General Question

electricsky's avatar

Are there any movies or books you will never watch again/read again?

Asked by electricsky (825points) April 30th, 2009
68 responses
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What I mean is, you liked them but you’d never watch them again, for personal reasons, or because it was too upsetting, or something like that?
Like I would never read The Lovely Bones again. I loved it, but it made me really sad, and something about it really upset me.
Also I would never watch the Homeward Bound movies again (remember – with the talking dogs and cat?) because when I was younger I loved those movies so, so much, and I remember them as being absolutely amazing, so I’d never watch them again because I don’t want to ruin that.

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asmonet's avatar


In all it’s forms.

Oh, no wait. I hated that from page one.

kruger_d's avatar

anything with Steven Segall

Lightlyseared's avatar

Bad Lieutenant. While I can see that Keitel gives a fantastic performance it was hard work to watch.

asmonet's avatar

To be honest, if I love a book or movie, no matter how much it upsets me I’m gonna repeat it nonstop until I wear out the Video/DVD or lose the book.

Just ask Charlotte’s Web, Schindler’s List and my first copy of Harry Potter. :(

essieness's avatar

@asmonet I concur about Twilight. But, I never even started that series, so I guess it doesn’t count. Oh wait, a copy of Twilight was sitting on my friend’s table and I read a few excerpts. Horrible.

casheroo's avatar

The Mist. I did not appreciate the ending.

Les's avatar

The Notebook. It was way to similar to what was happening with my grandmother at the time. And what really steams my cabbage is when people say to me, “But Oh! Wasn’t it such a beautiful love story?” Yeah, yeah it was. But that person going through the dementia is almost like a completely different person. They speak different languages, they see people who aren’t there, it is scary.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (1points)
lercio's avatar

The Dune prequel The Butlerian Jihad. I should have known better but someone bought it for me. I ended up reading the whole trilogy and hated all of them.

MissAusten's avatar

The movie Cold Mountain. I watched it one afternoon when I was on maternity leave, and by the end of the movie I just felt sick from watching one horrible scene after another. It wasn’t a bad movie, but when it ended I felt almost traumatized.

There are a lot of books I’d never read again, but that was just because they sucked.

robmandu's avatar


The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions.

Star Wars Episode I.

Nights in Rodanthe (okay, I didn’t see that… and I never will).

essieness's avatar

@robmandu Lurve for Star Wars Episode I.

electricsky's avatar

@MissAusten: I felt the exact same way. That movie was heartbreaking.
@Les: I understand how that movie would make you feel that way. I don’t think I can watch anything about people with dementia now, after someone really close to me has gotten it, no matter how “beautiful” the movies are.
also, your username is my initials. :)

Blondesjon's avatar

The Day After Tomorrow. They were chased by freezing for Christ’s sake!

janbb's avatar

“My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult. I though the book was pretty good in a potboiler sort of way, and then the ending was a real cheat. Don’t plan to see the movie either, although I bet they will change the ending.

“The Da Vinci Code” (book) because it was such trash.

“Australia” – fun schlock once; a second time it would seem interminable.

Les's avatar

@blondesjon: Don’t even get me started on the physical impossibilities of the Day After Tomorrow. Did those writers even bother opening up a thermodynamics textbook? You base your whole movie on this thermodynamic process, and it isn’t even remotely possible. Guh.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Blondesjon's avatar

@LesIt was indeed an affront to my delicate sensibilities.

ahankes's avatar

The Kite Runner. I thought the book was horrible. Well, maybe I just hated the main character in the book… he was a nasty person.

tinyfaery's avatar

Boys Don’t Cry—I could never put myself through that again. Great movie, but way to horrifying.

hug_of_war's avatar

Requiem for a dream – I thought it was fantastic, but it’s the kind of movie that leaves you feeling unsettled after it’s done. It’s too horrible for me to ever watch again, it was that powerful for me.

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery Oh yeah, I agree. Boys Don’t Cry was a great movie but I never would want to see it again.

SeventhSense's avatar

Most wholeheartedly agree with the Steven Segal boycott and might I add anything with Pauly Shore. And I would like to blackball Will Smith for being the most vanilla of all A.A. men in hollywood. I’m hoping Samuel L. Jackson will bitch slap him one day in a movie. Maybe the sequel to Pulp Fiction.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I’m with @casheroo .. the mist..

ems's avatar

Totally agree with the Myst, and Requiem for a Dream. Also watched the Wrestler last night. What a perfect movie that I would recommend to almost anyone. But wow, that movie is like getting punched in the balls over and over again.

knitfroggy's avatar

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas-it was a holocaust movie. It wasn’t bad, but I’d never want to watch it again. It was too damned depressing. Angela’s Ashes was a good book but was very hard to read.

btko's avatar

The Pianist—it was an amazing film but I don’t think I could go through it all over again.

