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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can my neighbor block her 13 year old daughter's Snap Chat account?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47032points) July 9th, 2024
18 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Mom’s really worried. Daughter is talking to all these guys she doesn’t know.
She doesn’t understand that they could br 40 year old pervs presenting as a boy her age.
Is there a way to block her Snap Chat account?

Any other advice will be welcome.

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Mimishu1995's avatar

Did your neighbor educate her daughter about the danger of online predator? Like showing her examples of real-life cases of predators harming children? I just want to know if she has tried it before thinking of blocking stuff.

jca2's avatar

The mom could delete the app and say I’m going to be looking at your phone on a regular basis from now on. Also very good advice about educating the daughter about catfishing and online predators. All kids should be taught about catfishing and the importance of never giving out personal information.

Forever_Free's avatar

Of course she can. She is the 13 year old’s mother. Having a phone at that age is not a right but an earned privilege. I assume she is paying the phone bill.
If it is of concern, I suggest a discussion as to why. Have the daughter show the phone everyday. If this doesn’t work, then she can just have the phone deactivated.
Sometimes it takes strong measures to stop this kind of thing from spiraling out of control.
There are also parental apps that can be put in place prior to the above extreme that vary from phone OS and carrier.

gorillapaws's avatar

13 is old enough to learn the brutal truth of what online predators can do to kids. If it were my child, I’d watch some real crime stories about such cases until my child wanted to delete the app themselves.

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes, there should be a way.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Id take her phone and install parental control/monitoring. Some kids really don’t get how dangerous it is.

JLeslie's avatar

There are apps that say they can block snapchat. I can’t recommend one though, I’ve never used those apps. If you google they should pop up.

I agree with @gorillapaws to educate her on the rape, kidnappings, and murders that happen. That still might not be enough, because young people often think their parents are just trying to control them rather than protect them, so checking the phone and computers randomly and frequently sounds good too if the parent is going to let her have a smart phone or spend time a lot of time online.

Caravanfan's avatar

The best way to do it is take the phone away. But there are better ways. Have a conversation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mimishu1995 and @all. Yes she has. So has Dad. She’s only 13. She can’t fathom the duplicity that some men and predators are capable of. I couldn’t have fathomed that at 13. Until a neighbor attacked me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll give her these ideas.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m very sorry to hear that. I hope they caught the bastard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Forever_Free…I meant is it possible to block or delete snapchat.

jca2's avatar

Any app can be uninstalled from the phone.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III Delete yes. Block, people can find ways.
I suggest mobile device management software if you want to control the phone.
Corporations typically use this for issued phones but there are parental level apps out there.

jca2's avatar

This is an example of why kids need to learn about catfishing and the importance of not giving out their personal information. If the app is deleted but the teen gave out her personal info or contact info, the bad people can still find her and contact her directly.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I agree with @jca2 too late ! !

Zaku's avatar

I’d just add that a parent may not want to get into a power contest with their children, unless they’re confident they can continue to win the contest of technology and cunning. I would suggest that most parents are going to tend to lose such contests, as well as whatever trust/honesty they may have from the child, even if they do win the technology contest.

Explaining to the child what the dangers are, and trying to stay clearly on their side, retaining their trust and communication, seem to me like wiser approaches than trying to prevent them from using one of the countless apps that can be used to get in trouble online.

JLeslie's avatar

Also, I would set up Find My on her phone, assuming it’s an iphone. So, her mom can always see where her phone is.

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