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BrookeAnn's avatar

Will we recieve an underage ticket in the mail?

Asked by BrookeAnn (2points) December 22nd, 2008
8 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Me and my friends were at a kegger that got busted. There was somewhere around 100 people. When the cops came no one let them in. They just barged in them selfs. they told everyone with a sober driver to leave without even giving anyone a Breathalyzer, therefore no drinking tickets were given out. My friend got too drunk and not only passed out, but also puked everywhere (alcohol poisoning). The cops called an ambulance to the scene asking me all these sorts of questions about him. This made me unable to leave or drive the group of friends that were with me home.

Another kid there cut his hand and needed stitches. The police asked me if I was capable of taking him to the hospital. I told them that I was drinking earlier and “You can blow me officer.” Obviously I wasn’t aware how that would sound when I spoke it. The officer replied, “I think it’s the other way around.” I was dumb-founded at this statement. He than said “I know you’re only 16, but I’m sure you know what that means.” Is it just me or is that not sexual harassment? Anyways I took the breathalyser and blew a .02 The officer told me that he wouldn’t be giving me a citation because they were just wondering if I was able to drive the kid who needed stitches a ride to the hospital.

After the ambulance took my friend and the one with the cut away the officers told everyone who was still there (about 20 people and mostly my friends) needed to take a breathalyser and give them our names and addresses. Two of my friends are in sports so they were very worried. The officers than told us that we wouldn’t be receiving any underage tickets and that they just wanted to know who was capable of driving. Of course we were all underage and blew over .00 They even made me take another breathalyser and I blew a .01 They told me that in a half an hour I’d be able to drive my friends and me home. As the officers were walking out the door I asked them if we would be receiving an underage drinking ticket in the mail and he said no.

I told my mom all about this since she’s a “Clerk of Court” and she said that we’ll most likely receive a ticket in the mail and the only reason why they told us that they wouldn’t is to get us to cooperate.

Do you think she’s right or no? And if she is do you think we could fight it in court based on the information I gave you?

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MrItty's avatar

Fight what? You were all underage drinking. You’re all ridiculously lucky to not have been arrested on the spot. Idiots.

bythebay's avatar

If your Mother is a Clerk of the Court, she’s an officer of the court. She probably administers the oath to witnesses and jurors alike. I doubt she would suggest you lie or fight what you’ve already admitted to. You’re underage, you were not only drinking but intending to drive after drinking. Be grateful that nothing more serious happened and learn from your mistakes.

arnbev959's avatar

It’s possible. Cops are allowed to lie.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

You got off really easy. Are you grounded? You should be. For stupidity and arrogance. Let’s start with driving to a party where you were drinking, and go on from there. Why in the world would you think you have any grounds to sue the police?

stoppre88's avatar

Well the thing about this is..the cops are NOT allowed to barge into any home without some type of warrant. This is probably one reason they did not issue any types of tickets for underage drinking. Also, they wont arrest you for being under age and drunk, they will typically only arrest you if you’re driving. or out in public. you’re extremely lucky.

MrItty's avatar

stoppre, that’s simply blatantly not true. If a cop has probable cause that a crime is being committed or that someone is in danger, that’s more than enough justification to enter a private residence.

Sooner_Coolkat's avatar

If you never signed a ticket then I wouldn’t worry about it. The cops were trying to freak you out. I was once in a similar situation and they took our telephone numbers and swore that they were going to call our parents but never did. Just make sure that you use designated drivers when you party because they will bust your ass for big money tickets like DUI’s.

MrItty's avatar

Yeah, THAT‘s the reason to avoid driving drunk. So you don’t get a ticket.

God I hate stupid people.

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