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eekads's avatar

Do you Believe the world will end in 2012?

Asked by eekads (46points) August 8th, 2009
40 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

There are rumors about the world ending in 2012 ,on December 21 . I think it’s possible , I’m a little skeptical about it, but it’s just a rumor and i think something about the end/restart of the Mayan Calendar.

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ragingloli's avatar

just as likely as godzilla coming out of the sea and playing snooker against ronny o’sullivan

ragingloli's avatar

and the mayan calendar does not end. it restarts

Tink's avatar

Nope. When the Easter bunny is proven to lay eggs, i might believe it. But no.

filmfann's avatar

The Mayan Calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012. On that day, the Solar System passes thru the Milky Plane, which is the middle of the edge of the plate of the Milky Way. It moves from the lower half of the plate, to the upper half. The Mayans felt the calendars would restart at that point, so they ended their calendar on that day.
This is the most misunderstood concept going these days.

mirza's avatar

It’s just the same BS as the world ending on may 5th or that computers are gonna stop working after y2k

jrpowell's avatar

The world will not end, but the programming on The History Channel will get better.

Sarcasm's avatar

The whole Mayan calendar thing is ridiculous.
It’s like having a 4-digit combination lock. The highest number you can get to is 9999 on it.
That’s what happens in December 21, 2012. Their counting system (Like days, months) gets to the max.

mrentropy's avatar

Why do you think I’ve been borrowing so much money?

On a serious note, I think the only thing that’ll happen in 2012 is a bunch of Mayans have to buy new calendars.

AstroChuck's avatar

No. I don’t believe all of these Mayan apocalypse questions will ever end either.

Grisaille's avatar



Because, on the days leading up to 12.12.2012, there will be a billion people on the internet, all asking each other the same question. Misinformation will be spread, and panic will ensue.

Twitter will become a breeding ground. Facebook will reek of insanity. Word of mouth will spread, and a billion other users will hop on the internet.

On December 12, 2012 at precisely 12:12 PM GMT, the internet will collapse. Billions of gullible idiots will yell out in anguish, and then be forever silenced.

filmfann's avatar

@Grisaille You’re saying the Mayans have a death star?

Grisaille's avatar

There’s more than one way to end the world.

Just sayin’.

marinelife's avatar

It is, as so many things are, a misinterpretation of the facts. For some reason, many people will believe outlandish concepts rather than the more prosaic facts.

marcosthecuban's avatar

an ancient wise man once said that none of us will know when

filmfann's avatar

@marcosthecuban Are you talking about my grandpa Art? He used to ask me to pull his finger.

DeanV's avatar

@filmfann The Mayans don’t have a death star. AT&T does.

irocktheworld's avatar

I don’t want the world to end!!!!!!!!!! :o
I’ve heard that too,my younger sister is researching it but i dont believe it and I don’t want it to!!! :(
why do people even say that? It’s probally not true

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Grisaille the world must have already ended because Facebook already reeks of insanity.

filmfann's avatar

@dverhey I work for AT&T, and we do refer to the San Ramon complex as the death star

DeanV's avatar

So the world will begin to end in San Ramon. Good to know.

But no, I don’t believe any of that. I could see a large internet freakout like what @Grisaille said, but I don’t think the entire world will end. They all said the same thing about Y2K.

Grisaille's avatar


Narcissistic cesspool?



Not yet.

Likeradar's avatar

The world will end in 2012.. right after monkeys fly out of my butt.

dynamicduo's avatar

There is no proof to support this theory, thus it is illogical to believe such a claim. Otherwise, by that logic, you have to believe everything everyone says.

Here, I am telling you the world will end tomorrow. Why don’t you believe my claim? You must then apply that logic to the 2012 claim and you shall see it too collapses into nothingness.

Austinlad's avatar

One thing is sure. One way or the other, this silly thread will end.

filmfann's avatar

@Austinlad Welcome to Fluther. Lurve.
And you’re wrong. Threads here go on forever, or till the Mods close them.

mattbrowne's avatar

The world already ended on January 1, 2000. If some people still think they are real, they should get treatment for suffering from delusion. How can anyone die twice?

denidowi's avatar

... Because the Lord’s not returning for more than 20 years yetLOL!
So, you still have just a LITTLE time to work and repent of your ways, and come to know Him!
But I’ll tell you wot!
Things are going to get extremely worse before He comes… but 2020 will be worse than 2012 – no Question!!!LOL

Sarcasm's avatar

@denidowi What makes you say He is coming in 20 years?

