Should the Democrats in the House help McCarthy keep his job?
Or should the Democrats let the republicans make complete asses of themselves?
I can see both sides. On the one hand, McCarthy is the devil they know, and keeping him in place makes McCarthy indebted to democrats.
On the other hand, there is a certain schadenfreude at seeing the republicans in such disarray.
If you were a democratic strategist, which choice would you make?
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43 Answers
Better the demon you know than what might take its place.
The democrats would have to extract promises, and McCarthy has proven he doesn’t keep promises.
The Dems will let him hang out to dry. If Gaetz gets the job, it will just embarrass the GOP more.
Politics : the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
McCarthy just came through for the Dems on the funding issue, just as he did last time. Why get rid of an ally?
Wow, @seawulf575 two sentences of revisionist history! What a strange interpretation of the last couple of days! What color are the lenses in your glasses?
1) McCarthy didn’t come through for the Democrats. The Democrats bailed McCarthy out. If you don’t understand that, there’s nothing left to talk about.
2) McCarthy is no ally. If he were an ally, he would never have allowed this fake impeachment process to begin – which was MAGA-demanded, and McCarthy wimped out on that as well.
Stop watching Fox News.
Never interrupt the enemy while they are making a mistake.
The republican have opened that can of worms. Let them lie in it. And eat it, too.
There is no one else on the GOP side that can be a workable Speaker.
So I suggest the Dems join with a couple dozen rational Reps and make Nancy Pelosi Speaker again.
Or Hakeem Jeffries, who they put up against McCarthy.
Gaetz is an asshole. So is McCarthy. I say let the chips fall where they may.
@elbanditoroso Maybe you need to stop watching MSNBC. The bill that got shot down was what his party was pushing for. The Democrats voted against it entirely because it had border security as well as no spending on Ukraine. There are 212 Democrats and every single one of them voted against it. The current bill got rid of any demands on securing the border, still had Ukraine out of the picture but threw in an additional $16B for disaster relief. The new bill passed 335–91…209 Dems voted for it.
So please, explain to me how suddenly 99% of Democrats change their vote in favor while 31% more Republicans voted against it than the first bill if McCarthy didn’t come through for the Dems and against his own party? I’m dying to hear this…I love cognitive dissonance in action!
You really don’t get it, do you?
Democrats voted to help the country not shut down. They clenched their teeth and voted on a bill they didn’t like, because they were altruistic patriots, and not destructive nihilists like the MAGA idiots.
Democrats were acting on behalf of America, not on behalf of their party.
Get it through your skull that one party believes in a better United States.
(BTW, I don’t have cable and I don’t watch MSNBC)
^^^^ The GOP wants to shut the country down to save TRUMP ROSY RED. ASS from courts and doing real time in jail. . . let the Secret Service “FIGURE OUT HOW THAT WILL WORK FOR TEN YEARS IN JAIL ! !”
Can the Democrats help him though? I would think any support from Democrats would be perceived negatively by everyone who has the authority to keep him in power. It’d be like Biden getting an endorsement and political support from Kim Jong-Un…
@gorillapaws asked “Can the democrats help him?”
My answer is – they CAN, but they shouldn’t.
Personally. I hope the idiots do whatever is best.
McCarthy is one pathetic man, and of course he’s not ever trying to help the dems…
I see that many of us have thr same thoughts about “the devil we know.” I can’t say I disagree.
Keep him in. He keeps the shit (the current GOP) stirring…
I feel like the Democrats should mostly sit back and mot interfere with Republican infighting.
^That’s great, but I’d love to see them get a better strategy than “we aren’t them.” That didn’t work for Hillary. The dems underestimated Trump. Or. They overestimated the American people…
McCarthy is screwed both ways.
If he stays with Dem support, he’s beholden to democrats forever, because they can/will cut him loose unless he goes along. So he’s basically being blackmailed.
If he somehow stays with Rep support (but no Dem support) he is right back to where he is today – at the mercy of the MAGAnites.
Put this way, I wouldn’t want to be in his position.
If the Democrats agree with him on something they should go ahead and agree! They shouldn’t vote against or slam him verbally just to be contrary.
@elbanditoroso If the Democrats were voting to keep from shutting the country down, why didn’t they just do that on the first vote? It was less that 24 hours before. And they voted as a bloc…not as individuals, so yes…they were voting for their party, not for the American people. And I do have it in my head that one party believes in a better USA…and it isn’t the Democrats. Look what they have done to this country in just 3 years.
Well with your logic; the GOP was voting to support Trump’s BFF – - – - -PUTIN ! ! !
I just realized my answer above didn’t really answer the Q.
The House is voting right now. 4:17pm EDT.
I assume the Dems will help keep McCarthy, because Gaetz is worse in my opinion.
@JLeslie It isn’t a binary choice of Gaetz or McCarthy. And the Dems are not supporting McCarthy.
But the reps have no one in a position to realistically lead the GOP. And the Freedom Caucus hardliners won’t support anyone that doesn’t meet their anti-American pro MAGA wishes.
@zenvelo Thanks. Right now the House is voting whether to remove McCarthy.
@JLeslie the proposal on the table is not to get rid of McCarthy as Speaker of the House and put Gaetz in his place. It is to get rid of McCarthy for lack of confidence. He is just not a reliable person. Who they put in his place is another question altogether.
I know. The House is voting now to remove McCarthy.
I think he winds up getting the votes to stay.
He’ll be groveling just like he groveled to get the job. How does the song go? “Ain’t too proud to beg.”
It’s now a moot point…Gaetz just got his way as Kevin is GONE!!! I worry about the next nut job to take his place!!!
Bye bye asshole, soon to be replaced by another asshole.
Wow. My guess was wrong. Ok, getting interesting.
All the Democrats voted for the ouster and only a few Republicans. Link
It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the Republicans to choose a new Speaker, consideritng how long it took the last time. McCarthy can run again. I wonder if he will.
I thought that for supporting the Dems to keep the government open would be reciprocated. Clearly no good deed goes unpunished.
Conspiracy theory is the Republicans put in Trump as Speaker. I would think that would have happened already if that was going to happen.
Fuck no. What @ragingloli says. Classic Napoleon Bonaparte line. (I’m hoping he really did say it).
Well, this should brighten everyone’s day. Some of the Repubs are nominating Donald Trump to be the next Speaker of the House.
If Trump was Speaker of the House, does that mean he could not run for president?
It means that the orangutan would become president, if his supporters manage to assassinate Biden and Harris.
Do you really think that Trump could be elected Speaker? He would need 218 votes (just like McCarthy did), and the dems aren’t going to give him any. I doubt the R party could come up with a majority.
And if he is Speaker, he can’t run for President (well, technically, he could, but who would do any work in Congress?).
This is a silly idea.
Who wants a criminal for speaker of the house?
@chyna Some dopey Republicans who feel that Trump can do no wrong would love to see him everywhere possible.
Gaetz the sex offender must be happy that Jim Jordan has said he will run, since Jordan turned a blind eye to wrestlers being sexually abused.
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