I donate to causes, that have no discernable ties to organized religion.
Which, unfortunately, means I can’t give to a lot of really important causes.
I give a little, to a lot, I suppose.
The dollar amounts may seem insignificant, but it’s a lot for me.
I have volunteered my time, more than my money.
I do not feel that I can trust that money given to charity, gets where I’m wanting it to get.
It gets taxed, pinched, and misused, too often.
I recently renewed my fishing licenses, and the DNR site has places you can donate, and to very specific causes.
I usually give $8 to each.
It’s not much, I know. But it adds up, to me.
I definitely used to work security at a place that did auctions for different charities.
Sea Turtles, are a big thing, in my area…
The like….