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A_Beaverhausen's avatar

What is your impression of 'college girls'?

Asked by A_Beaverhausen (2443points) February 23rd, 2009
50 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

everyone just assumes that we are all brainless and slutty, whats up with that? since when did being a good looking college chick mean that your easy and have no moral fiber?

and no, im not going back to your place!

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Dog's avatar

I don’t get it.

I have never heard that college girls are brainless or slutty- in fact they appear to be smart and focused.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Grisson's avatar

I know better. My daughter is one. She’s brilliant.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

its more college guys i guess, cause lord knows they all think that you want to sleep with them.

TenaciousDenny's avatar

The thing I love about college girls is that as I get older, they stay the same age.

I kid, I kid. College girls are great. College as a whole is great. It’s a time where you really get to expand your horizons and see what the world is all about. OK, maybe not the ‘real’ world, but you definitely broaden your perspective on the world as whole. That and drink a lot of beer and experiment with recreational drugs. Ahhh, college…

Dog's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen then it is wishful thinking.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
MrItty's avatar

Huh. I tend to consider women who didn’t go to college to be brainless. Much like I consider men who didn’t go to college to be brainless.

Fieryspoon's avatar

I think this depends on the people you hang out with more than everyone making this assumption. When I was a college guy, I certainly didn’t assume that every girl was brainless and slutty. Neither did my friends.

Maybe you need to hang out with some dudes who have more going for them and are less arrogant. In my experience, nerdier dudes aren’t like this as much :-)

College people, in general, are still developing though, and haven’t learned all the social etiquette they ought to. They need a slap on the wrist a few times.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Like any other grouping of people, it depends on the individual for me.

Grisson's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen It’s really true of boys of any age, but remember we are generally driven by the other brain. It takes a while to learn not to do that… and some of us never do.

TenaciousDenny's avatar

To be honest, in my mind, that stereotype applies more to college sorority girls than just college girls in general. Not that all sorority girls fit that stereotype, but we all probably know a few that do.

seekingwolf's avatar

I’m a college student, but I don’t really get offended when people assume that I’m a stupid hussy…I mean, honestly, I know a LOT of slutty college girls. They deserve the bad reputation they get. Shouldn’t bother you if you’re not of them.

It also depends on what college you’re looking at. My college (small liberal arts) has its share of loose girls, but the drinking/greek life isn’t as prevalent here as it is at other schools, so the girls here don’t seem that bad.

seekingwolf's avatar

BTW, I thought there was more of a stereotype out there applying to college GUYS, not girls. That one holds more water when it comes to college freshman males. :)

MrItty's avatar

Here’s a wild idea, @A_Beaverhausen, try not hanging out with the assholes. Try finding decent guys who don’t treat women like a pair of breasts. You might have to expand your social circle a bit from my impression of your question, but I think it’ll be worth it for you.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@MrItty i think all the guys at my university are assholes. lol, ill just stay inside my house

seekingwolf's avatar


Ugh I know what you mean…most of my friends are guys though, but they aren’t assholes. I don’t befriend guys who are popular and/or dress to the trends, because there’s a higher probability of them being assholes

Does your school have a coffee shop? I’ve met all of my guy friends there, drinking coffee/doing homework, or at the school’s video game club. :) They are a good bunch.

MrItty's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen thank you for proving my point. For you to think that all the guys are assholes, you must hang out with only the assholes.

As a male college graduate, I quite assure you that you’re wrong. Your perception of “all the guys” is a direct result of which guys you choose to associate with.

scamp's avatar

@MrItty well said!

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

i know they aren’t all bad, im just speaking in generalities. let me state that i go to a predominantly rich, male, republican school, so when i do go out, theres a 60 % chance someones going to try to get me drunk enough to sleep with them.

also, maybe im just sick of the college scene. i know im definitely sick of the homework!

scamp's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen I don’t know how to say this without sounding as if I am insulting you, and I don’t mean to, but is there anything you can think of that makes guys treat you this way? could you somehow be sending out the wrong vibes and not be aware of it?

syz's avatar

I think you can lay a lot of blame on the vapid idiots appearing in the Girls gone Wild videos. How proud their parents must be.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
seekingwolf's avatar


Hey, that’s funny…I go to a predominantly rich, republican school too!
Well…more republican than MOST unis out there…

Sounds like you should get away from the party life for a while.
Underage immature guys + Alcohol = bad things…

I haven’t gone to any parties since I’ve been at college, and it’s still fun. You just need to find other activities.

eponymoushipster's avatar

my impression depends very much on how drunk they are and how likely they are to flash me. the more drunk, the better the impression.

