Practiced raising a 45 pound weight disc over my head yesterday. That’s about what it’s like when I lift the front end of our 90 pound 3-man canoe up and onto utility racks on my Ford F-150 pickup. EZPZ.
I was visiting my girlfriend and a bookcase kit arrived. It was left leaning against the side of her garage. The box was about 7 feet long by two feet by 18 inches. I went to move it and it was well over 150 lbs., Between the weight and the awkwardness of the shape, I could not lift it.
I ended up dragging it into her garage to be opened in there.
WOOD. Trees are heavy and dense.
I fell several trees over the summer and had many Ash fall from the ash boring beetle.
I then chain sawed them to log length over the course of the early fall.
I spend last weekend splitting them. Maples, Ash, and a couple Oak. Some as big as 4 feet in diameter. I now have cords of wood ready for winter heating.
Lifting, moving and manhandling trees is my recent reminder of heavy.
I’m guessing a bag of trash to the dumpster. Other than that, I’m not sure what, but it was probably 5–8 years ago. Have had 2 rotator cuff surgeries on each shoulder. Have to wear front-closing bras now; can’t reach behind far enough or high enough to wear back-closing ones.