc.

LostInParadise's avatar

Thanks all! I am thinking of using @Forever_Free‘s suggestion of going to Bozeman. One reason is that I am considering traveling with Road Scholar . They start and end their program in Bozeman.

janbb's avatar

@LostInParadise I’ve done several trips with Road Scholar and been very happy with them. You can PM me if you have questions.

jca2's avatar

I just googled Yellowstone Airport and I see it’s in Cody. Last year we stayed in Cody. It’s a great town. Also located in Cody is the Museum of the West which you can easily spend two days in. Cody is a hop skip and a jump to one of the northern entrances of Yellowstone.

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