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Judi's avatar

I have to fly in a small non pressurized plane tomorrow and I just started getting a head cold. What product shall I use?

Asked by Judi (40025points) April 15th, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I think I should probably find the most heavy duty nasal spray I can find, or should I use a decongestant. My ears have issues anyway and I am afraid I am not going to be able to hear for a week If I don’t do something to minimize the snot in my head.

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crisw's avatar

The decongestant is probably a good idea. I’ve successfully used EarPlanes earplugs to stop the ear pressure/pain.

_bob's avatar

If gets too bad, a parachute.

quantum's avatar

I’ve heard, but not tried Sudaphed (or similar) the real kind you have to get from behind the counter – the kind with psuedoephedrine.

Darwin's avatar

I suggest you use both a decongestant and a nasal spray, plus the EarPlanes. That should help. The decongestant should reduce the swelling in general, the nasal spray can add an extra boost as you need it or if the decongestant starts to wear off, and the EarPlanes will help with the ear issues that you always have.

OTC things like the real Sudaphed helps a lot, but you could also talk to your doctor and see if he/she can prescribe something.

Good luck!

Benny's avatar


EmpressPixie's avatar

If Sudafed works for you, that’s what I always use. It is probably going to suck no matter what. Sudafed works overtime on me. Make sure to bring a lot of water. And if you can, sleep. Possibly a light sleep aid or something?

janbb's avatar

I am always congested and always have problems on a plane. Afrin (a nasal spray) works pretty well for my as a decongestant.

I always have ear pain too, so I’ll probably try those Ear Planes.

ratboy's avatar

Glock 9mm.

Judi's avatar

@bob_ ; The parachute would be worse!
@ all who said ear-planes; They don’t work well with headphones, but I will try them again (I usually end up running the radios.)
@Benny; My daughter said Afrin too.
@Darwin; I am trying to get an appointment with my Doctor this afternoon. He gave my son in law a Z pack on the second day of this cold and since it is the same one that has been going around my grand kids the doctor is already familiar with the virus. I hope he doesn’t waste time treating mine either.
Thanks for all the help!!

Lupin's avatar

I use Afrin Sinus 12 hour spray, not the saline, and Sudafed sinus. That’s the best combo I’ve found. (It’s still going to hurt. Sorry.)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Take a Claritin a half hour before getting on the plane.

Judi's avatar

I went to the doc. He gave me a z pack, a steroid spray and told me to take sudafed and mucinex, chew gum, and descend slow. We’re taking the longer route so we can descend at about 100 feet a minute to protect my ears. He said that at least I will have less chance of infecting my husband since the plane is not pressurized.

Lupin's avatar

@Judi Let us know how it works out. I might be willing to try something different in the future. Being able to control rate of descent really helps. I am usually just a prisoner in the flying metal box.

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