Grisaille's avatar

@Sarcasm Don’t.

denidowi's avatar

Oh Grisaille, please don’t be like that!!
Don’t be a ‘Kill-joy’ in life: it is too short to put restrictions on people like that – espec if they really have something to sayLOL!!! ;)

@Sarcasm – studying God, coming to know Him, serving with genuine ‘charity’, the Great God moved me to personal prophecy one day there about 7 years back… and I believe He repeated something similar to me about a month ago in the Lord’s Temple in Wantirna, Melbourne: So I would be expecting Him sometime during the first half of the 2030’s.

But in all seriousness, it is an opportunity for us all to prepare, and not waste anymore time about it, you might sayLOL!
Get into it, in other words… and be a Joy in life for others, a joy for yourself, and a Joy and pleasure for your Maker.
If you are not already familiar, you will find it a Wonderfully rewarding and exciting and personally peaceful life.

Sarcasm's avatar

@denidowi I agree, Grisaille is a total killboy!

But, I wasn’t asking why you think God is returning. What I meant is, why do you think he’ll return in 2030? why not 2020, or 2012, or 2010, or 2099, etc. etc.

delirium's avatar

That should really cover it all. Thank you for your time.

denidowi's avatar

@Sarcasm – I do not know why it will be in the early 30’s; all I was given was that that would effectively be the time. Time to prepare now, I believe… in order to be truly ‘ready’.

I BELIEVE it may have something to do with holy writ’s statement that “1000 years unto man is as a day with God” ... seeing God rested the 7th Day, I am believing that because religious history currently sits near the end of 6,000 years, He is about to usher in that ‘Promised’ Millenium of 1000 years of pure peace and order: I am thinking that as Jesus Resurrection [or Heavenly Birth] was of far greater import than His mere earthly birth [He lived for about 33 years], that somewhere in the 30’s fits perfectly.

But more importantly than this, simply, He told me so… and that counts for “everything”!

avvooooooo's avatar

Its why I’m selling my patent pending “End of the World Kit.” for $99.99. Paypal accepted. ;D

denidowi's avatar

Well, you’ve got just over 20 years to make the best money you can ;) ... Cos after that, money will be completely Useless in the Lord’s MilleniumLOL!!!

stupidcomedycenter's avatar

The world is not going to end in 2012. Here are some predictions and the true facts behind them.

2012 myth: A planet called ‘Nibiru’ will collide with the earth in December 2012.

Fact: The planet Nibiru does not exist. It has never been seen by any astronomers. The claim was first made by an obscure sci-fi author and was latched onto by conspiracy theorists. They claim that the planet is ’‘invisible’’ but this is impossible. It would also be impossible for the government to conceal a new planet as it would be tracked by academics and amateur astronomers worldwide.

Mayan calendar
2010 myth: The world will end at the same time as the Mayan calendar in December 2012.

Fact: There have been thousands of calendars in use over the years. Calendars, whether contemporary or ancient, cannot predict the future of our planet or warn of things to happen on a specific date such as 2012. Digital clocks reset at 23.59 each night to 00.00 but the world continues. Calendars go from December 31 to January 1 each year but the world continues.

Earth’s rotation
2012 myth: An alignment of planets in our galaxy, the Milky Way, could revers the Earth’s rotational or disrupt the Earth’s gravitational field.

Fact: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. It has never happened and never will. It would be like a basketball that is spinning on somebody’s finger suddenly stopping and going the other way.

With regard to the Earth’s gravitational field, the magnetic polarity of Earth does take place around every 400,000 years but scientists don’t believe it will take place for another few millennia and there is no evidence it would do any harm.

2012 myth: The end of the world in 2012 coincides with a prediction by sixteenth century seer Nostradamus.

Fact: There’s no evidence that Nostradamus has correctly predicted anything. His vague writings are based on imagery and metaphor and can be interpreted in many different ways.

2012 film
2012 myth: The film ‘2012’ is a warning sign or prediction that the world is due to end shortly.

Fact: The film uses a sophisticated PR campaign which incorporates elements of ‘viral’ marketing. The trailer for the film plays on conspiracy theorists’ fears that the truth is being somehow hidden by directing viewers to a ‘faux scientific’ website. Did the events in Jurassic park, Jumanji, or Men in Black ever happen? Quite simply, Hollywood bossed have used fears, rumours and scaremongering to make money at the box-office

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