General Question

Sakata's avatar

At what age do boys normally start masturbating?

Asked by Sakata (3347points) April 11th, 2009
55 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I’ve got 2 sons, 7 and 9, and I’m just wondering when I should start knocking on the bathroom door before I just walk in.

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Jayne's avatar

I believe I was on the order of twelve years old. Apparently even babies sometimes like to get a little hand action too, however, so don’t assume that puberty is a prerequisite. Though I doubt it will be as…pervasive before the hormones kick in.

asmonet's avatar

Um, anytime.

Boys can discover it at any age, as Jayne mentioned, it gets a bit more serious later on.
I think it was Kinsey who proved a one year old boy could uh, do it. With some help.

filmfann's avatar

Umm, he proved it? Ewwwwww.
Always knock. Always let them know they have privacy.

filmfann's avatar

LOL Under topics, you put Monkey?

Sakata's avatar

lmfao @ “With some help”

asmonet's avatar

As in:

Monkey, Spanking the.

shockvalue's avatar

I can’t remember

Mamradpivo's avatar

Maybe it’s just me, but I think you should knock or announce your presence anytime you’re walking in on someone in the bathroom.

skfinkel's avatar

I agree that children should have privacy—they usually ask for it and that wish can be respected from a very young age (three and up).

casheroo's avatar

Well, I don’t think you should ever walk in on them without knocking…
I’m not sure when they start. My kid isn’t even two and he non stops plays with his weiner, it’s a built in toy for him. I dread when he starts really doing things. Ugh.

asmonet's avatar

@casheroo: I am further convinced of how much I love your family.

upholstry's avatar

Frankly, I think 7 and 9 is really young to start doing that, and not just rubbing up against stuff either… I’d probably seek help from professionals if I had kids that age masturbating.

asmonet's avatar

@upholstry: Wow, really? Haha, I can’t imagine. I’m relatively certain I realized things felt good downstairs at like, six.

casheroo's avatar

@upholstry hahaha! are you serious? masturbation is completely normal, i’m sure if you took your kid to a doctor for it, they’d think you were ridiculous.

asmonet's avatar

High-five for masturbation Casheroo.

But, uh….wash your hands first.

arnbev959's avatar

I know by first grade I had started, and I would have been six then. I might have started earlier though.

asmonet's avatar

Hygienic High-Five to Pete, too.

Jayne's avatar

Looks like I was a slow learner, huh?

asmonet's avatar

Tsk tsk.
We’ll have to educate you.

casheroo's avatar

i can’t imagine being a guy and not knowing that thing between my legs brought great joy, haha.

asmonet's avatar

Haha, Jayne, she called you stupid. :)

Jayne's avatar

I guess I was just too busy hanging from trees to have time for that kind of thing. It might have been a bit messy if I had tried to combine the two, really.

On a more serious note, I would have felt guilty about doing it before then; I felt guilty for the first year or so, in fact. I didn’t think it was morally wrong or anything like that, I just didn’t know enough about it to be sure that I wasn’t somehow in danger of harming myself physically or psychologically. Besides, it just seemed kind of dirty. But yeah, I’m over that now. Really, really over that ;)

asmonet's avatar

Think of the splinters!

Are you sure? Really, really sure?

casheroo's avatar

lol! i didn’t call him stupid per se.

i only felt guilty when my dad walked in on me, at like 10 haha

Jayne's avatar

Pretty sure. But I’d have to run a test with full positive and negative controls to be really, really sure. Wanna help?

arnbev959's avatar

I never had a problem until I was about 12, when the process was no longer clean and dry. The first time I “produced” something I was scared to death, thinking there was something seriously wrong.

casheroo's avatar

oh god, now i have a question that will make me look stupid. @petethepothead boys maturbate and nothing comes out? and then stuff comes out, what? once you hit puberty? this is new to me lol

asmonet's avatar

@Jayne: When’s your birthday again? ;)

@petethepothead: I just choked on water. Thanks.

@casheroo: Were you too busy making out with someone in Sex Ed or something?

arnbev959's avatar

@cash: Haha, asmo just called you stupid. But yeah, before puberty nothing comes out.

