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noelasun's avatar

Are all crop circles hoaxes?

Asked by noelasun (1894points) June 28th, 2009
60 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

What is your personal opinion of crop circles, and how did you arrive at the decision?

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EmpressPixie's avatar

No, of course not. Some are proof of ancient burial sites or other remains below the earth interfering with plant growth. I arrived at this conclusion by reading today. They had an article about it by a guest blogger. It was good.

Darwin's avatar

@tyrantxseries – Arrgghhh!!! You beat me to it

TheWatcher's avatar

No not all. I believe there are some things unexplainable. I mean look at nazca lines.

noelasun's avatar

@tyrantxseries Yes, I saw it too =) I think circle makers took credit for that one.

I haven’t formed an opinion yet, and so far in what I’ve read, it feels like the two sides aren’t engaging in each others claims.

lillycoyote's avatar

I think some people around here would agree that this one is real

peyton_farquhar's avatar

If you mean “are all crop circles man-made”, then yes, of course. Moving on.

juwhite1's avatar

Flying over the Midwest, you can see plenty of big green circles in the corn fields. They are caused by center-pivot irrigation systems. It is always fun to fly over the Midwest with people who’ve never done so and listen to people who’ve never seen this give their opinions on what those big circles are. Some people are astonishing in their ability to come up with completely irrational explanations for the simplest things.

TheWatcher's avatar

Check out nazca lines.

juwhite1's avatar

@TheWatcher – What about them? They are ancient, man-made shapes in the geography of Peru that were constructed by the Nazca people. Not intended to serve as a hoax, and not naturally occurring. Very interesting in terms of anthropology and sociology, but how do they relate to crop circles being hoaxes?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Why in the hell would aliens waste their time making circles and images in fields of crops? Why do they need to be so secretive and arcane? Surely they could just capture a few world leaders and hold the entire planet hostage for whatever they want.

Crop circles made by aliens? Sure, whatever.

TheWatcher's avatar

Nazca lines no way in hell man made that! I believe aliens or sumthing created them and if they did, then who is to say some crop circles arnt real?

juwhite1's avatar

Well, who am I to argue with such a clearly rational, fact-based explanation? Still, just because something is difficult to do, and takes thousands of years to accomplish, does not mean that societies won’t do it. I’m curious… in your opinion, how were the pyramids constructed with absolutely no modern tools or equipment?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Funny how people like to argue from ignorance. Just because you cannot figure out how something was done, or accomplished in a particular time period by a certain ancient race of humans, that doesn’t mean we automatically default to the space alien explanation. That’s like the Creationsits who can’t understand how evolution works, so they revert to the ‘God did it’ explanation.

Rarely in life are things a matter of either or. Perhaps there is something we are missing, or haven’t discovered yet when it comes to these oddities.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I’m pretty sure aliens aren’t responsible.

The crop circles seem to genuinely exist so we can’t really call them a hoax.

TheWatcher's avatar

True. They had slave labor. But my mother god rest her soul. Was a native from nazca. And she knew secrets about the place that only she and the other natives know. And now I do. And Its a secret that I shall keep. Ask yourself this tho. Science can be wrong…so how do we know somethings are real or not?

TheWatcher's avatar

Well ok not necceseraly aliens, but how where they able to create perfectly shaped figures? Like the spaceman? Or humingbird?

ragingloli's avatar

“Surely they could just capture a few world leaders and hold the entire planet hostage for whatever they want.”
Remember the Aztecs. Whenever a highly developed culture encountered a less developed one, the result was more often then not the destruction of the lesser one.
A spacefaring visitor would probably know this from his own and/or other planet’s history and thus keep interference to a minimum and avoid open contact altogether. Including kidnapping world leaders.
Also, from our history they would know that under the right circumstances we have no problem dropping nuclear weapons on our brethren and would have a much lower tolerance towards a non human aggressor.
Though according to some reports, they did exhibit the ability to shut down nuclear missile silos and incapacitate icbm’s in flight, they might not want to risk that.

Also, maybe (and according to Sitchin) they are our creators and due to the aforementioned reasons, circles are the maximum they could do in regards to intervention to nudge us into the right direction in our development.

ragingloli's avatar

@TheWatcher i would not exactly call them “perfectly shaped”

TheWatcher's avatar

Well true, but for the ancients?pulling that off? Not earthly possible.