Ashpea9288's avatar

All I know is that I hate when the media calls us “co-eds”, especially when they’re talking about a 20 year old blond girl who has gone missing.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@scamp are you asking me to analyze why guys want to have sex with me?

well, i guess it would be because usually theres alcohol involved, im usually with friends at frat parties, (but they are not the only guys who are guilty), and honestly i usually look good. but this doesnt only pertain to me. all my girl friends complain about it to.

need i say more?

Grisson's avatar

@Ashpea9288 I agree. That term is ridiculous.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@seekingwolf like i said, im going to beome a “homie” :)

MrItty's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen so by “go out”, you mean “go to frat parties” or more generally “party”. Like I said, expand your social circle. Find other people to hang out with. Have you even considered going to the places around school that don’t have large quantities of people trying to get drunk? When was the last time you stopped by the theatre group on campus? The film club? The group of gamers? The coffee house? The library?

Or would you never consider joining those social circles because they’re the “nerds”?

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

“go to partys” yes.

only 3000 students, so its hard not to run into my “circle”
no drama club, no film, gamers, not even a choir. just auto salesmen wannabees

im transferring. bleh.

seekingwolf's avatar


Wow, 3,000 students? Kinda like mine, we have 2,100. It’s pretty nice.
Well, if you do decide to transfer, I hope you find a school that better suits you.

scamp's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen as syz mentioned above, those girls gone wild videos do nothing to help college girl’s reps when they are out getting drunk and wild.

So if you are going to frat parties, and getting drunk and wild, you might be setting yourself up for the wrong type of attention. Guys that age seem to prey on drunken girls, because it’s known that they have less inhibitons, and may be much more willing than a sober girl.

So, I’m not saying you act like a slutty girl, but if you get drunk at those parties a lot, you might be sending out the wrong signals to the predatory type of guy.

The best way to be sure you are treated like a lady is to act like one. So if you find that you are not being treated well, you might want to tone it down a bit. Whatever you do, please be careful, and never leave your drink unattended. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

nahh, im not wild nor do i get trashed at parties. its just the stereotype from “those girls” is seeping into my nitch, and i dont like it.

party on i guess.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen hahah you said ”seeping into my nitch”.

that’s what college girls are all about.

charliecompany34's avatar

college girls are not brainless and slutty. my teenage son thinks he’s in love with his college sweetheart, but anyway, she is very intelligent and equally attractive. he done good!

but the brainless/slutty factor you speak of is what seasoned adults see or perceive. when we were in college, girls did not wear their pajamas and house shoes to class. no girl seemed to have breasts so large, probably because cleavage was covered up. and girls these days wear a lot of low-rise jeans and show belly buttons.

the older set believes some of these things should be, well, just a tad covered up hence the sluttiness.

Grisson's avatar

There once was a girl from Worso
Who displayed quite a bit of her torso.
A crowd soon collected,
Though no one objected,
And some were in favor of more so.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I like us as a group :)

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@TitsMcGhee i know right? lurve for non slutty college girls :)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen: Well, I can’t claim to be completely non-slutty (sorry), but I don’t appreciate that impression of college girls either. I think Girls Gone Wild and the experimentation and liberation that college offers are to blame.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@tits word.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Has anyone pointed out that this question was asked by someone named *Beaver*hausen?

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

hahahahahahahahahaha. @eponymoushipster youre really funny today!

its actually its from Will&Grace, Karen has an alias, “Anastasia Beaverhausen”, which she uses when she wishes not to identify herself in suggestive areas, such as bars and taco restaurants.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen i know those words you used, but not in that sequence.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen “will&grace”?

charliecompany34's avatar

those college girls keep wearin’ those ‘jamas
man, they look nothing like grandma’s
i look the other way
yes, with some discerning dismay
but making “that move” will, yeah, just frame us.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Our media doesn’t help. The last time I was in London, I went to a dance club with some pals and some blokes there assumed straight off after hearing me speak American and seeing that since “you’re at uni, roight?” (I look young) that I was going to doff my top and put on a show. Which, no.

Turns out they’d DL’ed GGW. >:P

eponymoushipster's avatar

@aprilsimnel when you’re in a foreign country april, you need to be obliging and understand the culture of the place you’re in. To “doff your top” would have been very diplomatic.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

tricks and hos
it’s just a stereotype generated by mindless mtv shows; all of those spring break BS shows. and like, porn. like, girls go wild sorta things.
i don’t think all college girls are stupid sluts. of course there are some, but there are also some stupid sluts who don’t go to college. i don’t think one is the predictor of the other.

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