Jayne's avatar

I believe she called her randy. Incidentally, not like it would interest anybody here, certainly not asmonet, but I turn 18 tomorrow.

asmonet's avatar

Certainly not. ;)

casheroo's avatar

making out in sex ed? obviously i skipped sex ed, i have a child…hahaha

asmonet's avatar

Uh…you got me there.

upholstry's avatar

@casheroo no I meant at 7 or 9 years old! I’m not saying to get help for a fifteen year old who’s masturbating.

@asmonet I’m assuming the questioner is not talking about ‘things feelings good’ so much as actually setting aside time to, uh, really ‘go to town’ and looking for the ‘release’. You know, pictures, lubricant, the whole business.. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

My grandson was playing with his penis in the bathtub almost as soon as he could sit up by himself.

cak's avatar

My son’s best friend (they are both 6) has already had the talk about when it’s appropriate and when it’s not okay. I guess your sons may already be at that point. I don’t think there is a magical age – my husband just said he must have been in 5th grade. (I was a late bloomer, evidently.)

Knock, now. I will teach them privacy, anyway. Might save your sanity, too! :)

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
MacBean's avatar

@upholstry—I think @casheroo was talking about at 7 or 9 years old, too. And I agree. I think if you brought your kid to a doctor for masturbating at that age, they’d try to help you.

upholstry's avatar

@MacBean and @casheroo

I guess I learn new things everyday :)

Jack79's avatar

Sakata, it could be as early as 5 months old. My friend has a son who was masturbating, and he just couldn’t believe his eyes. He assumed the kid had some problem and took him to various doctors, and they all said the same thing. Of course masturbation at that age is different from what it is later in life.

Personally I did not even discover the alternative use of that thing between my legs until I was 12 or something. Though I do remember strange sexual urges earlier in life when me and another boy found some porno magazines while playing. For some inexplicable (then) reason, we peed on them.

Zen's avatar

11–12 ish?

babiturtle36's avatar

I have a 5 yr old in my class, who at nap time will lay down on his tummy, stick his hands down his pants, and hump his mat Til he falls asleep.
I had a small conversation with mom about it just to make her aware of what was going on. She said she has already noticed that he does that.
I have to remind him daily that he can only do that in his bedroom.

asmonet's avatar

“For some inexplicable (then) reason, we peed on them.”

Hahahahaha. lol4rl.

Zen's avatar

@asmonet @Jack79 really for real!

Mr_M's avatar

WHATEVER age a child closes the door all the way is when you should knock.

Zen's avatar

@Mr_M I like that. I’ll put it in my “Father’s Guide for Idiots who parent without a license.”

Seriously, good quote.

Sakata's avatar

For clarification… I’m only talking about masturbation for the purpose of sexual pleasure. I don’t care about 1 y/o babies and fetuses who touch themselves.

@Mr_M There’s nothing more fun than knocking really hard on the door and yelling “Are ya pooin’ in there? Need any help? Want me to go get your sister?” When they freak out it’s hilarious. I suggest everyone try it.

Jack79's avatar

my daughter is 4, she usually only closes the door to paint. My problem is when she opens the door!

asmonet that was a 100% true story, makes you think about instincts though, huh? I grew up in a society where I was not even told how children were born until I was old enough to have them myself.

asmonet's avatar

@Jack79: Wow. Where’d you grow up?

Jack79's avatar

In a place called the ‘70s lol

asmonet's avatar

Ah, your homeland is very far indeed. ;)

DREW_R's avatar

When it feels GOOD.

funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny's avatar

I accidently seen a 1 year old do it. It looked quite weird actually but there was nothing wrong at all.

HighShaman's avatar

Well; I believe that whenever there is a CLOSED door; it should be KNOCKED upon and someone say “come In” or “OK” before entering…. as there is realy NO certain age that a male will begin masturbating .

It does not matter if it is a bathroom door or a bedroom door… just KNOCK out of consideration .

Kiev749's avatar

well… i started going blind when i was about 8….

rickw1965's avatar

I started fooling around with other kids and an older boy told me about ejaculating and asked if I wanted to watch, I was 7 and was hooked on the feeling and jaculated a year later after a lot of practice, My mom walked in on me a couple times before she got the hint to knock, so embarrassing but true. I was not until 6th grade sex ed we learned it was natural and so was the guilt. Tell the kid to shut the door if he needs “privacy” and knock after that. Enjoy the go!! lol

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