TheWatcher's avatar

Like I said. I shall keep the nazca secrets. So don’t expect me to talk. Argue all you want. I’m not talking.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Then why bring it up at all?
<—- Openly skeptical

ragingloli's avatar

i suppose the nazca plateau is mostly even terrain, so excluding hills as obstacles, i could imagine some simple mathematics together with accurate premade angles and a long tread/rope, it should not be impossible to extrapolate a macrostructure from a smaller aspect ratio plan

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@ragingloli the majority of Native Americans weren’t killed by bullets and swords, but by the diseases carried by the European invaders. Mumps, Measles and other nonfatal diseases wiped out countless Indian tribes. Read the book Guns, Germs and Steel by Jarod Diamond for a more detailed explanation.

As for the aliens being our creators and nudging us in a certain direction by using crop circles has to be one of the most ludicrous things I’ve heard in a long time.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic maybe its a troll, or someone that simply seeks attention by pretending to be something he’s/she’s not.

TheWatcher's avatar

No not a troll, but keep trying I won’t talk. Do some reasearch. There was this german woman who dedicated her life to the study of nazca.

TheWatcher's avatar

By the way I’m a he.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Why do you insist we would want you to talk about what you know? maybe we would rather you just keep it to yourself. I am not at all curious about what you know, but I do wonder what your point is to continue blathering that you aren’t going to say a thing.

ragingloli's avatar

You don’t suppose THEY could bring us some extraterrestrial diseases as well?
Also don’t forget the culture shock that would put the world into chaos, not to mention all the religious zealots who would gladly start wars in order to accomodate the armageddon.

Yes, they being our creators is far fetched, especially since Sitchin bases this on the interpretation of sumerian mythology.
But that is not necessarily the only reason for nudging us into the right direction.
Maybe they are altruistic fellas, who know that intelligent life is rare and thus would hate seeing an emergent species go to waste in internal strife.
Maybe they are concerned about their own security, considering that we have developed nuclear weapons and a means do deploy them in space, making us a potential future threat to them.
Again, influencing us via relatively non-intrusive ways may be considered by them the most efficient way to ensure their prolonged security.
Sure they could wipe us out, but that would also put a strain on their ressources.
I assume that efficiency plays a big role in any potential spacefaring civilisation.

juwhite1's avatar

@ragingloli – I love that book!

TheWatcher's avatar

leaves thread

evolverevolve's avatar

not the one i saw

loser's avatar

I learn so much here!

breedmitch's avatar

I’m happy to say. “I do not know.”

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@breedmitch, I would rather hear someone admit to not knowing than to listen to wild speculation involving things we have yet to figure out. Tis no bad thing to say I dont know.

Darwin's avatar

@TheWatcher – Yes, there was a German woman who dedicated her life to studying the Nazca lines – Maria Reiche worked at first with Paul Kosok, and spent many years elaborating on her mentor’s theory that the lines were constructed by the Nazca people to serve as a giant calendar. She worked on the idea that the lines expressed astronomical observations made by the Nazca people (note: the Inca were also quite aware of astronomy, as were the Maya and the Aztecs).

Reiche never claimed the lines were made by anyone except the Nazca people.

The folks who claimed the lines were made by aliens included James W. Moseley, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, and of course, Erich von Daniken. None of these people were women, and none of these people have any support from anthropologists, archaeologists, or astronomers.

One other person, G. von Breunig, thinks the lines were made by folks running footraces and following specific patterns that may have had religious significance.

The main reason that some people keep insisting that the lines were constructed by aliens is that they cannot leave behind their Eurocentric viewpoint that civilizations outside of Europe were all “too primitive” to have been able to do something like the lines. It is a form of racism.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Darwin “The main reason that some people keep insisting that the lines were constructed by aliens is that they cannot leave behind their Eurocentric viewpoint that civilizations outside of Europe were all “too primitive” to have been able to do something like the lines. It is a form of racism.”

Great Answer!!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes, all crop circles are hoaxes. No, they’re really not. Some are man made and the rest are unexplainable. Not reality, actuality.

Can we apply Occam’s razor to this question?

- the maxim that assumptions introduced to explain a thing must not be multiplied beyond necessity.

Shegrin's avatar

Not the ones that I made.

CMaz's avatar


ragingloli's avatar

i wonder where this absolute sureness comes from.

CMaz's avatar

Comes from knowing.

ragingloli's avatar

and where does the supposed “knowledge” come from?

CMaz's avatar

Listen you want to believe in UFO’s as in aliens or Ghosts go right ahead.