TaoSan's avatar

Donnie Darko – NEVAH EVAH again

SeventhSense's avatar

I liked Donny Darko

Blondesjon's avatar

@SeventhSenseFinally something we can agree on 100%. I love you man.

SeventhSense's avatar

yes cool movie…

SeventhSense's avatar

oh and..umm…i love you too i mean like a dude…i mean not that there’s anything wrong with that….it’s just so sudden..:0)

Blondesjon's avatar

Search your feelings @SeventhSense, you know this to be true.

SeventhSense's avatar

I suddenly hear music

jonsblond's avatar

Get a room you two!

Fearless with Jeff Bridges and Rosie Perez. If you have a child, you’ll understand why.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

brokeback mountain.

i’ve never cried so much during/for 2 weeks after a movie. but i loved it!

jonsblond's avatar

@tiffyandthewall I agree. That movie is so sad!

benjaminlevi's avatar

Watchmen (the movie) I might give the book a chance, but I have no desire to see that again.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Once Were Warriors

It is a fantastic! movie. But it was too intense and personally touching for me.

kate1746's avatar

Natural Born Killers. Watching it makes me unexplainably, extremely, uncomfortable.

jonsblond's avatar

@kate1746 I had a very unpleasant feeling after watching that myself.

benjaminlevi's avatar

@kate1746 I had a very uncomfortable feeling while seeing Rodney Dangerfield after I saw that movie. He portrayed quite a monster.

Darwin's avatar

I cannot ever watch again anything involving Mr. Bean. I don’t mind having seen it once, but I can’t face it a second time.

augustlan's avatar

Natural Born Killers for me, too. Very well made, and I could appreciate it for that, but far too disturbing. I honestly can’t think of anything else I wouldn’t watch again, even if it made me cry buckets like Brokeback Mountain did (I’d see that again in a heartbeat).

SeventhSense's avatar

—come on, you chicks just loves you some jake and heath….now if it was liberace and gunther the pool boy…i’m guessing there would be no second tub of popcorn…

augustlan's avatar

You might have a point…

knitfroggy's avatar

I watched a movie called Bastard out of Carolina that was very uncomfortable-had a child moslesting scene in it. Now everytime I see the actor, Ron Eldard I kinda feel sick to my stomach. It was a good movie, but not something you’d want to buy and watch every so often. I enjoyed Brokeback Mountain also, I cried like a baby! But it’s not one I’d watch again either.

casheroo's avatar

@knitfroggy I know that movie. Makes me cry so much when I see it on Lifetime.

electricsky's avatar

@knitfroggy: I saw that a while ago… it was practically traumatizing. I also live near where it was filmed.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Hard Candy was another film I could do without watching again.

augustlan's avatar

@Lightlyseared Oooh, good choice. That was a hard watch indeed.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@augustlan particularly if you are a boy

tinyfaery's avatar

Heh. I Iiked Hard Candy. I’ve seen it twice.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@tinyfaery that may be because you are not a boy

Darwin's avatar

I am glad I never saw Hard Candy. I just read the plot summary. Yuck.

jonsblond's avatar

@tinyfaery I liked Hard Candy too.

augustlan's avatar

I liked it, but it was still painful to watch.

jonsblond's avatar

Curious. Are we talking American version or Japanese? I’ve only seen the American version. I heard the Japanese version is very disturbing.

augustlan's avatar

I saw the American version… I didn’t even know there was a Japanese one.

jonsblond's avatar

Hard Candy is the American version of Audition. It’s supposed to be one of the most disturbing movies ever made.

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond Hard Candy was inspired by a Japanese news story, but it’s not the remake of Audition… it’s about a 14 year old girl who goes after a suspected pedophile.

jonsblond's avatar

Audition. Inspired by or remake, either way it’s disturbing. imo I’ve learned my lesson. Don’t rely on tv for information. That’s where I first heard about this movie. Thanks for enlightening me.

augustlan's avatar

And now I totally want to see Audition… even if I can never watch it again. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan I lurve you more than you’ll ever know. :)

augustlan's avatar

<< Huge horror fan. And right back atcha!

shrubbery's avatar

The Pact by Jodi Picoult. I was depressed the whole time I was reading it and I didn’t like the ending.
Interesting, @janbb, though that book made me very sad and I cried and cried at the end, I read it again and cried even more. I think it’s an amazing book. At least compared to The Pact.

@electricsky, The Lovely Bones upset me a lot too, but I think I might read it again one day. A lot of the stuff hit home with me in some weird way, I’m not sure how because I have never been through anything like that.

casheroo's avatar

Juno. It was not a good movie, in my opinion. No desire to ever watch it again. I’m not a prude, but I felt it glamorized teen pregnancy..

electricsky's avatar

My mom watched Hard Candy and told me about it. It gave her nightmares.

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