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AstroChuck's avatar

How and when will you die?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) February 18th, 2009
44 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I know the cause of my death will be my head exploding. I figure I’ve got another three or four years before that happens though, so I’m good.

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Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ll be passing away during sex. I’ll be coming while I’m going and it will be when I’m in my 90’s I believe.

arnbev959's avatar

I’m not going to die; I’m going to dissipate.

Darwin's avatar

It will be when I stop breathing, and the how is that my heart will have stopped. Hopefully this will be many years in the future.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I hope I die just like my grandpa…peacefully in my sleep. not crying and screaming like the people in his car.

kevbo's avatar

Scarlett Johanssen will smother me with the body part of her choosing at her earliest convenience.

augustlan's avatar

La, la, la, la… I’m not thinking about this.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Now that I’ve dispensed with the humor, I have Type II diabetes hanging over my head and there is a possibility that I could die from that but I hope not. If it was exclusively up to me, I’d like to die in my sleep, painlessly, and with all my wits about me and when I’m in my 80’s or 90’s. (I had 2 grandparents pass away while they had Alzheimers and that was very difficult to watch)

Hobbes's avatar

That depends. Mortality is something I’ve been considering for a while, and my thoughts come down to this: if happiness and quality of life is unaffected as one’s lifespan increases, and medical technology allowing, I would continue living for as long as possible. I might even go so far as to “upload” my mind into a computer, were such technology ever to arise.

On the other hand, if this doesn’t work, I would like to die when I’m 100 (it’s a nice round number). I and another person with the same wish would each commandeer a plane, fly them into each other, and high five each other in mid-explosion.

tennesseejac's avatar

Shark attack off the eastern coast of Tasmania
July 8, 2027 @ 4:21 pm (EST)

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Plane crash, December 17th, 2026.

Vinifera7's avatar

Why? Does death frighten you?

Every day, people die in uninteresting ways.

Darwin's avatar

@Vinifera7 – And every day at least some people die in interesting ways, and thanks to video cameras, cell phones and reality TV we get to see them do it.

augustlan's avatar

@Vinifera7 It does, a little bit. I have lots of medical issues, my father died young, my grandmother died young and I have 3 kids 14 and under. I never thought I’d live as long as I have, to be honest. But, I was just teasing :)

buster's avatar

I hope its fast!

peyton_farquhar's avatar

Honest answer: My dad’s dad died of a malignant brain tumor and my dad says that everyone sharing his last name eventually died of some form of cancer. On my mother’s side, I have diabetes and Alzheimers. Whatever I die of will most likely be courtesy of one or the other (or both).

steve6's avatar

I always hoped I would live long enough to witness the return of the Messiah. Then who knows what will happen.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

You will meet the Messiah either way, so dont fret. Better now than later when HE returns. Its going to get messy.

steve6's avatar

Nice answer, if somewhat unsettling.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

True believers in HIM should welcome the day of HIS return and recieve HIM with open arms. HE promised salvation from all the chaos that will ensue on Earth in the final days.

steve6's avatar

That’s why I always was unsure what would happen if I were still alive at His return. Will some not die in the classical sense of the act?

Jamspoon's avatar

I imagine it will be from implosion on the molecular level, the of cause of which is unknown, but it will surely lead to death.

The date’s uncertain.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

According to scripture those who have accepted the brand 666 , the mark of the Beast will remain and be killed in the Battle Of Armageddon. Those who have not will ascend to the heavens and be with the Lord.Depends on what you believe. Im playing it safe , man.

steve6's avatar

Yes, just be cool. And CYA.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

The Messiah came and left already, man. Don’t nobody want to save our sorry asses now.

Hobbes's avatar

Really, really not trying to start a Religion War here, just curious: who do you imagine has “accepted the brand 666”?

@Jamspoon – wouldn’t that be rather painful?

@petethepothead – you know, that’s a really good way of thinking about it. Really, we’re just momentary patterns of atoms, and though the bits that make up our bodies will eventually dissipate, they’ll also reform into something else. It’s comforting to think that bits of me will be eventually be in a star, or some weird alien animal, or another mind.

Vinifera7's avatar

Play it safe? As in, worship your god regardless of the validity of the claims of its existence? So you must think that your god can’t tell that you’re not being sincere in your beliefs.

Hobbes's avatar

I must, at least partially, back Vinifera up on this one. The “play it safe” idea is called “Pascal’s Wager”, and as far as I know it has been thoroughly refuted by pretty much everyone.

Jamspoon's avatar

@Hobbes Very… one might assume.

saranwrapper's avatar

Final words: Seacrest out.

xrctvz's avatar

A meteor will propably hit me

robmandu's avatar

I’m going to be the oldest guy to die while wingsuit base jumping.

Darwin's avatar

This is all moot – according to the Maya and several current cults, we will all die in 2012, if we haven’t before then.

As to how:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

- Robert Frost

jonsblond's avatar

@tennesseejac 4:21pm? At least you get to enjoy that entire minute at 4:20pm. ;)

breedmitch's avatar

Mrs. Peacock, in the hall, with the candlestick.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

According to scripture, without accepting the mark of the beast 666 people will not be able to make transactions such as buying food, etc., so it will be hard NOT to accept. As far as ” playing it safe ” that was intended to be funny….as in ha,ha.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ve accepted 999 as the mark, so I should be good.

Darwin's avatar

@AstroChuck – Only if you make a habit of walking on your hands.

miss_meg's avatar

bungie cord will be a little too long?

jonsblond's avatar

I’ll be killed by that crazy mailman that talks to himself. Don’t know when for sure, but it’ll be someday.

anne09's avatar

Quite strange question..i do not know and i do not want to know .

DragonFace's avatar

Zombies will eat my brain

DragonFace's avatar

Back flip off the empire state building. I never did a back flip so this way i wont mess it up

DrMC's avatar

There will be thunder and the clouds will part.

Light will shine through as an escalator extends downward.

Bodacious angles will be riding downward.

They will lock their arms with mine

In misty voices they will say:
“it’s your time hoser!”
“now its time to go”
“you’ve been here way too long”
“you’re done don’t you know?”

Then i’ll turn with a confused shit eatin grin
My hand will wave a princess dianna wave

Slowly up I will go.
As my final earthly act
I’ll try my hardest to leave you all
with something to remember me by

I’ll fart.

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