As far as crop circles go. If you do the reading up on them, something stinks. Then you add peoples desire to believe in it and you have a winner.
This is common sense. People were recently bilked out of billions of dollars because they just wanted to believe all was right.

Same scenario.

ragingloli's avatar

None of this leads to the “knowledge” that all crop circles are hoaxes. All it gives you is a probability.

CMaz's avatar

Funny thing about knowledge. It is only knowledge if it satisfies what I need to know.
If it works for you great! As far as probability goes. My money is on hoax.

Do you honestly believe with all the other forms of communication available they are communicating to us it that way?

That would be like my brother wanting to talk to me and so he cuts my grass to let me know. Instead of calling me on the phone, or sending me a letter or using the internet.

ragingloli's avatar

I already addressed why they might do it this way. The same reason why one doesn’t slap the rats rear to steer it through the labyrinth to get it to the goal, but put a piece of cheese at the end and let the smell guide it.

CMaz's avatar

We do that because Rats cant talk to us. If they were able to communicate to us with geometry. We would not need to use a maze. Do you think we are like rats to others in the universe?

ragingloli's avatar

For a long time, black people where considered animals by white people, and they both were part of the same species. Why wouldn’t a vastly superior alien civilisation view us the same way?

CMaz's avatar

Becaus if they did we would have been enslaved.

In times of slavery you still were able to communicate to the black man.
You did not go down the street and shake a tree to let him know what you need him to do.

ragingloli's avatar

“Becaus if they did we would have been enslaved.” Only if we had some sort of use for them. Which we probably don’t have. Monkeys and apes have primitive societies and tool making abilites, so their relative developmental status may be similar to hours in relation to a prospective alien civilisation. We don’t use monkeys as servants, do we?

The reason they don’t talk to us face to face may be that they think such direct contact, maybe even the knowledge that they existed, would result in negative repercussions for our civilisation, including self obliteration (see my above responses)
So they might resort to little cues instead, like crop circles, to encourage thinking.
Something along the lines of: “what is this. what caused it. might it have been a message from an unknown source. if yes, what is the message.”

CMaz's avatar

“We don’t use monkeys as servants, do we?”
I know we would be relating to them at a higher level if they understood geometry.

Do you understand that. If they are people from space communicating with us. They are sending us geometric shapes. That is a serious form of communication.

“maybe even the knowledge that they existed, would result in negative repercussions for our civilization”

Ok I get it now. Crop circles are unobtrusive. They blend in so well. An alien artist just drawing in the sand.

ragingloli's avatar

Well apparently they are not obtrusive enough to convince everyone that they are of extraterrestrial origin. most people think , you included, that all crop circles are man made.

jimanvlad's avatar

Aliens would have better things to do or better ways to show us they exist than drawing some silly circles in some silly plantations.

Darwin's avatar

@jimanvlad – Not if they are teenaged aliens, out joyriding in the parental UFO.

Aster's avatar

I realize that scientists believe if you cannot prove it, it doesn’t exist. If it is not from the planet Earth it isn’t there. How scientific.
I believe the farmers who say they went to bed. When they woke up there was an intricate crop circle on their field. Yes; a number of them are man-made. But not all are man made.
The why’s of things we don’t know yet. We may never know why. Decades ago, did we know Why the pyramids were built? We know now. Why was the Sphinx constructed? (even if I can’t spell it, it’s still there). Why do we dream? Can we Prove we dream? We cannot answer so we therefore do not dream. How and why did we go from amoeba and protozoa to homo sapiens? Can we prove it?
I am convinced there are planets in some solar system that are populated by beings FAR more developed than we are. It seems to me to be very unscientific to think “we’re alone.” No; it doesn’t follow that crop circles can be made by aliens. It’s just my opinion that many of them were and I think they’re just wanting to let us know that they’re here. In a non-threatening way, just before we blow their brains out. Or at least we’ll try.

Aster's avatar

@ChazMaz “Do you think we are like rats to others in the universe?” Quite possibly.
I Love your answers! ((-:

ragingloli's avatar

And humans have better things to do than to harass cats with laser pointers…oh wait.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Da, all of them have been made by human hoaxsters. Anyone who believes otherwise is rather gullible. How else would they be made? If someone says, “ETs did it”, I point out that some leading scientists have shown that “Interstellar Travel Is Preposterous”. Nobel Prize winner in Physics Edward M. Purcell was one of the first to show this mathematically. Astronomer Sebastian von Hoerner agrees and adds, “The fuel demands for interstellar travel can never be met”. As you can hopefully perceive, there are no ET visitors to make crop circles.

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