General Question

RachelZ's avatar

GIRLS! What is your favorite thing about being a girl and least favorite thing?

Asked by RachelZ (162points) July 17th, 2009
33 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Just thought this would be a fun one!
LIKE= SALONS, BOOB POWER, & Not having to take out the trash lol!

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peyton_farquhar's avatar

You don’t have to take out the trash ‘cause you’re a girl?
What country do you live in?

peyton_farquhar's avatar

You don’t have to take out the trash ‘cause you’re a girl?
What country do you live in?

Jude's avatar

There is no “least” for me. I dig being a chick. :) Don’t mind taking out the trash, working on my engine..

Ivan's avatar


marinelife's avatar

I really like being a woman.

My favorite thing is having access to my feelings and being able to express them in words.

My least favorite thing is still living in a patriarchal society in the 21st century in which men have most of the power.

RachelZ's avatar

HAHA I live in The United States of America :) My husband is a wonderful gentleman! I do plenty of cleaning… just not the trash:)

fireinthepriory's avatar

I really like being a woman, too. I’m having a hard time coming up with a “favorite thing” that is truly indicative of being female, though… Things I like that are typically associated with “womanhood,” such as wearing lacy things or baking, could also be true if I were male. Other than having breasts… But I don’t want to call that my favorite thing!! Not being susceptible to prostate cancer also crossed my mind… Ok going to stop trying now. :) My least favorite thing is menstrual cramps.

cak's avatar

Like @Marina, I enjoy being a woman. I even think for all the cramps, pain and misery PMS has tortured me with, I’ll accept it, for the two beautiful children I have, in return.

Again, like @Marina, I hate still living in a patriarchal society. I know there are women that make advances and move to the top; however, the glass ceiling still exists.

I do plenty of “guy” things. I don’t mind my hands getting dirty!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
aiwendil's avatar

@cak- Who would actually genuinely enjoy PMS!? :P Although, I can’t really say much since I have no children to show for it and I don’t really suffer too much from it.
But, having a period that I can’t see coming is one of my least favorite things. I have an irregular cycle and no cramps before hand, so it’s ALWAYS a surprise. (I once went a whole summer without it, which was actually enjoyable.)

There’s a lot of great things about being a woman, and there’s a lot more to say for it today than a few decades ago and beyond that. But, sometimes it is nice to be a little weak in the eyes of your significant other, just for the sake of being swept off your feet or being kissed gently on your forehead and going all wobbly-kneed.

janbb's avatar

The best thing about being a “girl” is that I got to be my sons’ Mom.

The worst thing was probably being harassed by strangers as a teenager and not being able to walk around freely. Oh, and constantly having to make the choice between wearing comfortable shoes and being stylish!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

best thing: boobs
worst thing: menstrual nonsense

i can’t think of much exclusive to girls besides physical stuff like that haha

cak's avatar

@aiwendil – Oh, I didn’t say that I enjoyed PMS. I said I put up with the torture – I got two great kids, in return. I hated PMS…but in the grand scheme of things, if that is part of the reason why I wound up with two great kids, okay. I won’t complain.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
aiwendil's avatar

@cak- Oh, I understood you. Just saying that I don’t yet have anything to make is worthwhile. Since you have your children, and I don’t have any, at least you can sort of “appreciate” it in an odd way.

cyn's avatar

+ I don’t have to touch my parts when I have to pee.

Emelo123's avatar

@cyndihugs great answer. I totally agree.
Girls are muchh more cleaner than boys—Favoriite
Period every month- LEast favorite

irocktheworld's avatar

@cyndihugs I agree!!! :P Periods suck soo much :[

irocktheworld's avatar

I like being a girl because i like all the make up and all the cute clothes :)
I hate the periods and shaving and stuff like that

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

how the hell did I stumble into this thread….

Bri_L's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 – maybe the fun tag? That’s how I got here

I can’t stand periods either. But they are no where near as bad as question marks!

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

it was in my “questions we think you’d like” tab…. uh… good call Fluther…

ESV's avatar

I’m not a woman in real life but I changed that in Second Life to see how it is and I found I got it easier talking and getting things from both men and women. Maybe because I made my hair and eyes etc all purrty. LoL

answerjill's avatar

Best: having the potential to give birth some day
Worst: menstruation
And yes, they are related to each other.

basp's avatar

I like it when gentlemen open doors for me.
I don’t like it when male chauvinists think I can’t open a door and walk in the building all by myself.
(I’m allowed to be illogical here…I’m a woman,afterall)

aiwendil's avatar

@basp- It makes sense, at least it does to me! There’s a proper way for a man to go about being chivalrous. ;)

basp's avatar

A sister in spirit… Nice to meet you. Welcome to fluther.

tinyfaery's avatar

Hate: Menstrual cycle
Love: Everything else.

saranwrapper's avatar

love: internal genitalia
hate: bleeding from said genitalia

Supacase's avatar

Favorite: I loved being pregnant. Giving birth was the most amazing experience of my life, though labor & delivery were not exactly fun.

Least favorite: Society’s expectation for “girls” to look a certain way.

kenmc's avatar

Having a penis.

oh, wait…

StephK's avatar

Least: Dear old Aunt Rose
Most: Getting the car door opened for you! or maybe that’s just my extremely amazing boyfriend. and since i’m pretty sure he would only date girls, this still counts.

Clair's avatar

I love everything about being a woman. Every single thing.
I’m strong, I’m independent, I’m a child bearer, I’m beautiful, I’m sensitive, I’m compassionate, I’m intelligent and I answer to no one. Sounds perfect to me.

MaryW's avatar

I hate menstruation and love being a mom and grandmom the best but I really LOVE being a woman. Women can do guy and girl things while wearing really cool girl clothes. We can really enjoy guys without having to be in their locker room.

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